Does user-generated content influence value co-creation in the context of luxury fashion brand communities? Matching inclusivity and exclusivity
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Consumers’ perceptions of proximity to plastic pollution and support for environmentally friendly retail brands: An emerging market perspective
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An overlapping-generations model with data-driven equilibrium behavior
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International spillovers of unconventional monetary policy: A meta-analysis
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The role of competition on equity crowdfunding
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Adaptability, diversification, and energy shocks: A firm level productivity analysis
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Profit effects of consumers’ identity management: A dynamic model
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Understanding the Influence of Wind and Solar PV on Socioeconomic and Environmental Trends: A Non-causality Perspective
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What Lies behind the Returns to Schooling: The Role of Labor Market Sorting and Worker Heterogeneity
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Bifurcation Mechanism at a Sustain Point of a Long Narrow Economy
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