
How does the consumer’s positive and negative electronic word of mouth expand the retail brand experience dimensions? Lessons from IKEA and Lidl

Brandão, A., Borges, M., Gadekar, M., & Ribeirinho, M. (2024). How does the consumer’s positive and negative electronic word of mouth expand the retail brand experience dimensions? Lessons from IKEA and Lidl. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1-26.
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Does user-generated content influence value co-creation in the context of luxury fashion brand communities? Matching inclusivity and exclusivity

Basile, V., Brandão, A., & Ferreira, M. (2024). Does user-generated content influence value co-creation in the context of luxury fashion brand communities? Matching inclusivity and exclusivity. Italian Journal of Marketing, 1-26.
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Consumers' perceptions of proximity to plastic pollution and support for environmentally friendly retail brands: An emerging market perspective

Gadekar, M., & Brandão, A. (2025). Consumers' perceptions of proximity to plastic pollution and support for environmentally friendly retail brands: An emerging market perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 83, 104126.
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An overlapping-generations model with data-driven equilibrium behavior

Gorokhovsky, A., & Rubinchik, A. (2024). An overlapping-generations model with data-driven equilibrium behavior. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 103065.
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International spillovers of unconventional monetary policy: A meta-analysis

Araújo, T., Afonso, Ó., Neves, P. C., & Sochirca, E. (2024). International spillovers of unconventional monetary policy: A meta-analysis. Portuguese Economic Journal, 1-20.
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The role of competition on equity crowdfunding

Correia, S., Sousa, M. & Brandão, E. (2024). The role of competition on equity crowdfunding. The Journal of Technology Transfer.
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Adaptability, diversification, and energy shocks: A firm level productivity analysis

Henriques, S. T., Sharp, P., & Vedel, C. (2024). Adaptability, diversification, and energy shocks: A firm level productivity analysis. Energy Economics, 107887.
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Profit effects of consumers’ identity management: A dynamic model

Laussel, D., Van Long, N., & Resende, J. (2023). Profit effects of consumers’ identity management: A dynamic model. Management Science, 69(6), 3602-3615.
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Understanding the Influence of Wind and Solar PV on Socioeconomic and Environmental Trends: A Non-causality Perspective

Silva, P., Amaral, R., Fortes, P., & Soares, I. (2024). Understanding the Influence of Wind and Solar PV on Socioeconomic and Environmental Trends: A Non-causality Perspective. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14(5), 1–9.
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What Lies behind the Returns to Schooling: The Role of Labor Market Sorting and Worker Heterogeneity

Portugal, P., Reis, H., Guimarães, P., & Cardoso, A. R. (2024). What Lies behind the Returns to Schooling: The Role of Labor Market Sorting and Worker Heterogeneity. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45.
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Bifurcation Mechanism at a Sustain Point of a Long Narrow Economy

Ikeda, K., Aizawa, H., & Gaspar, J. M. (2024). Bifurcation Mechanism at a Sustain Point of a Long Narrow Economy. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2430021.
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Internal competitiveness and market leadership in the adoption of green technologies in the Portuguese textiles and apparel industry

Ribeiro, V. M., & Soares, I. (2024). Internal competitiveness and market leadership in the adoption of green technologies in the Portuguese textiles and apparel industry. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 69, 103899.
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Exploring ageing consumers’ usage of content marketing, content typology and online brand advocacy

Bubphapant, J., & Brandão, A. (2024). Exploring ageing consumers’ usage of content marketing, content typology and online brand advocacy. EuroMed Journal of Business.
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Insights into employee perspectives on corporate social responsibility policies and practices: Embeddedness, participation, and meaningfulness through work

Rodrigues, S., Proença, T., & Ferreira, M. R. (2024). Insights into employee perspectives on corporate social responsibility policies and practices: Embeddedness, participation, and meaningfulness through work. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
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Evaluating the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress as a CSR Benchmarking Tool

Ribeiro, L., Branco, M. C., & Chaves, C. (2024). Evaluating the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress as a CSR Benchmarking Tool. Systems, 12(5), 146.
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A decade of international diversity in collaborative research published in highly ranked accounting journals

Ferreira Leitão Azevedo, R., Lourenço, I., Oliveira, J., & Branco, M. C. (2024). A decade of international diversity in collaborative research published in highly ranked accounting journals. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.
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A sustainability assessment modeling-based external account of the impacts of mining activities in Brazil

Angotii, M., Ferreira, A. C. D. S., Eugénio, T., Branco, M. C., & Queiroz, J. M. (2024). A sustainability assessment modeling-based external account of the impacts of mining activities in Brazil. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal.
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CSR research in corporate finance: a comment on Gillan et al.,“firms and social responsibility: a review of ESG and CSR research in corporate finance”

Branco, M. C. (2024). CSR research in corporate finance: a comment on Gillan et al.,“firms and social responsibility: a review of ESG and CSR research in corporate finance”. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 15(1), 85-95.
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A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector – giving marginalized communities a voice

Angotti, M., Ferreira, A. C. D. S., Eugénio, T., & Branco, M. C. (2024). A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector–giving marginalized communities a voice. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(1), 42-63.
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Can consumer surplus decrease with merger efficiencies?

Brito, D., & Vasconcelos, H. (2024). Can consumer surplus decrease with merger efficiencies?. Economics Letters, 239, 111732.
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Boundary objects and boundary work: Making exchange possible in a pluralistic economic geography

Henning, M., & Carvalho, L. (2024). Boundary objects and boundary work: Making exchange possible in a pluralistic economic geography. Progress in Economic Geography, 2(1), 100015.
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Real-time nowcasting the monthly unemployment rates with daily Google Trends data

Costa, E.A., Silva, M.E., & Galvão, A.B. (2024). Real-time nowcasting the monthly unemployment rates with daily Google Trends data. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 95, 101963.
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Predicting macroeconomic indicators from online activity data: A review

Costa, E. A., & Silva, M. E. Predicting macroeconomic indicators from online activity data: A review. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, (Preprint), 1-17.
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Corporate structure and prevention: the three lines model applied to Latin American companies

Lizarzaburu, E., Farfan, K. B., Camacho, M., and García-Gómez, C. D. 2024. Corporate structure and prevention: the three lines model applied to Latin American companies. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(1), 226-240.
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The moderating role of economic uncertainty via corruption on investment: evidence from European firm level

Akron, S., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2024). The moderating role of economic uncertainty via corruption on investment: evidence from European firm level. European Journal of International Management, 22(2), 230-253.
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Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence

García-Gómez, C. D., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & Lizarzaburu Bolaños, E. (2024). Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence. The European Journal of Finance, 30(4), 411-429.
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Climate vulnerability and capital investments in tourism

Er, S. T., Demir, E., & Garcia-Gomez, C. D. (2024). Climate vulnerability and capital investments in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6.
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Owner Guarantees, Observed and Unobserved Risks, and Bank Lending Spreads.

Duarte, F. D., Gama, A. P. M., & Gulamhussen, M. A. (2024). Owner Guarantees, Observed and Unobserved Risks, and Bank Lending Spreads. Journal of Financial Services Research, 1-41.
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Pioneering paradigms: unraveling niche opportunities in green finance through bibliometric analysis of nation brands and brand culture.

Ribeiro, V. M. (2024). Pioneering paradigms: unraveling niche opportunities in green finance through bibliometric analysis of nation brands and brand culture. Green Finance, 6(2), 287-347.
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Agglomeration economies and firm’s export intensity: evidence from Portuguese manufacturing SMEs

Forte, R., & Medeiros, A. (2024). Agglomeration economies and firm’s export intensity: evidence from Portuguese manufacturing SMEs. Empirica, 1-22.
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Employment and wage dynamics in the electricity sector: Evidence from Portugal 2002–2020

Alvarelhão, A., Resende, J., & Carneiro, A. (2024). Employment and wage dynamics in the electricity sector: Evidence from Portugal 2002–2020. Energy Economics, 130, 107310.
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On the optimality of policy choices in the face of biased beliefs, retrospective voting and the down-up problem

Seixas, C., Lourenço, D. On the optimality of policy choices in the face of biased beliefs, retrospective voting and the down-up problem. Social Choice and Welfare (2024).
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Spectres of Mises: controversial methodological claims reassessed

Lourenço, D., & Mário Graça, M. (2024). Spectres of Mises: controversial methodological claims reassessed. Journal of Economic Methodology, 1-16.
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The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad

Pinto, L. H., Fernandes, E., & Xinyan, L. (2024). The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 18(2), 303-326.
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What is in your résumé? The effects of multiple social categories in résumé screening

Pinto, L. H., Portugal, R., & Viana, P. (2023). What is in your résumé? The effects of multiple social categories in résumé screening. Personnel Review.
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An exploratory study on career models and mechanisms of career advancement of Emirati women managers

Al Imam, L., & Pinto, L. H. (2023). An exploratory study on career models and mechanisms of career advancement of Emirati women managers. Career Development International, 28(6/7), 739-755.
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Guest editorial: only replications

Selmer, J., Shaffer, M., Guttormsen, D. S., Stoermer, S., Pinto, L. H., Chen, Y. P., & Lauring, J. (2023). Guest editorial: only replications. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 11(3), 297-299.
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A note on financial literacy among literate people and their participation in different securities market segments

Alves, C. F. (2023). A note on financial literacy among literate people and their participation in different securities market segments. Studies in Economics and Finance, 40(2), 286-301.
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Bank-specific capital requirements: Short and long-run determinants

Alves, C. F., Citterio, A., & Marques, B. P. (2023). Bank-specific capital requirements: Short and long-run determinants. Finance Research Letters, 52, 103558.
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Forecasting Inflation with the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Frequencies Matter

Martins, Manuel M. F. & Verona, Fabio (2024): "Forecasting Inflation with the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Frequencies Matter", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
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On the right track? Energy use, carbon emissions, and intensities of world rail transportation, 1840–2020

Tostes, B., Henriques, S. T., Brockway, P. E., Heun, M. K., Domingos, T., & Sousa, T. (2024). On the right track? Energy use, carbon emissions, and intensities of world rail transportation, 1840–2020. Applied Energy, 367, 123344.
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Effectiveness of ATM withdrawal forecasting methods under different market conditions

Suder, M., Gurgul, H., Barbosa, B., Machno, A., & Lach, Ł. (2024). Effectiveness of ATM withdrawal forecasting methods under different market conditions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123089.
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Perceived greenwashing and its impact on eco-friendly product purchase

Barbosa, B., Oliveira, Z., & Coelho, A. M. R. (2024). Perceived greenwashing and its impact on eco-friendly product purchase. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(2), 1-12.
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How do e-governance and e-business drive sustainable development goals?

Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Saura, J. R., & Barbosa, B. (2024). How do e-governance and e-business drive sustainable development goals?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 199, 123082.
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Older Adults’ Continuance Intentions for Online Physical Exercise Classes

Taveira, F., & Barbosa, B. (2024). Older Adults’ Continuance Intentions for Online Physical Exercise Classes. Behavioral Sciences, 14(5), 393.
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On the survival of a flawed theory of capital: mainstream economics and the Cambridge capital controversies

Nunes-Pereira F., Moura, Mário G. (2024). On the survival of a flawed theory of capital: mainstream economics and the Cambridge capital controversies. Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 48, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 169–186.
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An institutionalist political-economy perspective on social and environmental accounting

Castelo Branco, M. C., Gomes, D., & Martins, A. (2024). An institutionalist political-economy perspective on social and environmental accounting. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(7), 35-55.
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Accountability and sustainability in the public sector: an impression management perspective for research

Gomes, D., Martins, A., & Branco, M. C. (2023). Accountability and sustainability in the public sector: an impression management perspective for research. In The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting (pp. 264-278). Routledge.
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Not your fault, but your responsibility: worsened consumer sentiment on work-from-home products

Cintra, G., & Grilo, F. (2024). Not your fault, but your responsibility: worsened consumer sentiment on work-from-home products. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-13.
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Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation

Rosales-Asensio, E., Diez, D. B., & Sarmento, P. (2024). Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189, 113918.
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Effectiveness and efficiency of support schemes in promoting renewable energy sources in the Spanish electricity market

Rosales-Asensio, E., Diez, D. B., Cabrera, P., & Sarmento, P. (2024). Effectiveness and efficiency of support schemes in promoting renewable energy sources in the Spanish electricity market. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 158, 109926.
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Cinema Exhibition on a Cultural Basis in Europe: Reflecting on the Contributions of the Nordic Model for Portuguese Local Cinema Policies

Miranda, M., & Santos, H. (2024). Cinema Exhibition on a Cultural Basis in Europe: Reflecting on the Contributions of the Nordic Model for Portuguese Local Cinema Policies. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 1-16.
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How Leaders ‘Strength of Heart’ and ‘Strength of Will’ Enhance Team Performance

Rego, A., Simpson, A. V., Cunha, M. P. e, Silard, A., Oliveira, E. A. da S., & Mamedio, D. F. (2024). How Leaders ‘Strength of Heart’ and ‘Strength of Will’ Enhance Team Performance. Human Performance, 1–25.
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The early days of neobanks in Europe: identification, performance, and riskiness

Citterio, A., Marques, B. P., & Tanda, A. (2024). The early days of neobanks in Europe: Identification, performance, and riskiness. Journal of Financial Services Research, 1-47.
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What lies behind returns to schooling: the role of labor market sorting and worker heterogeneity

Portugal, P., Reis, H., Guimarães, P., & Cardoso, A. R. (2023). What lies behind returns to schooling: the role of labor market sorting and worker heterogeneity (No. w202322).
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Can operational efficiency in the Portuguese electricity sector be improved? Yes, but...

Hou, Z., Roseta-Palma, C., & Ramalho, J. J. (2024). Can operational efficiency in the Portuguese electricity sector be improved? Yes, but.... Energy Policy, 190, 114146.
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From electrification to decarbonization: Insights from Portugal's experience (1960–2016)

Felício, L., Henriques, S. T., Guevara, Z., & Sousa, T. (2024). From electrification to decarbonization: Insights from Portugal's experience (1960–2016). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 198, 114419.
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Territorial comparative advantage, wage inequality, and monetary policy in the global world

Óscar Afonso and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2024). "Territorial comparative advantage, wage inequality, and monetary policy in the global world". Journal of International Money and Finance, 143, 103075.
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Asset bubbles and product market competition

Queirós, F. (2024). Asset bubbles and product market competition. Theoretical Economics, 19(1), 325-364.
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Do human capital and institutional quality contribute to Brazil's long term real convergence/divergence process? A Markov regime-switching autoregressive approach

Doré, N.I., Teixeira, A.A.C. (2024). “Do human capital and institutional quality contribute to Brazil's long term real convergence/divergence process? A Markov regime-switching autoregressive approach”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 20, art. no. e9.
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Research output and economic growth in technological laggard contexts: a longitudinal analysis (1980–2019) by type of research

Pinto, T., Teixeira, A.A.C. (2024). “Research output and economic growth in technological laggard contexts: a longitudinal analysis (1980–2019) by type of research”. Scientometrics (2024).
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Editorial: trust-building and corruption

Farinha, J., F. García-Moreno, Ó. López-de-Foronda and W. Sroka, (2024). Editorial: trust-building and corruption, European Journal of International Management, Vol. 22, nr. 2, pp. 165-174.
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What do we know about the choices of entrepreneurs before the equity crowdfunding campaign?

Correia, S., Sousa, M. & Brandão, E. (2024). What do we know about the choices of entrepreneurs before the equity crowdfunding campaign?. Small Business Economics, 1-31.
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Solving differential eigenproblems via the Tau spectral method

Vasconcelos, P. B., Roman, J. E., & Matos, J. A. (2023). Solving differential eigenproblems via the Tau spectral method. Numerical Algorithms, 92, 1798–1811.
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Are peripheral regions in troubled waters for sustainability transitions? A systematic analysis of the literature

Vale, M., Peponi, A., Carvalho, L., Veloso, A., Queirós, M., & Morgado, P. (2023). Are peripheral regions in troubled waters for sustainability transitions? A systematic analysis of the literature. European Urban and Regional Studies. Advance online publication.
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Online strategies of brands: A case of Portuguese luxury fashion designers

Teixeira, S., Reis, J. L., Barbosa, B., & Ferreira, S. (2023). Online strategies of brands: A case of Portuguese luxury fashion designers. Innovative Marketing, 19(1), 72-85.
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Industry 4.0: The future of manufacturing from the perspective of business and economics – A bibliometric literature review

Teixeira, J., & Tavares-Lehmann, A. T. (2023). Industry 4.0: The future of manufacturing from the perspective of business and economics – A bibliometric literature review. Competitiveness Review, 33(2), 458–482.
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Addressing inclusion, innovation, and sustainability challenges through the lens of economic geography: Introducing the Hierarchical Regional Innovation System

Tartaruga, I., Sperotto, F., & Carvalho, L. (2023). Addressing inclusion, innovation, and sustainability challenges through the lens of economic geography: Introducing the Hierarchical Regional Innovation System. Geography and Sustainability. Advance online publication.
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Time series of counts under censoring: A Bayesian approach

Silva, I., Silva, M. E., Pereira, I., & McCabe, B. (2023). Time series of counts under censoring: A Bayesian approach. Entropy, 25(4), 549.
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Chatbot-based services: A study on customers’ reuse intention

Silva, F. A., Shojaei, A. S., & Barbosa, B. (2023). Chatbot-based services: A study on customers’ reuse intention. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18(1), 457-474.
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Benchmarking urban competitiveness for economic recovery: An application to Porto and Lisbon

Sgambati, S., & Carvalho, L. (2023). Benchmarking urban competitiveness for economic recovery: An application to Porto and Lisbon. Journal of Place Management and Development. Advance online publication.
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Do corporate social responsibility practices have an impact on employer attractiveness – an approach to corporate volunteering programs

Seara, M., Proença, T., & Ferreira, M.R. (2023). Do corporate social responsibility practices have an impact on employer attractiveness – an approach to corporate volunteering programs. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, Vol. ahead-of-print.
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Editorial: Fostering sustainable career throughout lifespan of employees

Savaneviciene, A., Peters, P., Manuti, A., Cabral-Cardoso, C., & Karman, A. (2023). Editorial: Fostering sustainable career throughout lifespan of employees. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
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Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation

Sarmento, P., Rosales-Asensio, E., & Borge Diez, D. (2023). Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189(Part A), 113918.
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Intention to Purchase Eco-Friendly Handcrafted Fashion Products for Gifting and Personal Use: A Comparison of National and Foreign Consumers

Saepudin, D., Shojaei, A. S., Barbosa, B., & Pedrosa, I. (2023). Intention to Purchase Eco-Friendly Handcrafted Fashion Products for Gifting and Personal Use: A Comparison of National and Foreign Consumers. Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 171.
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The Mediating Role of Perceived Brand Authenticity Between Brand Experience and Brand Love: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Rodrigues, C., Brandão, A., Billore, S., & Tetsuhisa, O. (2023). The Mediating Role of Perceived Brand Authenticity Between Brand Experience and Brand Love: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Journal of Brand Management. Advance online publication.
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Early-stage start-up hiring: The interplay between start-ups’ initial resources and innovation orientation

Rocha, V., & Grilli, L. (2023). Early-stage start-up hiring: The interplay between start-ups’ initial resources and innovation orientation. Small Business Economics.
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Role of next generation access networks on COVID-19 propagation: Empirical assessment with a dynamic multinomial discrete choice model framework

Ribeiro, V. M. (2023). Role of next generation access networks on COVID-19 propagation: Empirical assessment with a dynamic multinomial discrete choice model framework. Journal of Digital Economy, 2, 97-118.
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Green bond market boom: Did environmental, social, and governance criteria play a role in reducing health-related uncertainty?

Ribeiro, V. M. (2023). Green bond market boom: Did environmental, social, and governance criteria play a role in reducing health-related uncertainty? Green Finance, 5(1), 18-67.
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Determinants of churn in telecommunication services: A systematic literature review

Ribeiro, H., Barbosa, B., Moreira, A. C., & Rodrigues, R. G. (2023). Determinants of churn in telecommunication services: A systematic literature review. Management Review Quarterly. Advance online publication.
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A closer look at customer experience with bundle telecommunication services and its impacts on satisfaction and switching intention

Ribeiro, H., Barbosa, B., Moreira, A. C., & Rodrigues, R. (2023). A closer look at customer experience with bundle telecommunication services and its impacts on satisfaction and switching intention. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-19. Advance online publication.
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Digital transformation, skills and education: A systematic literature review

Rego, B., Lourenço, D., Moreira, F., & Santos, C. (2023). Digital transformation, skills and education: A systematic literature review. Industry and Higher Education, 0(0).
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Factors influencing employees’ eco-friendly innovation capabilities and behavior: The role of green culture and employees’ motivations

Qalati, S. A., Barbosa, B., & Ibrahim, B. (2023). Factors influencing employees’ eco-friendly innovation capabilities and behavior: The role of green culture and employees’ motivations. Environment, Development and Sustainability. Advance online publication.
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The rise and stall of world electricity efficiency: 1900-2017, results and implications for the renewable transition

Pinto, R., Henriques, S. T., Sousa, T., Brockway, P., & Heun, M. (2023). The rise and stall of world electricity efficiency: 1900-2017, results and implications for the renewable transition. Energy, 269, 2023.
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The race between offshoring and automation in explaining wage polarization

Pinho, M., Afonso, O., & Sequeira, T. (2023). The race between offshoring and automation in explaining wage polarization. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1-35.
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Automation and off(re)shoring: a meta-regression analysis

Pinheiro, A., Sochirca, E., Afonso, O., & Neves, P.C. (2023). Automation and off(re)shoring: a meta-regression analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 264, 108980.
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Building a composite index using the multi-objective approach: An application to the case of human development

Göksu Öztürk, E., Guimarães, P., Silva, S. T., (2024). Building a composite index using the multi-objective approach: An application to the case of human development. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 91, 101756.
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Game theory and governance of protected areas – Peneda Gerês National Park

Nogueira, S., Jayantilal, S., Jorge, S., & Lourenço, D. (2023). Game theory and governance of protected areas – Peneda Gerês National Park. Cogent Business and Management, 10(1).
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Santa Claus Rally and American Depository Receipts - A Note

Nippani, S., & Lobão, J. (2023). Santa Claus Rally and American Depository Receipts - A Note. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, forthcoming
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Inflation and growth in developing economies: A tribute to Professor Thirlwall

Nell, K. S. (2023). Inflation and growth in developing economies: A tribute to Professor Thirlwall. Investigación Económica, 82(326), 41–97.
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The impact of the single supervisory mechanism on Eurozone banking: the assessment of trends in efficiency and frontier position

Moura, P., Barbosa, F., Alves, Carlos F., & Camanho, A. (2023). Moura, P., Barbosa, F., Alves, C., & Camanho, A. S. (2023). The impact of the single supervisory mechanism on Eurozone banking: the assessment of trends in efficiency and frontier position. Applied Economics.
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Aggregate Demand Uncertainty Outbreaks and Employment Hysteresis in G7 Countries

Mota, P. R. (2023). Aggregate Demand Uncertainty Outbreaks and Employment Hysteresis in G7 Countries. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Advance online publication.
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Public–Private Collusion

Mota, F., Correia-da-Silva, J., & Pinho, J. (2023). Public–Private Collusion. Review of Industrial Organization, 62(3), 393–417
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Grounded Theory - An Illustrative Application in the Portuguese Footwear Industry

Monteiro, M., Rosa, Á., Martins, A., & Jayantilal, S. (2023). Grounded Theory—An Illustrative Application in the Portuguese Footwear Industry. Administrative Sciences, 13(2), 59.
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An analysis of the perception of brand equity among members and non-members of football teams and its influence on behavioral intentions

Miranda, Y., Filho, M., Pedroso, C., Biscaia, R., & Brandão, A. (2023). An analysis of the perception of brand equity among members and non-members of football teams and its influence on behavioral intentions. Motricidade, 19(1).
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Estimating the Likelihood of Financial Behaviours Using Nearest Neighbors

Mendes-Neves, T., Seca, D., Sousa, R., Ribeiro, C., & Mendes-Moreira, J. (2023). Estimating the Likelihood of Financial Behaviours Using Nearest Neighbors. Computational Economics.
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Management control practices as performance facilitators in a crisis context

Martins, A., Oliveira, C., Silva, R., & Castelo Branco, M. (2023). Management control practices as performance facilitators in a crisis context. Administrative Sciences, 13(7), 163.
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Higher education students’ perceptions of accounting online learning: the emergency context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Martins, A., Gomes, S., Pacheco, L., & Martins, H. (2023). Higher education students’ perceptions of accounting online learning: the emergency context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accounting Education.
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Heterogeneity of business models and banking sector resilience

Marques, B. P., & Alves, C. F. (2023). Heterogeneity of business models and banking sector resilience. Journal of Banking Regulation.
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Trading rule discovery using technical analysis and a template matching technique for pattern recognition: Evidence from the Chinese stock market

Lobão, Júlio, Pacheco, L., & Fernandes, A. (2023). Trading rule discovery using technical analysis and a template matching technique for pattern recognition: Evidence from the Chinese stock market. International Studies of Economics.
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Specialists or All-rounders: How best to select university students?

Silva, Pedro L. (2023). Specialists or All-rounders: How best to select university students? Journal of Human Capital, Advance online publication.
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Time-Series Momentum in the Portuguese Stock Market: Evidence from a New Historical Financial Dataset

Lobão, J., & Rosário, A. R. (2023). Time-Series Momentum in the Portuguese Stock Market: Evidence from a New Historical Financial Dataset. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 70, 1-18.
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The Adaptive Dynamics of the Halloween Effect: Evidence from a 120-Year Sample from a Small European Market

Lobão, J., & Costa, A. C. (2023). The Adaptive Dynamics of the Halloween Effect: Evidence from a 120-Year Sample from a Small European Market. International Journal of Financial Studies, 11, 13-27.
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Hysteresis in the Dynamics of Employment by Activity Sector

Paulo R. Mota & Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2022) Hysteresis in the Dynamics of Employment by Activity Sector, Review of Political Economy.
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The impact of the Market Abuse Directive on illegal insider trading: evidence from three Southern European stock markets

Lobão, J., & Baptista, S. P. (2023). The impact of the Market Abuse Directive on illegal insider trading: evidence from three Southern European stock markets. Studies in Economics and Finance, 40(5), 913-931.
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Efficiency and price clustering in Islamic stocks: Evidence from three Asian countries

Lobão, J. (2023). Efficiency and price clustering in Islamic stocks: Evidence from three Asian countries. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 136-152.
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Do Employees Work Less for Female Leaders? A Multi-Method Study of Entrepreneurial Firms

Kacperczyk, O., Younkin, P., & Rocha, V. (2023). Do Employees Work Less for Female Leaders? A Multi-Method Study of Entrepreneurial Firms. Organization Science, 34(3), 1111-1133.
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Interactions between financial constraints and economic growth

Jerónimo, J., Azevedo, A., Neves, P.C., & Thompson, M. (2023). Interactions between financial constraints and economic growth. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 67, 101943.
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Reproducibility With Confidential Data: The Experience of BPLIM

Guimarães, P. (2023). Reproducibility With Confidential Data: The Experience of BPLIM. Harvard Data Science Review, 5(3).
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Fast and accurate solvers for weakly singular integral equations

Grammont, L., Kulkarni, R., & Vasconcelos, P. B. (2023). Fast and accurate solvers for weakly singular integral equations. Numerical Algorithms, 92, 2045–2070.
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Variable Split Convolutional Attention: A novel Deep Learning model applied to household electric power consumption

Gonçalves, R., Ribeiro, V. M., & Lobo Pereira, F. (2023). Variable Split Convolutional Attention: A novel Deep Learning model applied to household electric power consumption. Energy, 274, 127321.
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Determinants of Outward FDI from Developing Economies: Evidence for a Sample of Latin American Countries

Forte, R., & Ferreira, M. (2023). Determinants of Outward FDI from Developing Economies: Evidence for a Sample of Latin American Countries. Latin American Business Review, 24(3), 243-268.
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Competitive effects of mergers and of spectrum divestment remedies in mobile telecommunication markets

Ferreira Vasconcelos, H., & Brito, D. (2023). Competitive effects of mergers and of spectrum divestment remedies in mobile telecommunication markets. Telecommunications Policy, 47(10), 102626.
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Launching prosocial crowdfunding campaigns: The final countdown

Duarte, F., Correia, R. E., Tomé, S., & Gama, A. P. M. (2023). Launching prosocial crowdfunding campaigns: The final countdown. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.
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COVID-19 pandemic and local executive-opposition institutional relations: A survey analysis

De Sousa, L., Costa, C., & Grilo, F. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic and local executive-opposition institutional relations: A survey analysis. Local Government Studies.
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The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Credit Risk of US Commercial Banks

De La Orden De La Cruz, M. C., Paule-Vianez, J., & Lobão, J. (2023). The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Credit Risk of US Commercial Banks. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28, 3420-3436.
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A decade of biodiversity conservation: Insights into corporate social responsibility in an emerging market context

Culpi Mann, E., Gomes, H. M., Williamson, A. J., & Branco, M. C. (2023). A decade of biodiversity conservation: Insights into corporate social responsibility in an emerging market context. International Journal of Emerging Markets. Advance online publication.
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Reassessing bank monitoring models: An empirical analysis of the value of market signals in the period 2008-2020

Costa, T., Lobão, J., & Pacheco, L. (2023). Reassessing bank monitoring models: An empirical analysis of the value of market signals in the period 2008-2020. Journal of Banking Regulation, 24, 206-227.
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Herding states and stock market returns

Costa, F., Fortuna, N., & Lobão, J. (2023). Herding states and stock market returns. Research in International Business and Finance, 68, 102163.
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The relevance of Thirlwall’s growth law in the Zambian economy

Chimfwembe, L., & Nell, K. S. (2023). The relevance of Thirlwall’s growth law in the Zambian economy. Metroeconomica, 74(4), 777-805.
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International research collaboration: Is Africa different? A cross-country panel data analysis

Cerdeira, J., Mesquita, J., & Vieira, E. S. (2023). International research collaboration: Is Africa different? A cross-country panel data analysis. Scientometrics.
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Publisher's Note: Arbitrarily large heteroclinic networks in fixed low-dimensional state space

Castro, S. B. S. D., & Lohse, A. (2023). Publisher's Note: Arbitrarily large heteroclinic networks in fixed low-dimensional state space [Chaos 33, 083156 (2023)]. Chaos, 33(10).
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Finite switching near heteroclinic networks

Castro, S. B. S. D. & Garrido-da-Silva, L. (2023). Finite switching near heteroclinic networks. Nonlinearity, 36(12), 6239-6259.
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Hashtag activism by brand lovers: A netnographic study

Carvalho, C. L., & Barbosa, B. (2023). Hashtag activism by brand lovers: A netnographic study. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 23(1/2), 44-61.
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Content marketing research: A review and research agenda

Bubphapant, J., & Brandão, A. (2023). Content Marketing Research: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies. Advance online publication.
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Older Consumer? Yes! Different motivations, but an effective online brand advocate!"- A Content Marketing Typology Framework

Bubphapant, J. and Brandão, A. (2024), “Older consumer? Yes! Different motivations, but an effective online brand advocate!” A content marketing typology framework. Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 129-155.
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Experiência do cliente em serviços de luxo e as suas consequências comportamentais

Brandão, A., Fernandes, S. D., & Rodrigues, P. (2023). Experiência do cliente em serviços de luxo e as suas consequências comportamentais. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(3), 944–1001.
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‘Your comments boost my value!’ – the mediator role of emotional brand attachment between brand equity and social media engagement

Brandão, A., & Silva Ramos, Á. (2023). ‘Your comments boost my value!’ – the mediator role of emotional brand attachment between brand equity and social media engagement. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education.
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Tell me how sustainable you are, and I’ll tell you how much I value you! The impact of young consumers’ motivations on luxury fashion

Brandão, A., & Magalhães, F. (2023). Tell me how sustainable you are, and I’ll tell you how much I value you! The impact of young consumers’ motivations on luxury fashion. Cogent Business & Management, 10(3), 1-49.
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"You got a new name!" How renaming music festival with brand affect festival goer’s purchase intention

Brandão, A., & Gadekar, M. (2023). "You got a new name!" How renaming music festival with brand affect festival goer’s purchase intention. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(3), 261-276.
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O Efeito Moderador do Patrocínio no Impacto do Influenciador Digital no Comportamento do Consumidor

Brandão, A., & Alves, R. (2023). O Efeito Moderador do Patrocínio no Impacto do Influenciador Digital no Comportamento do Consumidor. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 11(20), 41-74
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Postponing the end: Turnover inhibiting factors in the military context

Batista, J., & Oliveira, E. (2023). Postponing the end: Turnover inhibiting factors in the military context. Organization Development Journal, 41(3), 67-84.
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Packaging-free practices in food retail: The impact on customer loyalty

Barbosa, B., Shabani Shojaei, A., & Miranda, H. (2023). Packaging-free practices in food retail: The impact on customer loyalty. Baltic Journal of Management, 8(4), 474-492.
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The multidimensional outcomes of happiness at work when there is not explicit strategy: The views of B2C employees

Barbosa, B., Marques, I., & Santos, C. A. (2023). The multidimensional outcomes of happiness at work when there is not explicit strategy: The views of B2C employees. International Journal of Business and Society, 24(1), 237-253.
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Digital influencers promoting healthy food: The role of source credibility and consumer attitudes and involvement on purchase intention

Añaña, E., & Barbosa, B. (2023). Digital influencers promoting healthy food: The role of source credibility and consumer attitudes and involvement on purchase intention. Sustainability, 15(20), 15002.
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The trade-off between health system resilience and efficiency: evidence from COVID-19 in European regions

Almeida, Á. (2023). The trade-off between health system resilience and efficiency: evidence from COVID-19 in European regions. The European Journal of Health Economics. Advance online publication.
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Technological knowledge and wages: from skill premium to wage polarization

Afonso, O., Sequeira, T., & Almeida, D. (2023). Technological knowledge and wages: from skill premium to wage polarization. Journal of Economics, 140(2), 93-119.
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Losers and losses of Covid19: a directed technical change analysis with fiscal and monetary policies

Afonso, O. (2023). Losers and losses of Covid19: a directed technical change analysis with fiscal and monetary policies. Economic Change and Restructuring, 56(3), 1777-1821.
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Inter and intra-country effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on wages and economic growth

Afonso, O. (2023). Inter and intra-country effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on wages and economic growth. Bulletin of Economic Research, 75(XX), 1291-1322.
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Fiscal and monetary effects on environmental quality, growth, and welfare

Óscar Afonso. (2023). Fiscal and monetary effects on environmental quality, growth, and welfare. Research in Economics, 77(1), 202-219.
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Exploring tax-related sustainability reporting by electric utilities

Manuel Castelo Branco, Gomes, D., Adelaide Martins; "Exploring tax-related sustainability reporting by electric utilities", Utilities Policy, 2023.
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The real side of stock market exuberance: bubbles, output and productivity at the industry level

Queirós, Francisco (2023). The real side of stock market exuberance: bubbles, output and productivity at the industry level. Economica, 1-24.
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Local and global indeterminacy and transition dynamics in a growth model with public goods

Gaspar, J., Garrido-da-Silva, L., Vasconcelos, P.B. and Óscar Afonso (2023). Local and global indeterminacy and transition dynamics in a growth model with public goods. Portuguese Economic Journal, 22, 271–314
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Exploring the Conceptual Structure of the Research on Innovation in Hotels through Co-Word Analysis

Fernandes, C., Pires, R. (2021); Exploring the Conceptual Structure of the Research on Innovation in Hotels through Co-Word Analysis. Administrative Sciences. 2021; 11(3):78.
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Women in social entrepreneurship: Outlining the boundaries of scientific research

Catarina Fernandes & Rui Alexandre R. Pires (2023) Women in Social Entrepreneurship: Outlining the Boundaries of Scientific Research, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2023.2241477
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The usefulness of accounting information and management accounting practices under environmental uncertainty

Pires, R., Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves and Catarina Fernandes (2023); "The Usefulness of Accounting Information and Management Accounting Practices under Environmental Uncertainty", Journal of Risk Financial Management, 16(2), 102.
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Exploring the Interplay between Frontline Employees’ Humour Styles in Service Encounters

Oliveira, E. (2023). Exploring the interplay between frontline employees’ humour styles in service encounters. Journal of Marketing Management, 40:1-2, 129-150.
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On the Determinants of the Dynamic Choice Between Mergers and Tender Offers

Lukas, E., Pereira, Paulo. J., & Rodrigues, A. (2023). On the Determinants of the Dynamic Choice Between Mergers and Tender Offers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 83, 102489.
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The impact of corruption on investment and financing in the European Union: new insights

Farinha, J., & López-de-Foronda, O. (2023). The impact of corruption on investment and financing in the European Union: New insights. The European Journal of Finance, 1-6.
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Need satisfaction and frustration scale (NSFS): adaptation and validation for Brazilian gig work context

Nunes, P., Proença, T., & Carozzo, M. (2023). Need satisfaction and frustration scale (NSFS): Adaptation and validation for Brazilian gig work context. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 21(2), 145-166.
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A systematic review on well-being and ill-being in working contexts: contributions of self-determination theory

Nunes, Paula M., Teresa Proença and M. E. Carozzo-Todaro (2023); "A systematic review on well-being and ill-being in working contexts: contributions of self-determination theory", Personnel Review.
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Meta-analysis: global value chains and employment

Carneiro, S., Pedro C. Neves, Óscar Afonso and E. Sochirca (2023); "Meta-analysis: global value chains and employment", Applied Economics. Advance online publication.
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Evolution, roots and influence of the rural entrepreneurship literature: a bibliometric account

Masoomi, E., Rezaei-Moghaddam, K., Teixeira, A.C. (2024). "Evolution, roots and influence of the rural entrepreneurship literature: a bibliometric account", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 174-206.
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How do entrepreneurs perform digital marketing across the customer journey? A review and discussion of the main uses

Barbosa, B., Saura, J. R., & Bennett, D. (2024). How do entrepreneurs perform digital marketing across the customer journey? A review and discussion of the main uses. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 49(1), 69-103.
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“I will always hate you”! An investigation of the impact of anthropomorphism in online anti-brand communities

Brandão, A. and P. Popoli; (2023) "“I will always hate you”! An investigation of the impact of anthropomorphism in online anti-brand communities", European Business Review.
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Impact of refugees on wages and economic growth in a model with inflation

Gomes, A. R., Afonso, O., & Vasconcelos, P. B. (2024). Impact of refugees on wages and economic growth in a model with inflation. Applied Economics, 56(12), 1381-1407.
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Inflation, technological-knowledge bias, and wages

Afonso, O. (2023). "Inflation, technological-knowledge bias, and wages", Research in Economics, 77(1), pp. 91-103.
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Disentangling economics and culture in European policies for cinema: what can we learn from Portugal and non-commercial exhibition?

Santos, H., & Miranda, M. (2023). Disentangling economics and culture in European policies for cinema: what can we learn from Portugal and non-commercial exhibition?. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29(6), 733-751.
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The Phillips curve at 65: time for time and frequency

Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Manuel Mota Freitas and Maria Joana Soares (2023); “The Phillips curve at 65: time for time and frequency”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 151, 104620  
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A microlevel analysis of Danish dairy cooperatives: opportunities for large data in business history

Sharp, P., Henriques, S. T., McLaughlin, E., Tsoukli, X., & Vedel, C. (2023). A Microlevel Analysis of Danish Dairy Cooperatives: Opportunities for Large Data in Business History. Enterprise & Society, Advance online publication, 1-29.
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Designing a Public-Private Co-Investment Mechanism to Foster Venture Capital

Tavares-Gärtner, Miguel, Paulo J. Pereira and Elísio Brandão (2023); "Designing a Public-Private Co-Investment Mechanism to Foster Venture Capital", European Journal of Finance, 29(8), pp. 869-887.  
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The rise and stall of electricity efficiency : 1900-2017, results and insights for the renewable transition

Pinto, R, Sofia Teives Henriques, P. Brockway, M. Heun and T. Sousa (2023); "The rise and stall of electricity efficiency : 1900-2017, results and insights for the renewable transition", Energy, 269, 126775.
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Natural Gas Prices in the Framework of European Union’s Energy Transition: Assessing Evolution and Drivers

Ribeiro, V. M., G. Soutinho and Isabel Soares (2023); "Natural Gas Prices in the Framework of European Union’s Energy Transition: Assessing Evolution and Drivers", Energies, 16 (4), 2029.
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A review of digital family businesses: Setting marketing strategies, business models and technology applications

Saura, J. R., D. Palacios-Marqués, and Belém Barbosa (2023); "A review of digital family businesses: Setting marketing strategies, business models and technology applications", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(1), pp. 144-165.
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Healthcare, Clinical Factors and Rehabilitation Predicting Quality of Life in First-time Stroke Patients: A 12-month Longitudinal Study

Barbosa, P. M., L. N. Ferreira, V. T. Cruz, A. Silva and Helena Szrek (2023); "Healthcare, Clinical Factors and Rehabilitation Predicting Quality of Life in First-time Stroke Patients: A 12-month Longitudinal Study", Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 31(4), 106300.
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Fiscal and monetary effects on environmental quality, growth, and welfare

Afonso, O. (2023); "Fiscal and monetary effects on environmental quality, growth, and welfare", Research in Economics, 77(1), pp. 202-219.
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Sustainable Energy Planning and Management

Østergaard, P. A., R. M. Johannsen, N. Duic, H. Lund, B. V. Mathiesen, Isabel Soares and P. F. V. Ferreira (2023); "Sustainable Energy Planning and Management", International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 38, pp. 1-7.    
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Investigating CO2 emissions from aviation in oil producing countries using a two-stage maximum entropy approach

Zanjani, Z., Isabel Soares and Pedro Macedo (2023); "Investigating CO2 emissions from aviation in oil producing countries using a two-stage maximum entropy approach", Energy, 278: 127898.
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Recourse restrictions and judicial foreclosures: Effects of mortgage law on loan price and collateralization

Sá, A. I. (2023); "Recourse restrictions and judicial foreclosures: Effects of mortgage law on loan price and collateralization", International Review of Law and Economics, 75, 106142.
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Persuasive Determinants in the Hotel Industry’s Newsletter Opening Rates

Araújo, Carlota Rocha, Paulo Botelho Pires, Catarina Delgado and José Duarte Santos  (2023); "Persuasive Determinants in the Hotel Industry’s Newsletter Opening Rates", Sustainability, 15(4),  3358.
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Union membership density and wages: The role of worker, firm, and job-title heterogeneity

Addison, J. T., Pedro Portugal and Hugo de Almeida Vilares (2023); "Union membership density and wages: The role of worker, firm, and job-title heterogeneity", Journal of Econometrics, 233(2), pp. 612-632.
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Endogenous growth and monetary policy: How do interest-rate feedback rules shape nominal and real transitional dynamics?

Gil, P. M., Gustavo Iglésias and Luís Guimarães (2023); "Endogenous growth and monetary policy: How do interest-rate feedback rules shape nominal and real transitional dynamics?", Journal of International Money and Finance, 138, 102939.
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The effect of demand response on CO2 Emissions in the Iberian electricity market – Combining economic and environmental perspectives

Sousa, J. and Isabel Soares (2023); "The effect of demand response on CO2 Emissions in the Iberian electricity market – Combining economic and environmental perspectives", Energy and Climate Change, 4, 100093.
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The persistence of wages

Carneiro, Anabela, Pedro Portugal, Pedro Raposo and Paulo Rodrigues (2023); "The persistence of wages", Journal of Econometrics, 233(2), pp.  596-611.
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Board Characteristics, Social Trust and ESG Performance in the European Banking Sector

Miranda, Bruna, Catarina Delgado and Manuel Castelo Branco (2023); "Board Characteristics, Social Trust and ESG Performance in the European Banking Sector", Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16(4), 244.  
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Benefits and barriers concerning demand response stakeholder value chain: A systematic literature review

Sousa J. and Isabel Soares (2023); "Benefits and barriers concerning demand response stakeholder value chain: A systematic literature review", Energy, 280, 128065.
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Inflation dynamics in the frequency domain

Martins, M. M. F. and F. Verona (2023); "Inflation dynamics in the frequency domain", Economics Letters ,231, 111304.
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Modelling the Objective Function of Managers in the Presence of Overlapping Shareholding

Brito, D., E. Elhauge, R. Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2023); "Modelling the objective function of managers in the presence of overlapping shareholding", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 87, 102905.
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Towards a better understanding of volunteer engagement: self-determined motivations, self-expression needs and co-creation outcomes

Fernandes, T. and M. A. Matos (2023); "Towards a better understanding of volunteer engagement: self-determined motivations, self-expression needs and co-creation outcomes", Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 33(7), pp. 1-27.
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Financing low-carbon hydrogen: The role of public policies and strategies in the EU, UK and USA

Moura, J. and Isabel Soares (2023). "Financing low-carbon hydrogen: The role of public policies and strategies in the EU, UK and USA", Green Finance, 5(2), pp. 265-297.
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Assessment of Selected Determinants Affecting the Acceptance of the Development of Electromobility by the Private and Business Sectors—A Case Study in Portugal

Ferreira H., Susana Silva, T. Andrade, Erika Laranjeira and Isabel Soares (2023); "Assessment of Selected Determinants Affecting the Acceptance of the Development of Electromobility by the Private and Business Sectors—A Case Study in Portugal",  Energies, 16(6), 2674.
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Global Firms, (de)Unionization and Wage Inequality

Afonso, O., T. N. Sequeira, M. Santos and Pedro C. Neves (2023); "Global Firms, (de)Unionization and Wage Inequality", Open Economies Review, 34(5), 979-1013. .  
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Assessing the Impact of Universities’ Entrepreneurial Activity on Regional Competitiveness

Brás, Gonçalo R., Miguel Torres Preto, Ana D. Daniel and Aurora A. C. Teixeira (2023); “Assessing the Impact of Universities’ Entrepreneurial Activity on Regional Competitiveness”, Administrative Sciences, 13(2), 34.  
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The impact of political freedoms on cross-border M&A abandonment likelihood

Myznikava, K. and Jorge Farinha (2023); "The impact of political freedoms on cross-border M&A abandonment likelihood", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 91, pp. 112-138.
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The role of human capital, structural change, and institutional quality on Brazil's economic growth over the last two hundred years (1822-2019)

Doré, N. I. and  Aurora Teixeira (2023); "The role of human capital, structural change, and institutional quality on Brazil's economic growth over the last two hundred years (1822–2019)", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 66, pp. 1-12.
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Determinants for the adoption of ISO 14001: the case of Portuguese firms

Franco, V., Susana Silva and E. Laranjeira (2023); "Determinants for the adoption of ISO 14001: the case of Portuguese firms", Green Finance, 5(1), pp. 68-84.
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Environmental Efficiency, Irreversibility and the Shadow Price of Emissions

Silva, E. and M. Magalhães (2022); "Environmental Efficiency, Irreversibility and the Shadow Price of Emissions", European Journal of Operational Research, 306(2), pp. 955-967.
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Transnational Banking Supervision, Distance-to-Distress and Credit Risk: The SSM Case

Alves, C. F., Marques, B. P., & Silva, J. C. (2023). Transnational banking supervision, distance-to-distress and credit risk: the SSM case. Applied Economics Letters, 30(15), 2079-2085.        
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Privacy concerns with COVID-19 tracking apps: a privacy calculus approach

Fernandes, T. and M. Costa (2023); "Privacy concerns with COVID-19 tracking apps: a privacy calculus approach", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(2), 181 -192.  
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Judging a Book by its Cover? The Role of Unconventional Appearance on Social Media Influencers Effectiveness

Fernandes, T., H. Nettleship and  Luísa Pinto (2022); "Judging a Book by its Cover? The Role of Unconventional Appearance on Social Media Influencers Effectiveness", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102917.  
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Drivers of FDI in small states

Forte, R., & Neves, C. (2023). Drivers of FDI in small states. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 28(2), 457-483.
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Explaining the Labor Share: Automation vs Labor Market Institutions

Guimarães, Luís and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2022); “Explaining the Labor Share: Automation vs Labor Market Institutions”, Labour Economics, 75, 102146.      
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Which distance dimensions matter in international research collaboration? A cross-country analysis by scientific area

Vieira, E., Jorge Cerdeira and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Which distance dimensions matter in international research collaboration? A cross-country analysis by scientific area”, Journal of Informetrics, 16(2), 101259.  
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Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis

Cruz, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis”, The Annals of Regional Science, 67, pp. 385-413.  
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The Effect of Inflation on Wage Inequality: A North–South Monetary Model of Endogenous Growth with International Trade

Afonso, O., & Sequeira, T. (2023). The effect of inflation on wage inequality: A north–south monetary model of endogenous growth with international trade. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 55(1), 215-249.
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Business models, consumer data and privacy in platform markets

Padilla, J., S. Piccolo and Hélder Vasconcelos (2022); "Business models, consumer data and privacy in platform markets", Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 49, pp. 599–634.
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Does Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Influence Luxury Services Purchase Intention?

Brandão, A. and C. Cupertino de Miranda (2022); "Does Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Influence Luxury Services Purchase Intention?", Sustainability, 14(13).
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Perturbed cusp catastrophe in a population game: Spatial economics with locational asymmetries

Ikeda, Kiyohiro, Yuki Takayama, José M. Gaspar and Minoru Osawa (2022); "Perturbed cusp catastrophe in a population game: Spatial economics with locational asymmetries", Journal of Regional Science, 62(4), pp. 961-980.
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Investment timing, capacity choice and optimal floors and ceilings

Paxson, Dean, Paulo J. Pereira and Artur Rodrigues (2022); "Investment timing, capacity choice and optimal floors and ceilings", Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 139, 104430.
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O Programa de Ajustamento Económico para Portugal, 2011-2014: um cenário contrafactual plausível

Pinho, Manuel Correia de and Maria Manuel Pinho (2022); "O Programa de Ajustamento Económico para Portugal, 2011-2014: um cenário contrafactual plausível", Notas Económicas, 55, pp. 67-96.
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Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination

Laussel, D., N. Van Long and J. Resende (2022); "Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination", Dynamic Games and Applications, 12, pp. 574-607.
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Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response

Souza, R. F., R. Ballini,  J. M. F. J. Silveira and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response", Iberoamerican Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(1), e1742.  
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Foreign direct investment determinants in Mano River Union countries: Micro and macro evidence

Martins, R., Jorge Cerdeira, M. Fonseca and M.Barrie (2022); "Foreign direct investment determinants in Mano River Union countries: Micro and macro evidence", South African Journal of Economics, 90(3), pp. 408-424.
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Luxury brands and social media: drivers and outcomes of consumer engagement on Instagram

Oliveira, M. and Teresa Fernandes (2022); "Luxury brands and social media: drivers and outcomes of consumer engagement on Instagram", Journal of Strategic Marketing,30(4), pp. 389-407.
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Board demographic diversity and human rights reporting in Western Europe

Branco, A.P.C., M. T. Bianchi and Manuel Castelo Branco (2022); "Board demographic diversity and human rights reporting in Western Europe", PSU Research Review, 6(3), pp. 158-174.
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A perspective on the future of sustainability transitions research

Truffer, B., H. Rohracher, P. Kivimaa, R. Raven, F. Alkemade, Luís Carvalho and G. Feola (2022), "A perspective on the future of sustainability transitions research", Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, pp. 331-339.
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Explaining the definition of wholesale access prices in the Portuguese Telecommunications Industry

Ribeiro, Vítor M., Fernando Lobo Pereira and Rui Gonçalves (2022); "Explaining the definition of wholesale access prices in the Portuguese Telecommunications Industry", Journal of Dynamics and Games, 9(1), pp. 33-74.
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Young Adults’ Views on Digital Storytelling Campaigns

Barbosa, B., Dora Simões and Fabiana Leal (2022); "Young Adults’ Views on Digital Storytelling Campaigns", Innovar, 32(83), pp. 63-74.
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Location of housing and industry around city centre amenities

Garrido-da-Silva, Liliana, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2022);"Location of housing and industry around city centre amenities", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 95, 103739.
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Why do firms use fixed-term contracts?

Portugal, P. and José Varejão (2022); "Why do firms use fixed-term contracts?", Portuguese Economic Journal, 21 (3 ), pp. 401-421.
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Covid-19: What if Immunity Wanes?

Çenesiz, Alper and Luís Guimarães (2022); “Covid-19: What if Immunity Wanes?”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 55(S1), pp. 626-664.
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The impact of institutions on economic growth in OECD countries

Afonso, Óscar (2022); "The impact of institutions on economic growth in OECD countries", Applied Economics Letters, 29(1), pp. 63-67.
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Hysteresis and sources of aggregate employment inertia

Mota, Paulo R. and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2022); "Hysteresis and sources of aggregate employment inertia", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 26(1), pp. 137-154.
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The Domains of Cross-Cultural Adjustment: An Empirical Study with International Students

Campos, J., Luísa H. Pinto, and T. Hippler (2022); "The Domains of Cross-Cultural Adjustment: An Empirical Study with International Students", Journal of International Students,12(2), pp. 422-443.  
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Price effects of unconventional monetary policy announcements on European securities markets

Ferreira, E. and A. P. Serra (2022); "Price effects of unconventional monetary policy announcements on European securities markets", Journal of International Money and Finance, 122, 102558.
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Does corruption impact firm innovation? Evidence from Portugal

Cerdeira, Jorge and Diogo Lourenço (2022), “Does corruption impact firm innovation? Evidence from Portugal”, Economies, 10(7), 173.
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Growth and wage effects of the monetary policy

Óscar Afonso (2022); “Growth and wage effects of the monetary policy”, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 27(4), special issue, pp. 4058-4084.  
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Circular Economy for Cities and Sustainable Development: The Case of the Portuguese City of Leiria

Antunes, J.C.C., T. Eugénio, Manuel Castelo Branco (2022); "Circular Economy for Cities and Sustainable Development: The Case of the Portuguese City of Leiria", Sustainability, 14(3), 1726.
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The cyclicality of job search effort in matching models

Çenesiz, M Alper and Luís Guimarães (2022); "The cyclicality of job search effort in matching models", Oxford Economic Papers, 74(4), pp. 1195-1213.
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Regional smart specialisation strategies and Universities’ engagement: An exploratory study

Pereira, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Regional smart specialisation strategies and Universities’ engagement: An exploratory study", Public Policy Portuguese Journal,  7(1), pp. 27-51.  
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The effects of automation and lobbying in wage inequality: a directed technical change model with routine and non-routine tasks

Afonso, O., Pedro G. Lima and T. Sequeira (2022); "The effects of automation and lobbying in wage inequality: a directed technical change model with routine and non-routine tasks", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32, pp. 1467–1497.
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Corruption, institutional quality, and offshoring: How do they affect comparative advantage, inter‐country wage inequality, and economic growth?

Afonso, Óscar and Ana Rita Longras (2022); “Corruption, institutional quality, and offshoring: How do they affect comparative advantage, inter‐country wage inequality, and economic growth?”, Metroeconomica, 73(4), pp. 987-1020.
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Does microfinance foster the development of its clients? A bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review

Ribeiro, J. P. C., Fábio Duarte and A. P. M. Gama (2022); "Does microfinance foster the development of its clients? A bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review", Financial Innovation, 8(34).
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Non-Financial Reporting and Assurance: A New Opportunity for Auditors? Evidence from Portugal

Eugénio, T., S. Gomes, Manuel Castelo Branco, A. I. Morais (2022); "Non-Financial Reporting and Assurance: A New Opportunity for Auditors? Evidence from Portugal", Sustainability, 14, 13469.
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Growth and welfare effects of corruption penalties

Afonso, O., A. M. Bandeira and P. G. Lima (2022); "Growth and welfare effects of corruption penalties", Economic Systems, 46(3), 101004.
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House price dynamics in Iberian Metropolitan Statistical Areas: slope heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependence and elasticities

Cunha, A.M. and Júlio Lobão (2022); "House price dynamics in Iberian Metropolitan Statistical Areas: slope heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependence and elasticities", Journal of European Real Estate Research, 15(3), pp. 444-462.
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The Changing Risk Preferences of High-Net-Worth Individual Investors During the Global Financial Crisis

Cunha, António M. and Júlio Lobão (2022); "The Changing Risk Preferences of High-Net-Worth Individual Investors During the Global Financial Crisis", Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 13(2).
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Estimating the Effect of Distance on the Migration of Higher Education Candidates

Lourenço, Diogo and Carla Sá (2022); "Estimating the Effect of Distance on the Migration of Higher Education Candidates" The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22 (4), pp. 739-761.
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Economic geography meets Hotelling: the home-sweet-home effect

Castro, S.B.S.D., João Correia-da-Silva and J. M. Gaspar (2022); "Economic geography meets Hotelling: the home-sweet-home effect", Economic Theory, 73, pp. 183-209.  
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The nexus between CO2 emissions from electricity generation, GDP and energy intensity using a complete maximum entropy approach: The case of Iran

Zanjani, Zeinab, Isabel Soares and Pedro Macedo (2022); "The nexus between CO2 emissions from electricity generation, GDP and energy intensity using a complete maximum entropy approach: The case of Iran", Energy Reports, 8, suppl. 3, pp. 319-324.
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New approach for assessing and optimising the environmental performance of multinational electricity sectors: A European case study

Cartelle Barros, J. J., F. de Llano Paz,  M. Lara Coira, M. P. de la Cruz López,  A. del Caño Gochi, and Isabel Soares (2022); "New approach for assessing and optimising the environmental performance of multinational electricity sectors: A European case study", Energy Conversion and Management, 268, 116023.
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Impact of special regime generation management on electricity prices: the Portuguese case

Alves, C.F. and P. D. Pinto (2022); "Impact of special regime generation management on electricity prices: the Portuguese case", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 16(3), pp. 511-528.
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Narcissistic leaders do not share! The relationship between top managers' narcissism and the distribution of value added

Alves, C. F., and M. J. Guedes (2022); "Narcissistic leaders do not share! The relationship between top managers' narcissism and the distribution of value added", Finance Research Letters, 49, 103054.
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Corporate responsibility of Portuguese seaports

Santos, S., L. L. Rodrigues and Manuel Castelo Branco (2022); “Corporate responsibility of Portuguese seaports”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 380, Part 2, 135067.
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Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions

Guimarães, Luís and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2022); "Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 144, 104538.
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The effects of tourism on housing prices: applying a difference-in-differences methodology to the Portuguese market

Cunha, A.M. and J. Lobão (2022); "The effects of tourism on housing prices: applying a difference-in-differences methodology to the Portuguese market", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 15(4), pp. 762-779.
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Digital Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The State of the Art and Research Agenda

Fernandes C., R. Pires and M.C. Gaspar Alves (2023); "Digital Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The State of the Art and Research Agenda", Economies, 11(1):3, Special issue :Digital Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The State of the Art and Research Agenda.
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Joining the Anti-Brand Communities on the Internet: Who and Why

Brandão, Amélia, Paolo Popoli and Inês Passos Tomás (2022); "Joining the Anti-Brand Communities on the Internet: Who and Why", Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 69(1), pp. 1-27.
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Web-based sustainability reporting by family companies: the role of the richest European families

Palma, Marta, Isabel Costa Lourenço and Manuel Castelo Branco (2022); "Web-based sustainability reporting by family companies: the role of the richest European families", Accounting Forum, 46(4), pp. 344-368.
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The impact of economic diplomacy on exports: The Portuguese case

Fernandes, A. and  Rosa Forte (2022); "The impact of economic diplomacy on exports: The Portuguese case", International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 77(2), pp. 216-247.
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Road Pavement Energy Harvesting: a Technological, Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Duarte, F., A. Silva, M. Aguiar and Luís Carvalho (2022); "Road Pavement Energy Harvesting: a Technological, Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis", Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 17 (1), 2109776.
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The challenges of formal volunteering in hospitals

Tavares, Sara, Teresa Proença and Marisa Ferreira (2022); "The challenges of formal volunteering in hospitals", Health Services Management Research, 35(2), pp. 114-126.
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Competition and diversification in higher education: Analysing impacts on access and equity in the case of Portugal

Teixeira, Pedro N., Pedro Luís Silva, Ricardo Biscaia and Carla Sá (2022); “Competition and diversification in higher education: Analysing impacts on access and equity in the case of Portugal”, European Journal of Education, 57(2), special issue, pp. 235-254.
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“Enhancers” and “copers”? Understanding drinking motives and alcohol use among international workers

Pinto, L. H., F. Nunes and M. Bastida Dominguez (2022); "“Enhancers” and “copers”? Understanding drinking motives and alcohol use among international workers", Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21(4), pp. 1361-1388.
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Sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises: a systematic literature review

Martins, Adelaide, Manuel Castelo Branco, P. N. Melo and C. Machado (2022); “Sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises: a systematic literature review”, Sustainability, 14, 6493.
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Digital Media Influencers: A Systematic Literature Review

Lima, Francisco Adriano and Amélia Brandão (2022); "Digital Media Influencers: A Systematic Literature Review", International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 10(19), pp. 162-183.
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The impact of cancellations in waiting times analysis: evidence from scheduled surgeries in the Portuguese NHS

Cima, Joana and Álvaro Almeida (2022); "The impact of cancellations in waiting times analysis: evidence from scheduled surgeries in the Portuguese NHS", The European Journal of Health Economics, 23, pp. 95-104.
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Classification and Prediction of Nitrogen Dioxide in a Portuguese Air Quality Critical Zone

Ribeiro, V. M. and  R. Gonçalves (2022). "Classification and Prediction of Nitrogen Dioxide in a Portuguese Air Quality Critical Zone", Atmosphere, 13(10), 1672.
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“I’m hatin’ it”! Negative consumer–brand relationships in online anti-brand communities

Brandão, Amélia and Paolo Popoli (2022); "“I’m hatin’ it”! Negative consumer–brand relationships in online anti-brand communities", European Journal of Marketing, 56(2), pp. 622-650.
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International students in Portuguese higher education: who are they and what are their choices?

Sin, C., O. Tavares, J. Aguiar, Ricardo Biscaia and A. Amaral (2022); "International students in Portuguese higher education: who are they and what are their choices?" Studies in Higher Education, 47(7), pp. 1488-1501.
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Competition for Funding or Funding for Competition? Analysing the Dissemination of Performance-based Funding in European Higher Education and its Institutional Effects

Teixeira, Pedro, Ricardo Biscaia and Vera Rocha (2022); "Competition for Funding or Funding for Competition? Analysing the Dissemination of Performance-based Funding in European Higher Education and its Institutional Effects", International Journal of Public Administration, 45(2), pp.94-106.
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Does board composition and ownership structure affect banks’ systemic risk? European evidence

Díez-Esteban, J.M., Jorge Farinha, Conrado García-Gómez and Cesário Mateus (2022); "Does board composition and ownership structure affect banks’ systemic risk? European evidence", Journal of Banking Regulation, 23, pp. 155-172.
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Women PhDs in Economics in Portugal (1980-1999). A Late Emergence and a Distinctive Profile

Marta Sistelo and Pedro N. Teixeira (2022); "Women PhDs in Economics in Portugal (1980-1999). A Late Emergence and a Distinctive Profile", Œconomia, 12(3), pp. 663-686.
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Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Cancer Health Literacy Test for Portuguese Cancer Patients: A Pre-Test

Barros, Ana, Helena Santos, Luís Moreira and Filipe Santos-Silva (2022); "Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Cancer Health Literacy Test for Portuguese Cancer Patients: A Pre-Test", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 6237.
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Operationalizing Smart Specialization in a Portuguese Follower Region

Almeida, A., Óscar Afonso and M. R. Silva  (2022); "Operationalizing Smart Specialization in a Portuguese Follower Region", Panoeconomicus, 69(1), pp. 99–119.
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Does peer-to-peer crowdfunding boost refugee entrepreneurs?

Emanuel-Correia, R., Fábio Duarte, A. P. M. Gama and M. Augusto (2022); "Does peer-to-peer crowdfunding boost refugee entrepreneurs?", Finance Research Letters,46, Part A., 102264.
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The effect of borrower country financial system and corporate governance system types on the spread of syndicated loans

Moutinho, N., C. F. Alves and F. Martins (2022); "The effect of borrower country financial system and corporate governance system types on the spread of syndicated loans", Corporate Governance, 22(4), pp. 846-869.
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Disclosure of Information and Transparency in Public-private Partnerships: a Comparative Study Between Portugal and the UK

Luís Cracel Viana, José António C. Moreira & Paulo Alves (2023) Disclosure of Information and Transparency in Public-private Partnerships: a Comparative Study Between Portugal and the UK, Accounting in Europe, 20:1, 66-92.
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Do corporate volunteering programs and perceptions of corporate morality impact perceived employer attractiveness?

Oliveira, M., Teresa Proença and M. R. Ferreira (2022); "Do corporate volunteering programs and perceptions of corporate morality impact perceived employer attractiveness?", Social Responsibility Journal, 18(7), pp. 1229-1250.
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The political influence of ecological economics in the European Union applied to the cap-and-trade policy

Gonçalves, Jorge and Manuel Luís Costa (2022); "The political influence of ecological economics in the European Union applied to the cap-and-trade policy", Ecogical Economics, 195, 107352.
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Motivational drivers to choose worker cooperatives as an entrepreneurial alternative: evidence from Spain

Bastida, M., A. Vaquero García, Luísa Helena Pinto, and A. Olveira Blanco (2022); "Motivational drivers to choose worker cooperatives as an entrepreneurial alternative: evidence from Spain", Small Business Economics, 58, pp. 1609–1626.
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Sustainability and the role of HRM

Proença, T. (2022); "Sustainability and the role of HRM", Revista de Administração de Empresas, 62 (5).
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Employees Perceptions about Corporate Social Responsibility—Understanding CSR and Job Engagement through Meaningfulness, Bottom-Up Approach and Calling Orientation

Cunha S., Teresa Proença and M.R. Ferreira (2022); "Employees Perceptions about Corporate Social Responsibility—Understanding CSR and Job Engagement through Meaningfulness, Bottom-Up Approach and Calling Orientation", Sustainability, 14(21), 14606.
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When Is Product Personalization Profit-Enhancing? A Behavior-Based Discrimination Model

Laussel, D. and Joana Resende (2022); "When Is Product Personalization Profit-Enhancing? A Behavior-Based Discrimination Model", Management Science, 68(12), pp. 8872-8888.
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Does Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Influence Luxury Services Purchase Intention?

Brandão, A. and C. Cupertino de Miranda (2022); "Does Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Influence Luxury Services Purchase Intention?", Sustainability, 14(13).
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Dynamic Monopoly and Consumers Profiling Accuracy

Laussel, Didier , Ngo Van Long, Joana Resende (2022);"Dynamic Monopoly and Consumers Profiling Accuracy",  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31, pp. 579-608.
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Academic engagement in Portugal: the role of institutional diversity, individual characteristics and modes of knowledge production

Queirós, A., T. Carvalho, M. J. Rosa, Ricardo Biscaia, M. J. Manatos, P. Videira, Pedro Teixeira, S. Diogo, A.I. Melo,  H. Figueiredo and R. A. Mendes  (2022); "Academic engagement in Portugal: the role of institutional diversity, individual characteristics and modes of knowledge production", Studies in Higher Education, 47(11), pp. 2239-2252.
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COVID-19: prevalence of job-demands, stress, work–life difficulties and work–life balance among international business travelers

Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, V., L. H. Pinto and T. Gurbanov (2022); "COVID-19: prevalence of job-demands, stress, work–life difficulties and work–life balance among international business travelers", Journal of Global Mobility, 10(2), pp. 172-191.
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A measure of the evolution of the company's orientation toward its primary stakeholders

Alves, C. F. (2022); “A measure of the evolution of the company's orientation toward its primary stakeholders”, Finance Research Letters, 50, 103215.
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Consumer’s behavior determinants after the electricity market liberalization: the Portuguese case

Maravilhas, D., Susana Silva and Erika Laranjeira (2022); "Consumer’s behavior determinants after the electricity market liberalization: the Portuguese case", Green Finance, 4 (4), pp. 436-449.
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Different taxation between diesel and gasoline: Is it justifiable for Portugal?

Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2022); "Different taxation between diesel and gasoline: Is it justifiable for Portugal?", Energy Reports, 8, suppl. 3, pp. 203-206.
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How to reverse a negative asymmetric labor productivity shock in the European Union? A directed technical change analysis with fiscal and monetary policies

Afonso, O. and  M. Pinho (2022); "How to reverse a negative asymmetric labor productivity shock in the European Union? A directed technical change analysis with fiscal and monetary policies", Mathematical Social Sciences, 116, pp. 47-67.
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Estimating labour income‐based inequality of opportunity for a selection of EU‐SILC countries: national and urban‐rural perspectives

Zbigniew Mogila, Patrícia C. Melo and José M. Gaspar (2022); "Estimating labour income‐based inequality of opportunity for a selection of EU‐SILC countries: national and urban‐rural perspectives", Regional Science Policy & Practice, 14(5), special issue, pp. 1158-1187.
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Brazil’s economic growth and real (div)convergence from a very long-term perspective (1822-2019): a historical appraisal.

Doré, N. and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Brazil’s economic growth and real (div)convergence from a very long-term perspective (1822-2019): a historical appraisal.”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 42(4), pp. 934-956.  
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Classifying papers into subfields using Abstracts, Titles, Keywords and KeyWords Plus through pattern detection and optimization procedures: An application in Physics

Pech, G., Catarina Delgado and S. P. Sorella (2022); "Classifying papers into subfields using Abstracts, Titles, Keywords and KeyWords Plus through pattern detection and optimization procedures: An application in Physics",  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(11), pp. 1513-1528.
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Mapping the socially responsible consumption gap research: Review and future research agenda

Falcão, D. and Catarina Roseira (2022); "Mapping the socially responsible consumption gap research: Review and future research agenda", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(5), pp. 1718-1760.
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The Oscar goes to … robots or humans? Competition in a directed technical change model with monetary policy

Oscar Afonso (2023) The Oscar goes to … robots or humans? Competition in a directed technical change model with monetary policy, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32:3, 323-342.
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Optimal Timing and Capacity Choice with Taxes and Subsidies Under Uncertainty

Azevedo, Alcino, Paulo J. Pereira and Artur Rodrigues (2021); "Optimal Timing and Capacity Choice with Taxes and Subsidies Under Uncertainty", Omega - International Journal of Management Science, 102, 102312.
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How prospective international retired migrants use tourism for decision making

Barbosa, Belém, Cláudia Santos and  Márcia Santos (2021); "How prospective international retired migrants use tourism for decision making", Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 69(4), pp. 494-504.
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The impact of public–private partnerships on public accounts: The Portuguese roads sector

Viana, L, J.M. Sarmento, J.A. Moreira and P. Alves (2021); "The impact of public–private partnerships on public accounts: The Portuguese roads sector", Financial accountability and Management, 37, pp. 279– 302.
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A Portrait of Development Economics in the Last Sixty Years

Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “A Portrait of Development Economics in the Last Sixty Years”, Journal of Economic Development, 46(2), pp.69-118.  
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Robotizing shared service centres: key challenges and outcomes

Figueiredo, A.S. and Luísa Helena Pinto (2021); "Robotizing shared service centres: key challenges and outcomes", Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31(1), pp. 157-178.
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Tweet and Retweet Journalism During the Pandemic: dissemination of and engagement with news on Twitter

Barbosa, Belém and Cássia Carvalho (2021); " Tweet and Retweet Journalism During the Pandemic: dissemination of and engagement with news on Twitter", Brazilian Journalism Research, 17(3), pp. 736–763.    
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Comparing the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies for latent tuberculosis infection in Portugal

Sousa, S., D. Rocha, J. C. Silva, A. I. Ribeiro, G. Gonçalves, Álvaro Almeida, A.M. Correia, Raquel Duarte and C. Carvalho (2021); "Comparing the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies for latent tuberculosis infection in Portugal", Pulmonology, 27(6), 493-499.
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Longitudinal perceptions of enforcement mechanisms in an IFRS-based accounting reform

Silva, A.P., A. Fontes, and Adelaide Martins (2021); "Longitudinal perceptions of enforcement mechanisms in an IFRS-based accounting reform", Polish Journal of Management Studies, 23 (2), pp. 495-511.
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A Dynamic Model for Venture Capitalists' Entry-Exit Investment Decisions

Ferreira, Ricardo and  Paulo J. Pereira (2021); "A Dynamic Model for Venture Capitalists' Entry-Exit Investment Decisions", European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2), pp. 779-789.
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Does youth civic engagement enhance social and academic performance?

Fernandes, A., Teresa Proença, M. R. Ferreira and  Arminda Paço (2021); "Does youth civic engagement enhance social and academic performance?", International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 18, pp. 273-293.
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The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on euro area equities

Farinha, J. B. and J. Vidrago (2021); "The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on euro area equities", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 82, pp. 270-279.
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Do National Cultures Impact Mortgage and Financial Well-Being Levels? Evidence from Europe

Ashqar, R. I., and J. Lobão (2021); "Do National Cultures Impact Mortgage and Financial Well-Being Levels? Evidence from Europe", Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 68(3), pp. 263–284.
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Global bifurcation mechanism and local stability of identical and equidistant regions: Application to three regions and more

Gaspar, J. M., K. Ikeda and M. Onda (2021); "Global bifurcation mechanism and local stability of identical and equidistant regions: Application to three regions and more", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86, 103597.
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Paths to power and ministers' durability: the Portuguese case

Seixas, C. and M. L. Costa (2021); "Paths to power and ministers' durability: the Portuguese case", West European Politics, 44(2), pp. 403-425.
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The impact of labour market institutions on income inequality: evidence from OECD countries

Fortuna, Natércia and António Neto (2021); "The impact of labour market institutions on income inequality: evidence from OECD countries", Applied Economics Letters, 28(13), pp. 1110-1113.
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Investigating Carbon Emissions from Electricity Generation and GDP Nexus Using Maximum Entropy Bootstrap: Evidence from Oil-Producing Countries in the Middle East

Zanjani, Zeinab, Pedro Macedo and Isabel Soares (2021); "Investigating Carbon Emissions from Electricity Generation and GDP Nexus Using Maximum Entropy Bootstrap: Evidence from Oil-Producing Countries in the Middle East", Energies 2021, 14(12), 3518.
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Effects of Social Media Use on Psychological Well-Being: A Mediated Model

Ostic, Dragana, Sikandar Ali Qalati, Belém Barbosa, Syed Mir Muhammad Shah, Esthela Galvan Vela, Ahmed Muhammad Herzallah and Feng Liu (2021); "Effects of Social Media Use on Psychological Well-Being: A Mediated Model", Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 678766.
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Estimating the Employment Band of Inaction with Multiple Breaks due to Labor Market Reforms

Mota, P. R. and P. B. Vasconcelos (2021); “Estimating the Employment Band of Inaction with Multiple Breaks due to Labor Market Reforms”, Mathematics in Computer Science, 15, pp. 121-133.  
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Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Bibliometric Literature Review

Tavares-Lehmann, Ana T., and Celeste Varum (2021); "Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Bibliometric Literature Review", Sustainability, 13(6), 3493.
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Without coal in the age of steam and dams in the age of electricity: an explanation for the failure of Portugal to industrialize before the Second World War

Henriques, Sofia Teives and Paul Sharp (2021); "Without coal in the age of steam and dams in the age of electricity: an explanation for the failure of Portugal to industrialize before the Second World War", European Review of Economic History, 25(1), pp. 85-105.    
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Inflation, Complexity and Endogenous Growth

Sequeira, Tiago, Pedro Mazeda Gil and Óscar Afonso (2021); “Inflation, Complexity and Endogenous Growth”, Applied Economics, 53 (23), pp. 2631-2646.  
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The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on euro area equities

Farinha,. J. and J. Vidrago (2021); "The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on euro area equities", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 82, pp. 270-279.
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Antibody Tests: They Are More Important Than We Thought

Luís Guimarães (2021); "Antibody Tests: They Are More Important Than We Thought", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 93, 102485.  
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Perceptions regarding the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards in Portugal and Brazil

Paula Silva, A., A. Fontes and Adelaide Martins (2021); "Perceptions regarding the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards in Portugal and Brazil", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 44, 100416.
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Analysis of Bitcoin's Impact on the Efficiency of a Diversified Portfolio for Brazilian Investors

Alves, C. and D. Batista (2021); "Analysis of Bitcoin's Impact on the Efficiency of a Diversified Portfolio for Brazilian Investors", Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios / Review of Business Management, 23(2), pp. 353-369.
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The confluence of I.4.0 technologies and new business models: a systematic literature review

Teixeira, Josélia and Ana Teresa Lehmann (2021); "The confluence of I.4.0 technologies and new business models: a systematic literature review", International Journal of Innovation, 9(3), pp. 664-689.
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The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis

Cardoso, M., P. C. Neves, Óscar Afonso and E. Sochirca (2021); “The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis”, Review of World Economics, 157, pp. 149–179.  
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Buying Perfume in the Digital Age: A Study on E-Shoppers' Perceptions and Typologies

Barbosa, Belém, Mehdi Mahdavi, Zai­la Oliveira andValentina Chkoniya (2021); "Buying Perfume in the Digital Age: A Study on E-Shoppers' Perceptions and Typologies", Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 14(1), pp. 1-32.
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Bringing modernity to prosocial crowdfunding's campaigns: an empirical examination of the transition to modern sectors

Gama, A. P. M., R. Emanuel Correia, M. Augusto and Fábio Duarte (2021); "Bringing modernity to prosocial crowdfunding's campaigns: an empirical examination of the transition to modern sectors", Applied Economics, 53(49), pp. 5677-5694.  
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Barriers to FDI in the European Union Countries: The Perception of Foreign Subsidiaries

Forte, R. and Cláudia Paiva (2021); "Barriers to FDI in the European Union Countries: The Perception of Foreign Subsidiaries", Journal of East-West Business, 27(1), pp. 30-56.
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Determinants of Consumers’ Frugal Innovation Acceptance in a Developed Country

Costa, L., Aurora Teixeira and A. Brochado (2021); "Determinants of Consumers’ Frugal Innovation Acceptance in a Developed Country”, Young Consumers, 22(2), pp. 185-201.  
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Dynamic behavior of transport fuel demand and regional environmental policy: The case of Portugal

Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2021); "Dynamic behavior of transport fuel demand and regional environmental policy: The case of Portugal", AIMS Energy, 9(5), pp. 899-914.
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Impact of Institutions on Economic Growth Across OECD Countries

Afonso, Óscar, Inês Almeida and Natércia Fortuna (2021); "Impact of Institutions on Economic Growth Across OECD Countries", Prague Economic Papers, 30(6), pp. 654-674.
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Artist jewelry designer entrepreneurship: does it only glitter or is it also gold?

Brandão, Amélia, Sílvia Ramos and Mahesh Gadekar (2021); "Artist jewelry designer entrepreneurship: does it only glitter or is it also gold?", Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 23(2), pp. 251-267.
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Environmental regulation and FDI attraction: a bibliometric analysis of the literature

Santos, A. and Rosa Forte (2021); "Environmental regulation and FDI attraction: a bibliometric analysis of the literature", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(7), pp. 8873-8888.
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A single currency for the Economic Community of West Africa? An economic assessment

Loureiro, João and Evaldo Baptista (2021); "A single currency for the Economic Community of West Africa? An economic assessment", South African Journal of Economics, 89(4), pp.608-634.
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Modelling informative time points: an evolutionary process approach

Monteiro, A., Raquel Menezes, and Maria Eduarda Silva (2021); "Modelling informative time points: an evolutionary process approach", TEST 30, 364–382 (2021).
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Ageing population: Identifying the determinants of ageing in the least developed countries

Nagarajan, R., Aurora Teixeira, and Sandra Silva (2021); "Ageing population: Identifying the determinants of ageing in the least developed countries", Population Research and Policy Review, 40, pp. 187-210.
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Behavior Based Price Personalization under Vertical Product Differentiation

Garella, Paolo G., Didier Laussel and Joana Resende (2021); "Behavior Based Price Personalization under Vertical Product Differentiation", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 76, 102717.
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No room at the top? A system dynamics view of the recursive consequences of women's underrepresentation in international assignments

Bastida, M., L. H. Pinto, and A.-W. Harzing (2021); "No room at the top? A system dynamics view of the recursive consequences of women's underrepresentation in international assignments", Journal of Global Mobility, 9(3), pp. 361-381.
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EU housing markets before financial crisis of 2008: The role of institutional factors and structural breaks

Martins, António Miguel, Ana Paula Serra, Francisco Vitorino Martins and Simon Stevenson (2021); "EU housing markets before financial crisis of 2008: The role of institutional factors and structural breaks", Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 36, pp. 867-899.
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The role of intellectual property rights in a directed technical change model

Afonso, O and M. Magalhães (2021); "The role of intellectual property rights in a directed technical change model", International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(2), pp. 2142– 2176.
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Should vertically integrated platforms be mandated to share information with their rivals

Padilla, J., S. Piccolo and Hélder Vasconcelos (2021); "Should vertically integrated platforms be mandated to share information with their rivals?" Economics Letters, 203, 109849.
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The determinants of real estate prices in a European context: a four-level analysis

Cunha, A.M. and J. Lobão (2021), "The determinants of real estate prices in a European context: a four-level analysis", Journal of European Real Estate Research, 14(3), pp. 331-348.
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Economic Growth and Innovation Complexity: An Empirical Estimation of a Hidden Markov Model

Bucci, Alberto, Lorenzo Carbonari, Pedro Mazeda Gil and Giovanni Trovato (2021); “Economic Growth and Innovation Complexity: An Empirical Estimation of a Hidden Markov Model”, Economic Modelling, 98, pp. 86-99.  
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The impact of the ECB's asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels

Farinha, J. B. and J. Vidrago (2021); "The impact of the ECB's asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels", The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 24, e00213.
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Health Benefits from Renewable Electricity Sources: A Review

Silva, Susana, Erika Laranjeira and Isabel Soares (2021); "Health Benefits from Renewable Electricity Sources: A Review", Energies, 14(20), pp.6678.
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The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels

Farinha, Jorge Bento and José Vidrago (2021); "The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels", The Journal of Economic Asymmetries,  24, e00213.
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Age-inclusive HR practices and the thriving of older workers: the mediating role of occupational future time perspective

Oliveira, E. (2021); "Age-inclusive HR practices and the thriving of older workers: the mediating role of occupational future time perspective". Career Development International, 26 (3), pp. 348-362.
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Corporate Communication and Media Coverage of Abnormal Returns – Evidence from the Portuguese Capital Market

Alves, C. and Luísa Silva (2021); "Corporate Communication and Media Coverage of Abnormal Returns – Evidence from the Portuguese Capital Market", Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 26 (2), pp. 248-263.
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The impact of board characteristics and CEO power on banks’ risk‑taking: stable versus crisis periods

Fernandes, Catarina, Jorge Farinha, Francisco Vitorino Martins and Cesário Mateus (2021); "The impact of board characteristics and CEO power on banks’ risk‑taking: stable versus crisis periods", Journal of Banking Regulation, 22, pp. 319-341.
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Effectiveness of Floating-Point Precision on the Numerical Approximation by Spectral Methods

Matos, José A.O. and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2021); "Effectiveness of Floating-Point Precision on the Numerical Approximation by Spectral Methods" Mathematical and Computational Applications 26(2), 42.
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Decoupling economic growth from emissions: the case of policies promoting resource substitution

Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Óscar Afonso (2021); "Decoupling economic growth from emissions: the case of policies promoting resource substitution", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, pp. 8331-8347.
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Managing Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure: An Accountability vs. Impression Management Framework

Martins, Adelaide, Delfina Gomes, and Manuel C. Branco (2021); "Managing Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure: An Accountability vs. Impression Management Framework" Sustainability, 13(1), pp. 296.
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Explaining the Gender Gap in Waiting Times for Scheduled Surgery in the Portuguese National Health Service

Cima, Joana, Paulo Guimarães and Álvaro Almeida (2021); "Explaining the Gender Gap in Waiting Times for Scheduled Surgery in the Portuguese National Health Service", Portuguese Journal of Public Health, 39(3), pp. 3-10.
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Driving factors of differences in primary energy intensities of 14 European countries

Guevara, Z., Sofia Henriques and Tânia Sousa (2021); "Driving factors of differences in primary energy intensities of 14 European countries", Energy Policy, 149, 112090.
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The Relationship between LGBT Executives and Firms' Value and Financial Performance

Lourenço, I. C., D. Di Marco, Manuel Castelo Branco, A. I.  Lopes, R. W. Sarquis, and M. T. Soliman (2021); "The Relationship between LGBT Executives and Firms' Value and Financial Performance", Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(12), pp. 596.
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Dimensions of Football Stadium and Museum Tour Experiences: The Case of Europe’s Most Valuable Brands

Brochado, Ana, Carlos Brito, Adrien Bouchet, and Fernando Oliveira (2021); "Dimensions of Football Stadium and Museum Tour Experiences: The Case of Europe’s Most Valuable Brands", Sustainability, 13(12), 6602.
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From intimacy to urban landscape: images of the transformations of the Rainha Dona Leonor social housing

Roberti, Ana Clara, Helena Santos and Daniel Brandão (2021); "From intimacy to urban landscape: images of the transformations of the Rainha Dona Leonor social housing", Sophia Journal, 6(1), pp. 128-139.
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The Sources of the Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: The Role of the Reallocation of Workers into Firms, Matches, and Job Titles

Raposo, P., Portugal, P. and Anabela Carneiro (2021); "The Sources of the Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: The Role of the Reallocation of Workers into Firms, Matches, and Job Titles", Journal of Human Resources, 56(3), pp. 786-820.
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Revisiting the privacy calculus: Why are consumers (really) willing to disclose personal data online?

Fernandes, Teresa and Nuno Pereira (2021); "Revisiting the privacy calculus: Why are consumers (really) willing to disclose personal data online?", Telematics and Informatics, 65, 101717.
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The (In)effectiveness of regulatory policies in higher education-The case of access policy in Portugal

Biscaia, R., C. Sá, and P.N. Teixeira (2021); "The (In)effectiveness of regulatory policies in higher education—The case of access policy in Portugal", Economic Analysis and Policy, 72, pp. 176-185.
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Bond vs Bank Finance and the Great Recession

Martins, Manuel M. F. and Fábio Verona (2021); “Bond vs Bank Finance and the Great Recession”, Finance Research Letters, 39, 101583.
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Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional

Preto, M., G. Brás, A. Daniel and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 58, pp. 29-47.  
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Toehold Acquisitions as Option Games

Lacerda, José, Paulo J. Pereira and Artur Rodrigues (2021); "Toehold Acquisitions as Option Games", Economics Letters, 209, 110093.
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On the precision of information

Pereira, Samuel C. A. (2021); "On the precision of information", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 30 (3), pp. 569-584.  
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Optimal priority pricing by a durable goods monopolist

Correia-da-Silva, João (2021); "Optimal priority pricing by a durable goods monopolist", Games and Economic Behavior, 129, pp.310-328.
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Integrated Thinking and Reporting Process: Sensemaking of Internal Actors in the Case of Itaú Unibanco

Favato, Kelli J., Marguit Neumann, Simone L.R. Sanches, Manuel C. Branco, and Daniel R. Nogueira (2021); "Integrated Thinking and Reporting Process: Sensemaking of Internal Actors in the Case of Itaú Unibanco", Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(6), pp. 245.
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Empowerment in call centers and customer satisfaction

Proença, T. and  H. Rodrigues (2021); "Empowerment in call centers and customer satisfaction", Management Research, 19(2), pp. 143-161.
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Empowerment in call centres and customer satisfaction

Proença, T. and  H. Rodrigues (2021); "Empowerment in call centres and customer satisfaction", Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 19(2), pp. 143-161.
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Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality

Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality”, Review of Regional Research, 41, pp. 55-93.  
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Corporate hosts: The rise of professional management in the short-term rental industry

Cocola-Gant, Agustín, Jaime Jover, Luís Carvalho and Pedro Chamusca (2021); "Corporate hosts: The rise of professional management in the short-term rental industry", Tourism Management Perspectives, 40, 100879.
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Screening the most highly cited papers in longitudinal bibliometric studies and systematic literature reviews of a research field or journal: Widespread used metrics vs a percentile citation-based approach

Pech, G. and Catarina Delgado (2021); "Screening the most highly cited papers in longitudinal bibliometric studies and systematic literature reviews of a research field or journal: Widespread used metrics vs a percentile citation-based approach", Journal of Informetrics, 15(3), 101161.
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New economic geography: history and debate

José M. Gaspar (2021); "New economic geography: history and debate", The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(1), pp. 46-82.
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Debt-performance relationship and firms' international trade activities

Forte, R. and Andreia Botelho (2021); "Debt-performance relationship and firms' international trade activities", Managerial Finance, 47(4), pp. 487-505.
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Is the relation between non-controlling interests and parent companies misleading?

Lopes, Ana Isabel, Isabel Costa Lourenço, Mark T. Soliman and Manuel Castelo Branco (2021); "Is the relation between non-controlling interests and parent companies misleading?", Australian Journal of Management, 46(1), pp. 24-50.
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The link between intellectual property rights, innovation, and growth: A meta-analysis

Neves, Pedro Cunha, Óscar Afonso, Diana Silva and Elena Sochirca (2021); "The link between intellectual property rights, innovation, and growth: A meta-analysis", Economic Modelling, 97, pp. 196-209.
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Assessing the double dividend of a third-generation environmental tax reform with resource substitution

Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Óscar Afonso (2021); "Assessing the double dividend of a third-generation environmental tax reform with resource substitution", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, pp. 15145-15156.
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Labour Market Flexibility and FDI Attraction: A Macroeconomic Analysis

Oliveira, Pedro and Rosa Forte (2021); "Labour Market Flexibility and FDI Attraction: A Macroeconomic Analysis", Panoeconomicus, 68(3), pp. 267-291.
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Directed technical change and environmental quality

Afonso, Óscar, Liliana Fonseca, Manuela Magalhães and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2021); "Directed technical change and environmental quality", Portuguese Economic Journal, 20, pp. 71-97.  
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The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs

Forte, R. and Ana Rita Sá (2021); "The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs", EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), pp. 195-217.
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The profitability and distance to distress of European banks: do business choices matter?

Marques, B. and Carlos Alves (2021); "The profitability and distance to distress of European banks: do business choices matter?", European Journal of Finance, 27(15), pp. 1553-1580.
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Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids

Governo, F., Aurora Teixeira and Ana Margarida Brochado (2020); "Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids", Behaviour & Information Technology, 39(10), pp. 1039-1061.
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Breaking and Sustaining Bifurcations in SN-Invariant Equidistant Economy

Aizawa, H, K. Ikeda, M. Osawa and J. M. Gaspar (2020); "Breaking and Sustaining Bifurcations in SN-Invariant Equidistant Economy", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30(16), 2050240.
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The Impact of Research Output on Economic Growth by Fields of Science: a dynamic panel data analysis, 1980-2016

Pinto, T. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "The Impact of Research Output on Economic Growth by Fields of Science: a dynamic panel data analysis, 1980-2016", Scientometrics, 123, pp. 945-978.
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Networks in Decline: Should Price Regulation Be Abolished?

Sarmento, Paula and António Brandão (2020); "Networks in Decline: Should Price Regulation Be Abolished?", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 27(3), pp. 377-389.    
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The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits

Laussel, Didier, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2020); “The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits”, RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), pp. 650-675.  
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Policies For New Challenges

Ferreira, Paula, Isabel Soares, Rasmus Magni Johannsen and Poul Alberg Østergaard (2020); "Policies For New Challenges", International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 26, 01-04.  
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Okun’s Law Across Time and Frequencies

Aguiar-Conraria, Luís , Manuel M. F. Martins and Maria Joana Soares (2020); "Okun’s Law Across Time and Frequencies", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 116, 103897.        
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Pay for individual performance: aiding or harming intrinsic motivation?

Proença T., M. Carozzo-Todaro and S. Cabanas (2020); "Pay for individual performance: aiding or harming intrinsic motivation?", Sustainability, 12(16), 6322.
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Exploring the relation between cultural values and R&D investment under the behavioral theory of the firm

Soares, N. and M. Valente (2020); "Exploring the relation between cultural values and R&D investment under the behavioral theory of the firm", Journal of Small Business Strategy, 30(1), pp. 31-42.
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A non-scale-directed technical change model with endogenous labor share

Afonso, Óscar and Pedro Lima (2020); “A non-scale-directed technical change model with endogenous labor share”, Applied Economics, 52(59), pp. 6416-6431.  
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Bifurcation analysis of monocentric agglomeration on a narrow economy

Aizawa, Hiroki, Kiyohiro Ikeda, Yosuke Kogure, Minoru Osawa and José Maria Gaspar (2020); "Bifurcation analysis of monocentric agglomeration on a narrow economy", Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), 76(4), pp. 282-298. (paper in Japanese).
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The non-observed economy and economic growth: A meta-analysis

Afonso, Óscar, Pedro Cunha Neves, Tiago Pinto (2020);"The non-observed economy and economic growth: A meta-analysis", Economic Systems, 44(1), 100746.        
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Self-rejecting mechanisms

Correia-da-Silva, João (2020); "Self-rejecting mechanisms", Games and Economic Behavior, 120, pp. 434-457.  
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An evaluation of the energy and environmental policy efficiency of the EU member states in a 25-year period from a Modern Portfolio Theory perspective

Martinez Fernández, Paulino, Fernando deLlano-Paz, Anxo Calvo-Silvosa and Isabel Soares (2020); "An evaluation of the energy and environmental policy efficiency of the EU member states in a 25-year period from a Modern Portfolio Theory perspective", International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 26, pp. 19-32.
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Do psychological barriers exist in Latin American stock markets?

Lobão, Júlio, Natércia Fortuna and Franklin Silva (2020); "Do psychological barriers exist in Latin American stock markets?", Revista de Análisis Económico, 35 (2), pp. 29-56.
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Overlapping Ownership, Endogenous Quality, and Welfare

Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2020); "Overlapping Ownership, Endogenous Quality, and Welfare", Economics Letters, 190, 109074.
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Export promotion programs: differences between advanced and emerging economies

Ribeiro, J., Adelaide Figueiredo and Rosa Forte (2020); “Export promotion programs: differences between advanced and emerging economies”, Journal of East-West Business, 26(3), pp. 213-234.  
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Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information

Laussel, D. and Joana Resende (2020); "Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information",  Economic Theory, 70, pp. 943-981.
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Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria

Didier Laussel, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2020); “Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 114, 103869.  
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Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments

Costa, J., Aurora Teixeira and Anabela Botelho (2020); "Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments", International Journal of Systematic Innovation, 6(1), pp. 1-19.  
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An Assessment of Supply-side and Demand-side Policies in EU-28 Household Electricity Prices

García-Álvarez, María Teresa, Laura Cabeza-García and Isabel Soares (2020); "An Assessment of Supply-side and Demand-side Policies in EU-28 Household Electricity Prices", International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 26, 05-18.
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Ontology and the history of economic thought: an introduction

Lewis, Paul, Mário Graça Moura and Jochen Runde (2020); "Ontology and the history of economic thought: an introduction", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5), pp. 981–990.
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Optimisation Techniques for Managing the Project Sustainability Objective: Application to a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Cartelle Barros, Juan José, Manuel Lara Coira, Maria Pilar de la Cruz Lopes, Alfredo del Caño Gochi and Isabel Soares (2020); "Optimisation Techniques for Managing the Project Sustainability Objective: Application to a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger", Sustainability, 12(11), 4480.
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Illiquidity as a signal

Jorge, José and Charles M. Kahn (2020); "Illiquidity as a signal", Journal of Financial Stability, 50, 100773.
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Endogenous Growth and Real Effects of Monetary Policy: R&D and Physical Capital Complementarities

Gil, Pedro Mazeda and Gustavo Iglésias (2020); "Endogenous Growth and Real Effects of Monetary Policy: R&D and Physical Capital Complementarities", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 52(5), pp. 1147-1197.  
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Technology Balance of Payments and Countries’ International Competitiveness. A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries, 2000-2017

Teixeira, A.A.C. and Diana Barros (2020); "Technology Balance of Payments and Countries’ International Competitiveness. A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries, 2000-2017", Applied Economics Letters, 27(12), pp. 992-996.  
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A Real Options Approach to Optimal Bidding in Construction Projects Considering Volume Uncertainty

Ribeiro, J., Paulo J. Pereira and E. Brandão (2020); "A Real Options Approach to Optimal Bidding in Construction Projects Considering Volume Uncertainty", Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(4), pp. 631-640.  
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Entrepreneurship and Happiness: Does National Culture Matter?

Teixeira, A.A.C. and  R. Vasque (2020); "Entrepreneurship and Happiness: Does National Culture Matter?", Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(1), 2050007.
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Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch

Jorge, José and Joana Rocha (2020); "Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch", International Journal of Central Banking.
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Is the skills mismatch important under skill-biased technological change and imperfect substitutability between immigrants and natives?

Gil, Pedro Mazeda, Susana Gabriel and Óscar Afonso (2020); "Is the skills mismatch important under skill-biased technological change and imperfect substitutability between immigrants and natives?", Economic Modelling, 84, pp. 38-54.
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Tradable and nontradable directed technical change

Afonso, Óscar and Tiago Sequeira (2020); “Tradable and nontradable directed technical change”, Applied Economics, 52(36), pp. 3874-3897.
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