Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation
Sarmento, P., Rosales-Asensio, E., & Borge Diez, D. (2023). Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189(Part A), 113918.
Evolution, roots and influence of the rural entrepreneurship literature: a bibliometric account
Masoomi, E., Rezaei-Moghaddam, K., Teixeira, A.C. (2024). "Evolution, roots and influence of the rural entrepreneurship literature: a bibliometric account", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 174-206.
Designing a Public-Private Co-Investment Mechanism to Foster Venture Capital
Tavares-Gärtner, Miguel, Paulo J. Pereira and Elísio Brandão (2023); "Designing a Public-Private Co-Investment Mechanism to Foster Venture Capital", European Journal of Finance, 29(8), pp. 869-887.
Explaining the Labor Share: Automation vs Labor Market Institutions
Guimarães, Luís and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2022); “Explaining the Labor Share: Automation vs Labor Market Institutions”, Labour Economics, 75, 102146.
Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response
Souza, R. F., R. Ballini, J. M. F. J. Silveira and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response", Iberoamerican Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(1), e1742.
Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions
Guimarães, Luís and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2022); "Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 144, 104538.
When Is Product Personalization Profit-Enhancing? A Behavior-Based Discrimination Model
Laussel, D. and Joana Resende (2022); "When Is Product Personalization Profit-Enhancing? A Behavior-Based Discrimination Model", Management Science, 68(12), pp. 8872-8888.
A Dynamic Model for Venture Capitalists' Entry-Exit Investment Decisions
Ferreira, Ricardo and Paulo J. Pereira (2021); "A Dynamic Model for Venture Capitalists' Entry-Exit Investment Decisions", European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2), pp. 779-789.
Behavior Based Price Personalization under Vertical Product Differentiation
Garella, Paolo G., Didier Laussel and Joana Resende (2021); "Behavior Based Price Personalization under Vertical Product Differentiation", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 76, 102717.
Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional
Preto, M., G. Brás, A. Daniel and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 58, pp. 29-47.
Optimal priority pricing by a durable goods monopolist
Correia-da-Silva, João (2021); "Optimal priority pricing by a durable goods monopolist", Games and Economic Behavior, 129, pp.310-328.
The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs
Forte, R. and Ana Rita Sá (2021); "The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs", EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), pp. 195-217.
Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids
Governo, F., Aurora Teixeira and Ana Margarida Brochado (2020); "Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids", Behaviour & Information Technology, 39(10), pp. 1039-1061.
Networks in Decline: Should Price Regulation Be Abolished?
Sarmento, Paula and António Brandão (2020); "Networks in Decline: Should Price Regulation Be Abolished?", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 27(3), pp. 377-389.
The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits
Laussel, Didier, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2020); “The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits”, RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), pp. 650-675.
Overlapping Ownership, Endogenous Quality, and Welfare
Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2020); "Overlapping Ownership, Endogenous Quality, and Welfare", Economics Letters, 190, 109074.
Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information
Laussel, D. and Joana Resende (2020); "Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information", Economic Theory, 70, pp. 943-981.
Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria
Didier Laussel, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2020); “Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 114, 103869.
Entrepreneurship and Happiness: Does National Culture Matter?
Teixeira, A.A.C. and R. Vasque (2020); "Entrepreneurship and Happiness: Does National Culture Matter?", Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(1), 2050007.
Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model
Belhadj, Nada, Didier Laussel and Joana Resende (2020); "Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model", Information Economics and Policy, 50, 100834.
Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study
Martins, L., J. Cerdeira and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study", The World Economy, 43(8), pp. 2119-2152.
Coordinated Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility
Cunha, Mariana and Filipa Mota (2020); "Coordinated Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 20, pp. 617-641.
Determinants of performance of new ventures located in Portuguese incubators and science parks with a focus on institutional factors: do rural and urban new ventures differ?
Pato, L. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "Determinants of performance of new ventures located in Portuguese incubators and science parks with a focus on institutional factors: do rural and urban new ventures differ? ", European Planning Studies, 28(8), pp. 1619-1638.
Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship and economic growth: The moderating effect of human capital?
Rodrigues, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); “Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship and economic growth: The moderating effect of human capital?”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(4), 2050025.
The relationship between debt and a firm’s performance: the impact of institutional factors
Forte, R. and José Miguel Tavares (2019); "The relationship between debt and a firm’s performance: the impact of institutional factors", Managerial Finance, 45 (9), pp. 1272-1291.
Horizontal mergers between multi-sided platforms: Insights from Cournot competition
Correia-da-Silva, João, Bruno Jullien, Yassine Lefouili and Joana Pinho (2019); "Horizontal mergers between multi-sided platforms: Insights from Cournot competition", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Special Issue, 28(1), pp. 109-124.
Endogeneity in Strategy-Performance Analysis: An Application to Initial Human Capital Strategy and New Venture Performance
Rocha, V., van Praag, M., Folta, T. and Anabela Carneiro (2019); “Endogeneity in Strategy-Performance Analysis: An Application to Initial Human Capital Strategy and New Venture Performance”, Organizational Research Methods, 22(3), pp. 740-764.
The Perceived Usefulness of the Business Plan in Formal Entrepreneurship Education: The Perspective of Alumni Entrepreneurs
Teixeira, A.A.C. and Isabel Pereira (2019); "The Perceived Usefulness of the Business Plan in Formal Entrepreneurship Education: The Perspective of Alumni Entrepreneurs", Entrepreneurship Education, 2, pp. 91-133.
Maximum Entropy: A Stochastic Frontier Approach for Electricity Distribution Regulation
Elvira Silva, Pedro Macedo e Isabel Soares (2019); "Maximum Entropy: A Stochastic Frontier Approach for Electricity Distribution Regulation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, 55, pp.237–257.
Can Partial Horizontal Ownership Lessen Competition More Than a Monopoly
Vasconcelos, Hélder, Duarte Brito and Ricardo Ribeiro (2019); "Can Partial Horizontal Ownership Lessen Competition More Than a Monopoly?", Economics Letters, 176, pp. 90-95.
Are New Rural Ventures Different from Urban Ones? An Exploratory Analysis of Businesses Located in Portuguese Incubators and Science Parks
Pato, L. and Aurora Teixeira (2019); "Are New Rural Ventures Different from Urban Ones? An Exploratory Analysis of Businesses Located in Portuguese Incubators and Science Parks", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 8(4), pp.470-482.
Open innovation and knowledge for fostering business ecosystems
Ferreira, J. and Aurora Teixeira (2019); "Open innovation and knowledge for fostering business ecosystems", Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(4), pp. 253-255.
Input Price Discrimination in the presence of Downstream Vertical Differentiation
Brito, Duarte, Markos Tselekounis and Hélder Vasconcelos (2019); “Input Price Discrimination in the presence of Downstream Vertical Differentiation”, Economics Letters, 184, 108622.
Non-Compete Covenants, Litigation and Garden Leaves
Azevedo, A., P.J. Pereira and A. Rodrigues (2018); "Non-Compete Covenants, Litigation and Garden Leaves", Journal of Business Research, 88, pp. 197-211.
Welfare Decreasing Endogenous Mergers between Producers of Complementary Goods
Barros, Pedro Pita, Duarte Brito and Hélder Vasconcelos (2018); "Welfare Decreasing Endogenous Mergers between Producers of Complementary Goods", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 60, pp. 54-95.
Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI
Brito, Duarte, António Osório, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2018); "Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, pp. 127-189.
Quantifying the coordinated effects of partial horizontal acquisitions
Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2018); "Quantifying the coordinated effects of partial horizontal acquisitions", European Economic Review, 110, pp. 108-149.
Collusion in mixed oligopolies and the coordinated effects of privatization
Correia-da-Silva, João and Joana Pinho (2018); "Collusion in mixed oligopolies and the coordinated effects of privatization", Journal of Economics, 124(1), pp. 19-55.
Control Mechanisms in the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): a Comparison Between Brazil and Portugal
Fontes-Filho, J. and Carlos Alves (2018); "Control Mechanisms in the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): a Comparison Between Brazil and Portugal", Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 6(1), pp. 1-13.
Rural Entrepreneurship: The Tale of a Rare Event
Pato, L. and A.A.C. Teixeira (2018); "Rural Entrepreneurship: The Tale of a Rare Event", Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(1), pp. 46-49.
Enabling factors for developing a social services network
Proença, T., J. F. Proença and C. Costa (2018); "Enabling factors for developing a social services network", The Service Industries Journal, 38(5-6), pp. 321-342.
An Option Pricing Approach to Optimal Bidding in Construction Projects
Ribeiro, J., P.J. Pereira and E. Brandão (2018); "An Option Pricing Approach to Optimal Bidding in Construction Projects", Managerial and Decision Economics, 39(2), pp. 171-179.
Financial Constraints and Small and Medium-Sized Firms' Export Propensity: Evidence from Portuguese Manufacturing Firms
Forte, Rosa and Ana Salomé Moreira (2018); "Financial Constraints and Small and Medium-Sized Firms' Export Propensity: Evidence from Portuguese Manufacturing Firms", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 25(2), pp. 223-241.
Strength of the Association between R&D Volatility and Firm Growth: The Roles of Corporate Governance and Tangible Asset Volatility
Patel, Pankaj C., Maria João Guedes, Nuno Soares and Vítor da Conceição Gonçalves (2018); "Strength of the Association between R&D Volatility and Firm Growth: The Roles of Corporate Governance and Tangible Asset Volatility", Journal of Business Research, 88, pp. 282-288.
Leaving Employment to Entrepreneurship: the Value of Co-worker Mobility in Pushed and Pulled-driven Start-ups
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Varum (2018); "Leaving Employment to Entrepreneurship: the Value of Co-worker Mobility in Pushed and Pulled-driven Start-ups", Journal of Management Studies, 55(1), pp. 60-85.
Optimal Contingent Payment Mechanisms and Entrepreneurial Financing Decisions
Tavares-Gärtner, M., P.J. Pereira and E. Brandão (2018); "Optimal Contingent Payment Mechanisms and Entrepreneurial Financing Decisions", European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3), pp. 1182-1194.
Heterogeneous Beliefs and Optimal Ownership in Entrepreneurial Financing Decisions
Tavares-Gärtner, M., P.J. Pereira and E. Brandão (2018); "Heterogeneous Beliefs and Optimal Ownership in Entrepreneurial Financing Decisions", Quantitative Finance, 18(11), pp. 1947-1958.
The Gloomy Side of Entrepreneurship: Poverty and Entrepreneurship in Portuguese Municipalities
Tibério, B. and A.A.C. Teixeira (2018); "The Gloomy Side of Entrepreneurship: Poverty and Entrepreneurship in Portuguese Municipalities", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 48, pp. 33-53.
Sequential Mergers and Antitrust Authority's Decisions in Stackelberg Markets
Vasconcelos, Hélder and Mariana Cunha (2018); "Sequential Mergers and Antitrust Authority's Decisions in Stackelberg Markets", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 18(3), pp. 373-394.
Productivity shocks in a union-duopoly model
Brandão, António and Joana Pinho (2018); "Productivity shocks in a union-duopoly model", The Manchester School, 86 (6), pp. 722-756.
Analysis of consumer preferences for mobile telecom plans using a discrete choice experiment
Confraria, João, Tiago Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2017); "Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Mobile Communication Plans Using a Discrete Choice Experiment", Telecommunications Policy, 41(3), pp. 157-169.
The Anatomy of Business Failure: a Qualitative Account of its Implications for Future Business Success
Dias, A.R. and A.A.C. Teixeira (2017); The Anatomy of Business Failure:a Qualitative Account of its Implications for Future Business Success, European Journal of Management & Business Economics, 26(1), pp. 2-20.
Is there still a Berlin Wall in the post-issue operating performance of European IPOs?
Pereira, Tiago Pinho and Miguel Sousa (2017); "Is there still a Berlin Wall in the post-issue operating performance of European IPOs?", International Journal of Finance & Economics, 22(2), pp. 139-158.
Welfare effects of unbundling under different regulatory regimes in natural gas markets
Brandão, António, Joana Pinho, Joana Resende, Paula Sarmento and Isabel Soares (2016); "Welfare effects of unbundling under different regulatory regimes in natural gas markets", Portuguese Economic Journal, 15(2), pp. 99-127.
Sustaining collusion in markets with entry driven by balanced growth
Correia-da-Silva, João, Joana Pinho and Hélder Vasconcelos (2016); "Sustaining collusion in markets with entry driven by balanced growth", Journal of Economics, 118(1), pp. 1-34.
Competitive Targeted Advertising with Price Discrimination
Esteves, Rosa Branca and Joana Resende (2016); Competitive Targeted Advertising with Price Discrimination, Marketing Science, 35(4), pp. 576-587.
Multinational firms and host country market structure: a review of empirical literature
Forte, Rosa (2016); "Multinational firms and host country market structure: a review of empirical literature", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 25(2), pp. 240-265.
Exports-R&D investment complementarity and economic performance of firms located in Portugal
Neves, A., Aurora A. C. Teixeira and Sandra T. Silva (2016); "Exports-R&D investment complementarity and economic performance of firms located in Portugal", Investigación Económica, 75(295), pp. 125-156.
Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey
Pato, Maria Lúcia, and Aurora A. C Teixeira (2016); "Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey", Sociologia Ruralis, 56(1), pp. 3-23.
Export-Led Growth in the EU: Where and What to Export?
Ribeiro, Ana Paula, Vitor Carvalho and Paula Santos (2016); "Export-Led Growth in the EU: Where and What to Export?", The International Trade Journal, 30(4), pp. 319-344.
Nesting vertical and horizontal differentiation in two-sided markets
Ribeiro, Vitor Miguel, João Correia-da-Silva and Joana Resende (2016); "Nesting vertical and horizontal differentiation in two-sided markets", Bulletin of Economic Research, 68, pp. 133-145.
Inter-firm Bundling and Vertical Product Differentiation
Brito, Duarte and Hélder Vasconcelos (2015); "Inter-firm Bundling and Vertical Product Differentiation", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(1), pp. 1-27.
Asymmetric information and Exchange of information about product differentiation
Brandão, António and Joana Pinho (2015); "Asymmetric information and Exchange of information about product differentiation", Bulletin of Economics Research, 67(2), pp. 166-185.
Entry and Exit Dynamics of Nascent Business Owners
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Amorim Varum (2015); "Entry and Exit Dynamics of Nascent Business Owners", Small Business Economics, 45(1), pp. 63-84.
What Explains the Survival Gap of Pushed and Pulled Corporate Spin-offs?
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Varum (2015); "What Explains the Survival Gap of Pushed and Pulled Corporate Spin-offs?", Economics Letters, 126, pp. 127-130.
Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers
Esteves, Rosa Branca and Hélder Vasconcelos (2015); "Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 24(3), pp. 523-549.
Is Exclusionary Pricing Anticompetitive in Two-Sided Markets?
Vasconcelos, Hélder (2015); "Is Exclusionary Pricing Anticompetitive in Two-Sided Markets?", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 40, pp. 1-10.
Vertical Separation and Access Pricing: Effects on Investment Incentives
Sarmento, P. (2015); "Vertical Separation and Access Pricing: Effects on Investment Incentives", Actual Problems of Economics, 167(5), pp. 228-241.
Serial entrepreneurship, learning by doing and self-selection
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Varum (2015); "Serial entrepreneurship, learning by doing and self-selection", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 40, pp. 91-106.
Exclusionary Pricing in Markets with Interdependent Demands
Vasconcelos, Hélder (2015); "Exclusionary Pricing in Markets with Interdependent Demands", Economics Letters, 134, pp. 24-28.
Network Effects, Aftermarkets and the Coase Conjecture: A Dynamic Markovian Approach
Laussel, Didier, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2015); "Network Effects, Aftermarkets and the Coase Conjecture: A Dynamic Markovian Approach", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 41, pp. 84-96.
Mergers in Stackelberg Markets with Efficiency Gains
Cunha, Mariana and Hélder Vasconcelos (2015); "Mergers in Stackelberg Markets with Efficiency Gains", Journal of Industry Competition and Trade, 15(2), pp. 105-134.
Does FDI Increases Market Concentration? An Evaluation of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industries
Forte, Rosa and Paula Sarmento (2014); "Does FDI Increases Market Concentration? An Evaluation of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industries", Acta Oeconomica, 64(4), pp. 463-480.
Asymmetric Collusion with Growing Demand
Brandão, António, Joana Pinho and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Asymmetric Collusion with Growing Demand", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(4), pp. 429-472.
Renewable Energies Impacting the Optimal Generation Mix: The Case of the Iberian Electricity Market
Mendes, Carla and Isabel Soares (2014); "Renewable Energies Impacting the Optimal Generation Mix: The Case of the Iberian Electricity Market", Energy, 69, pp. 23-33.
Divesting Ownership in a Rival
Brito, Duarte, Luís Cabral and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Divesting Ownership in a Rival", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 34, pp. 9-24.
Bundled Discounts: Strategic Substitutes or Complements?
Brito, Duarte and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Bundled Discounts: Strategic Substitutes or Complements?", Economics Letters, 124(2), pp. 278-282.
Anti-Competitive Impact of Pseudo-Generics
Rodrigues, Vasco, Ricardo Gonçalves and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Anti-Competitive Impact of Pseudo-Generics", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(1), pp. 83-98.
Does Vertical Integration Promote Downstream Incomplete Collusion? An Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Stability
Cunha, Mariana and Paula Sarmento (2014); "Does Vertical Integration Promote Downstream Incomplete Collusion? An Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Stability", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(1), pp. 1-38.
Measuring Unilateral Effects in Partial Horizontal Acquisitions
Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Measuring Unilateral Effects in Partial Horizontal Acquisitions", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 33, pp. 22-36.
Free Daily Newspapers: Too Strong Incentives to Print?
Correia-da-Silva, João and Joana Resende (2013); "Free Daily Newspapers: Too Strong Incentives to Print?", Portuguese Economic Journal, 12(2), pp. 113-130.
Loan Interest Rates Under Risk-based Capital Requirements: The Impact of Banking Market Structure
Drumond, Inês and José Jorge (2013); "Loan Interest Rates Under Risk-based Capital Requirements: The Impact of Banking Market Structure", Economic Modelling, 32, pp. 602-607.
Models of Spatial Competition: A Critical Review
Biscaia, Ricardo and Isabel Mota (2013); "Models of Spatial Competition: A Critical Review", Papers in Regional Science, 92(4), pp. 851-871.
Animal Spirits and the Composition of Innovation in a Lab-Equipment R&D Model with Transition
Gil, Pedro (2013); "Animal Spirits and the Composition of Innovation in a Lab-Equipment R&D Model with Transition", Journal of Economics, 108(1), pp. 1-33.
The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants
Mota, Isabel and António Brandão (2013);"The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants", Papers in Regional Science, 92(1), pp. 31-49.
Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study
Campos, Pedro, Pavel Brazdil and Isabel Mota (2013); "Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study", Computational Economics, 42(1), pp. 1-22.
Firm Size Distribution under Horizontal and Vertical Innovation
Gil, Pedro and Fernanda Figueiredo (2013); "Firm Size Distribution under Horizontal and Vertical Innovation", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(1), pp. 129-161.
An Evolutionary Model of Industry Dynamics and Firms' Institutional Behavior with Job Search, Bargaining and Matching
Silva, Sandra T., Jorge Valente and Aurora Teixeira (2012); "An Evolutionary Model of Industry Dynamics and Firms' Institutional Behavior with Job Search, Bargaining and Matching", Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 7(1), pp. 63-77.
Differentiated Credence Goods and Price Competition
Gabszewicz Jean J. and Joana Resende (2012); "Differentiated Credence Goods and Price Competition", Information, Economics and Policy, 24(3-4), pp. 277-287.
A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises
Chao, Li-Wei, Helena Szrek, Karl Peltzer, Shandir Ramlagan, Peter Fleming, Rui Leite, Jesswill Magerman, Godfrey B. Ngwenya, Nuno Sousa Pereira and Jere Behrman (2012); "A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises", Journal of Development Economics, 98(1), pp. 94-107.
Vaccine Supply: Effects of Regulation and Competition
Danzon, Patricia M. and Nuno Sousa Pereira (2011); "Vaccine Supply: Effects of Regulation and Competition", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 18(2), pp. 239-271.
Financial Constraints and Exports: Evidence from Portuguese Manufacturing Firms
Silva, Armando (2011); "Financial Constraints and Exports: Evidence from Portuguese Manufacturing Firms", International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 4(3), pp. 7-19.
Optimal Investment Decisions for Two Positioned Firms Competing in a Duopoly Market with Hidden Competitors
Armada, Manuel R., Lawrence Kryzanowski and Paulo J. Pereira (2011); "Optimal Investment Decisions for Two Positioned Firms Competing in a Duopoly Market with Hidden Competitors", European Financial Management, 17(2), pp. 305-330.
Vertical Integration and Right of First Refusal
Cabral, Luís and Hélder Vasconcelos (2011); "Vertical Integration and Right of First Refusal", Economics Letters, 113(1), pp. 50-53.
Costly Horizontal Differentiation
Correia-da-Silva, João and Joana Pinho (2011); "Costly Horizontal Differentiation", Portuguese Economic Journal, 10(3), pp. 165-188.
Mapping the (In)visible College(s) in the Field of Entrepreneurship
Teixeira, Aurora (2011); "Mapping the (In)visible College(s) in the Field of Entrepreneurship", Scientometrics, 89(1), pp. 1-36.
Foreign Ownership and Firm Hazard During Crises: The Moderating Role of Industry's Technological Intensity
Varum, Celeste, Vera Rocha and Hélder Valente da Silva (2010); "Foreign Ownership and Firm Hazard During Crises: The Moderating Role of Industry's Technological Intensity", The Empirical Economics Letters, 9(12), pp. 1132 -1137.
Efficiency Gains and Structural Remedies in Merger Control
Vasconcelos, Hélder (2010); "Efficiency Gains and Structural Remedies in Merger Control", Journal of Industrial Economics, 58(4), pp. 742-766.
Is Exit a Firm Failure? Facts and Theory
Brandão, António and António Marques (2010); "Is Exit a Firm Failure? Facts and Theory", Acta Oeconomica, 60(4), pp. 405-426.
Sequential Cross-Border Mergers
Fumagalli, Eilleen and Hélder Vasconcelos (2009); "Sequential Cross-Border Mergers", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27(2), pp. 175-187.
Localization Economies and Establishment Size: Was Marshall Right After All?
Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas Woodward (2009); "Localization Economies and Establishment Size: Was Marshall Right After All?, Journal of Economic Geography, 9(6), pp. 853-868.
Effects of Adverse Selection on a Multinational Firm’s Decision on Where to Subcontract
Forte, Rosa and António Brandão (2008); "Effects of Adverse Selection on a Multinational Firm’s Decision on Where to Subcontract", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 8(2), pp. 133-146.
State–owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation
Brandão, António and Sofia Castro (2007); "State–owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation", Journal of Economics, 92(3), pp. 263-274.
Entry Deterrence and Entry Accommodation of a Multiproduct Firm Regulated with Dynamic Price Cap
Sarmento, Paula and António Brandão (2007); "Entry Deterrence and Entry Accommodation of a Multiproduct Firm Regulated with Dynamic Price Cap", International Advances in Economic Research, 13(1), pp. 19-34.
Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances
Danzon, Patricia M., Sean Nicholson and Nuno Sousa Pereira (2005); "Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances", Journal of Health Economics, 24(2), pp. 317-339.
The Dynamics of Agglomeration: Evidence from Ireland and Portugal
Barrios Salvador, Lusito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and António Carlos Teixeira (2005); "The Dynamics of Agglomeration: Evidence from Ireland and Portugal", Journal of Urban Economics, 57(1), pp. 170-188.