Economic Geography: From Foundational Debates to Regional Dynamics
(with José Gaspar)
Research in a Tweet: Interdisciplinary collaboration between economics and geography deepens our understanding of economic geography. Regional preferences counteract agglomeration forces, while societal concern for public goods drives complex growth dynamics.
Unlocking Business Performance through Knowledge, Institutions, and Ecosystems (with Cristina Fernandes)
Research in a Tweet: Knowledge spillovers, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and strong institutions enhance business performance, drive innovation, and foster economic and social development. Policymakers should focus on strengthening ecosystems and entrepreneurship for sustainable growth.
Energy at the Core: Uncovering the Drivers of Technological Change (with Zheng Hou)
Research in a Tweet: Micro and macro-level evidence suggests that energy should be considered a production factor when assessing directed technological change. Quality-adjusted production factors reinforce this conclusion. Policies focusing on promoting renewable energy and efficient energy use are important.
Unraveling Persistent Economic Myths (with Natalia Izelli Doré)
Research in a Tweet: Brazil’s growth over the past 200 years has been driven by education and a shift from agriculture to industry. The quality of political institutions played a smaller role. While Brazil has shown real convergence with other Latin American countries and Portugal, it has failed to converge with the technological leader, the U.S.
Unraveling Persistent Economic Myths (with Francisco Nunes Pereira)
Research in a Tweet: Flawed economic ideas persist due to a focus on practicality over theory and as unnoticed preconceptions. Methodological reflection may expose flawed ideas and uncover unexamined ideological biases, and it is essential for a rigorous economic discipline. Tolerance and pluralism are vital.
From Steam to Green: Portugal's Energy Struggles (with Sofia Teives Henriques)
Research in a Tweet: Portugal’s deficiency in coal and delayed hydropower development impeded its economic progress. Effective decarbonization relies on integrating renewable energy with efficiency improvements. Strategic energy policies are important for sustainable development.
Planting the Seeds of Tomorrow
Research in a Tweet: As we enter a new pluriannual cycle of FCT funding, we are excited to share our objectives, strategies, initiatives, and targets in our activity plan for 2025-2029. This plan introduces the rebranded Centre for Economics, Management, and Finance (CEMF.UP), a name that better reflects our expanded scope and ambitions.
Looking Back to the Future
Research in a Tweet: As the current pluriannual cycle of FCT financing concludes, we are eager to share some of the key activities, initiatives, and transformative changes that have shaped CEF.UP from 2018 to 2023. We also wish to celebrate the achievements that your support has made possible.
Fostering Regional Development and Innovation: agency, institutions and intermediation (with Luís Carvalho)
Research in a Tweet: Peripheral regions can overcome traditional challenges to innovation and diversification by reconfiguring existing resources and adapting institutional frameworks. Public procurement practices can foster not only novel solutions to urban challenges but also institutional changes that facilitate innovation.
Policy Dynamics in the Euro Area (with Ana Paula Ribeiro)
Research in a Tweet: Policy uncertainty shapes fiscal outcomes. It amplifies the effect of temporary shocks in government spending and weakens that of permanent ones. Credit responsiveness across Euro Area countries is heterogeneous, influenced by the size of banks and the financial health of firms. It is important to adapt and coordinate policies to address the economic diversity of those countries, eventually through the mediation of the ECB.
A Different Look at Conditional Welfare Systems (with Luís Guimarães)
Research in a Tweet: Conditional welfare systems suffer from consequential imperfections. A universal income would alleviate distortions and reach those in the dead-angle of existing programs. A universal income would be preferable to a moderate increase in the generosity of the current US welfare system.
Overlapping-Generations Models for Better Policymaking (with Anna Rubinchik)
Research in a Tweet: Overlapping-generations models enhance policy evaluation, capturing key aspects of economic reality and accounting for agents’ anticipation of policy impacts. Studying neural firing and sensory processing in rats helps understand cognitive adaptation, learning, and boundedly rational behavior.
From Chuckles to Service Quality: Understanding Humour in Customer Interactions (with Eduardo Oliveira)
Research in a Tweet: In customer service, the right blend of affiliative and self-defeating humour significantly impacts perceived service quality. Affiliative humour, when predominant, enhances customer perceptions, while excessive self-defeating humour can have a negative effect. The key lies in balancing these humour styles to optimally engage customers.
Fostering Consumer Engagement (with Teresa Fernandes)
Research in a Tweet: In recent years, consumer engagement has risen to occupy a prominent position in brand management research and practice. Although most research has adopted the brand as the focal object, consumer engagement can transpire with different actors and objects such as AI-based digital assistants and social media influencers.
Value-Driven Business: a Journey Through the Heart of Finance and Innovation
(with Miguel Sousa)
Research in a Tweet: Conventional wisdom on exit strategies for Private Equity favors IPOs. However, other alternatives, like secondary buyouts, are preferable in certain market conditions, as they allow strategies out of reach to a public company.
CEF.UP's Advanced Courses
Research in a Tweet: Amidst a dynamic, progressively technical, and fiercely competitive academia, researchers grapple with the challenge of remaining abreast of the latest developments. To aid them in this, in the previous academic year, CEF.UP took a pioneering step and launched a new initiative: a series of advanced courses led by preeminent experts at the forefront of their fields.
Developing a dynamic theory of the firm (with Elvira Silva)
Research in a Tweet: Most research on efficiency and productivity measurement disregards the time interdependence of firms’ production and investment decisions. Elvira’s career has been dedicated to correcting this. Her approach is fruitful, allowing, among others, the estimation of environmental efficiency or the bite of taxes on emissions.
Corporate social responsibility and tax aggressiveness (with Mário Marques)
Research in a Tweet: Previous studies yield contradictory findings on the association between firms’ environmental and social responsibility and their tax avoidance strategies. A meta-analysis identifies the influence of study design on these results. It also suggests that the association is usually non-existent.
Measuring barriers to sustainable fashion consumption (with Amélia Brandão)
Research in a Tweet: The fashion industry has a significant environmental footprint. Consumers show concern, but it does not translate into changed purchasing behaviours. The perceived lack of style, quality and variety of sustainable alternatives is the main barrier to change.
Wage determination and collective bargaining: explaining wage compression (with Hugo Vilares)
Research in a Tweet: Wage inequality has decreased in Portugal. Bargaining power has shrunk for middle and high-wage earners. Wages and firm productivity have decoupled. Labour market institutions, such as those related to collective bargaining, are crucial in explaining these facts.
Using Microdata to Foster Better Banking Policies (with Ana Sá)
Research in a Tweet: Some measures of policy protecting borrowers may result in higher collateral requirements on new mortgages, raising issues of inequality. A low interest-rate environment may lead to riskier adjustable-rate mortgages. Mortgage heterogeneity endangers the effectiveness of the one-size-fits-all monetary policy of the ECB.
Microcredit as a Refuge for Refugees (with Fábio Duarte)
Research in a Tweet: Claiming prior borrowing experience bolsters a refugee entrepreneur’s chances to access crowdfunding. Refugee loan campaigns associated with local microfinance institutions of good repute are more successful and help break the vicious circle of financial exclusion in which refugees often find themselves.
Firms' Discursive Practices and Organizational Legitimacy (with Adelaide Martins)
Research in a Tweet: In the wake of the 2010-2014 Portuguese Financial Crisis, Energias de Portugal (EDP) was mired in controversy surrounding excessive rents and increasing electricity bills. Its CEO used several discursive strategies to navigate contradictory environmental pressures and legitimize the firm’s profit-seeking behavior.
The PhD Programmes at FEP
Research in a Tweet: Doing a PhD is a worthy, albeit challenging, journey. Doing it at FEP ensures students can carry out innovative and world-class research in economics or management sciences. There are currently two PhD programmes at FEP: in Business and Management Studies and in Economics.
Meta-analytical Spillovers (with Pedro Neves)
Research in a Tweet: A meta-analysis is a quantitative literature review that explains the variability across empirical studies and offers new estimates for theory testing or calibration. An example on knowledge spillovers illustrates this.
The Many Benefits of the Current Energy Transition (with Susana Silva)
Research in a Tweet: Electricity consumption in Portugal has been impacted by rising average temperatures and is sensitive to extreme weather events. The benefits of the current energy transition go beyond their environmental effects.
Governance Structures, Board Diversity, and Banks' Performance in Times of Crisis (with Jorge Farinha)
Research in a Tweet: Governance structures and the composition of the board affect the performance of banks in times of crisis. Greater diversity and experience are associated with a better performance of European banks in the 2007-08 financial crisis. These insights are robust to different measures of performance and estimation techniques.
Doing Economic Research that Matters (with Aurora Teixeira)
Research in a Tweet: Aurora’s research falls under an overarching concern with being of service to the community. Some of her most recent contributions in the fields of Economic Growth and of Innovation illustrate this.
Banking Business Models in a Turbulent World (with Carlos Alves)
Research in a Tweet: Four business models can be identified in the European banking sector. Individual banks adopting different models do not show the same performance and resilience. Still, a diversified banking sector is better prepared to deal with crises.
Educational Mismatches in the Portuguese Labour Market (with Anabela Carneiro)
Research in a Tweet: 1st and 2nd cycle higher education graduates entering the labour market in occupations for which they are relatively overqualified suffer a wage penalty of up to 16.2% and a lower likelihood of changing jobs than similar graduates that are well-matched.
The State of Economics Research in Portugal (with Paulo Guimarães)
Research in a Tweet: Despite a significant decline after 2013, the last 20 years have witnessed an upsurge in the number of international publications by Portuguese economists. However, the body of researchers is worryingly aged, and significant gender imbalances remain.