An overlapping-generations model with data-driven equilibrium behavior
Gorokhovsky, A., & Rubinchik, A. (2024). An overlapping-generations model with data-driven equilibrium behavior. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 103065.
Solving differential eigenproblems via the Tau spectral method
Vasconcelos, P. B., Roman, J. E., & Matos, J. A. (2023). Solving differential eigenproblems via the Tau spectral method. Numerical Algorithms, 92, 1798–1811.
Fast and accurate solvers for weakly singular integral equations
Grammont, L., Kulkarni, R., & Vasconcelos, P. B. (2023). Fast and accurate solvers for weakly singular integral equations. Numerical Algorithms, 92, 2045–2070.
Publisher's Note: Arbitrarily large heteroclinic networks in fixed low-dimensional state space
Castro, S. B. S. D., & Lohse, A. (2023). Publisher's Note: Arbitrarily large heteroclinic networks in fixed low-dimensional state space [Chaos 33, 083156 (2023)]. Chaos, 33(10).
Finite switching near heteroclinic networks
Castro, S. B. S. D. & Garrido-da-Silva, L. (2023). Finite switching near heteroclinic networks. Nonlinearity, 36(12), 6239-6259.
Business Administration and Business Economics Marketing Accounting Personnel Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analysis
Marques, Mário, Tânia Menezes Montenegro, Filomena Antunes Brás; (2023) "Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analysis", Journal of the American Taxation Association.
Forthcoming / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
The spatial location choices of newly created firms in the creative industries
Cruz, Sara S. and Aurora A.C. Teixeira; "The spatial location choices of newly created firms in the creative industries", Creative Industries Journal, forthcoming.
Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Empirical Literature on Economic Growth, 1991-2020: Uncovering Extant Gaps and Avenues for Future Research
Doré, N. and Aurora Teixeira (2023); "Empirical Literature on Economic Growth, 1991-2020: Uncovering Extant Gaps and Avenues for Future Research”, The Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 15(1), pp. 7-37.
Strategic complementarities, geographical agglomeration, and firm investment
Jorge, José; "Strategic complementarities, geographical agglomeration, and firm investment", The European Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis
Cruz, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis”, The Annals of Regional Science, 67, pp. 385-413.
Articles / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
O Programa de Ajustamento Económico para Portugal, 2011-2014: um cenário contrafactual plausível
Pinho, Manuel Correia de and Maria Manuel Pinho (2022); "O Programa de Ajustamento Económico para Portugal, 2011-2014: um cenário contrafactual plausível", Notas Económicas, 55, pp. 67-96.
Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response
Souza, R. F., R. Ballini, J. M. F. J. Silveira and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response", Iberoamerican Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(1), e1742.
The impact of cancellations in waiting times analysis: evidence from scheduled surgeries in the Portuguese NHS
Cima, Joana and Álvaro Almeida (2022); "The impact of cancellations in waiting times analysis: evidence from scheduled surgeries in the Portuguese NHS", The European Journal of Health Economics, 23, pp. 95-104.
A Portrait of Development Economics in the Last Sixty Years
Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “A Portrait of Development Economics in the Last Sixty Years”, Journal of Economic Development, 46(2), pp.69-118.
The impact of labour market institutions on income inequality: evidence from OECD countries
Fortuna, Natércia and António Neto (2021); "The impact of labour market institutions on income inequality: evidence from OECD countries", Applied Economics Letters, 28(13), pp. 1110-1113.
Estimating the Employment Band of Inaction with Multiple Breaks due to Labor Market Reforms
Mota, P. R. and P. B. Vasconcelos (2021); “Estimating the Employment Band of Inaction with Multiple Breaks due to Labor Market Reforms”, Mathematics in Computer Science, 15, pp. 121-133.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality
Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality”, Review of Regional Research, 41, pp. 55-93.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / General Economics and Teaching / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Impact of Research Output on Economic Growth by Fields of Science: a dynamic panel data analysis, 1980-2016
Pinto, T. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "The Impact of Research Output on Economic Growth by Fields of Science: a dynamic panel data analysis, 1980-2016", Scientometrics, 123, pp. 945-978.
Okun’s Law Across Time and Frequencies
Aguiar-Conraria, Luís , Manuel M. F. Martins and Maria Joana Soares (2020); "Okun’s Law Across Time and Frequencies", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 116, 103897.
Self-rejecting mechanisms
Correia-da-Silva, João (2020); "Self-rejecting mechanisms", Games and Economic Behavior, 120, pp. 434-457.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments
Costa, J., Aurora Teixeira and Anabela Botelho (2020); "Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments", International Journal of Systematic Innovation, 6(1), pp. 1-19.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / International Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Technology Balance of Payments and Countries’ International Competitiveness. A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries, 2000-2017
Teixeira, A.A.C. and Diana Barros (2020); "Technology Balance of Payments and Countries’ International Competitiveness. A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries, 2000-2017", Applied Economics Letters, 27(12), pp. 992-996.
Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch
Jorge, José and Joana Rocha (2020); "Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch", International Journal of Central Banking.
Sleeping Beauties and their Princes in International Business
Teixeira, A.A.C., A. Fonseca and P. Vieira (2020); "Sleeping Beauties and their Princes in International Business", Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 25(1-2), pp. 44-72.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Other Special Topics / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Tourism and regional development: a spatial econometric model for Portugal at municipal level
Santos, L. D. and A. C. Vieira (2020); “Tourism and regional development: a spatial econometric model for Portugal at municipal level”, Portuguese Economic Journal, 19, pp. 285-299.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Industrial Organization / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study
Martins, L., J. Cerdeira and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study", The World Economy, 43(8), pp. 2119-2152.
Articles / General Economics and Teaching / Health, Education, and Welfare / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Focus on Poverty in the Most Influential Journals in Economics: A Bibliometric Analysis of the ‘Blue Ribbon’Journals
Cardoso, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); "The Focus on Poverty in the Most Influential Journals in Economics: A Bibliometric Analysis of the ‘Blue Ribbon’Journals", Poverty and Public Policy, 12(1), pp. 10-42.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological change approach
Afonso, Óscar and Manuela Magalhães (2020); "How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological change approach", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(4), pp. 882-919.
Does Foreign Presence Induce Host Country Firms' Exit? The Case of Portugal
Sarmento, P. and Rosa Forte (2019); “Does Foreign Presence Induce Host Country Firms’ Exit? The Case of Portugal”, International Advances in Economic Research, 25 (3), pp 323–337.
Designing Optimal M&A Strategies under Uncertainty
Lukas, Elmar, Paulo J. Pereira and Artur Rodrigues (2019); "Designing Optimal M&A Strategies under Uncertainty", Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 104, pp. 1-20.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Interdependence between the Saving Rate and Technology across Regimes: evidence from South Africa
Nell, Kevin and Margarida Mello (2019); "The Interdependence between the Saving Rate and Technology across Regimes: evidence from South Africa", Empirical Economics, 56, pp. 269-300.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
The Non-Observed Economy in Portugal: the monetary model and the MIMIC model
Soares, Cláudia and Óscar Afonso (2019); "The Non-Observed Economy in Portugal: the monetary model and the MIMIC model", Metroeconomica, 70(1), pp. 172-208.
Articles / Financial Economics / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Residential Property Loans and Bank Performance during Property Price Booms: Evidence from Europe
Martins, A. M., A. P. Serra, F. V. Martins and S. Stevenson (2019); "Residential Property Loans and Bank Performance during Property Price Booms: Evidence from Europe", Annals of Economics and Finance, 20(1), pp. 247-295.
The impact of the decision environment on consumer choice of mobile service plans: an experimental examination
Martins, Maria Lurdes and Helena Szrek (2019); "The impact of the decision environment on consumer choice of mobile service plans: an experimental examination", Utilities Policy, 56, pp. 20-32.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Health, Education, and Welfare / International Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
FDI, Income Inequality and Poverty: A Time Series Analysis of Portugal, 1973-2016
Teixeira, A.A.C. and Ana Sofia Loureiro (2019); "FDI, Income Inequality and Poverty: A Time Series Analysis of Portugal, 1973-2016", Portuguese Economic Journal, 18(3), pp. 203–249.
Investment, Tobin's Q, and Cash Flow Across Time and Frequencies
Verona, Fabio (2019); "Investment, Tobin's Q, and Cash Flow Across Time and Frequencies", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82, 2, pp. 331-346.
Maximum Entropy: A Stochastic Frontier Approach for Electricity Distribution Regulation
Elvira Silva, Pedro Macedo e Isabel Soares (2019); "Maximum Entropy: A Stochastic Frontier Approach for Electricity Distribution Regulation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, 55, pp.237–257.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / International Economics / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Engines of the Skill Premium in the Portuguese Economy
Nogueira, M. C. and Óscar Afonso (2019); "Engines of the Skill Premium in the Portuguese Economy", Cesifo Economic Studies, 65(3), pp. 318-341.
Estimating the Taylor Rule in the Time-Frequency Domain
Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Manuel M. F. Martins, and Maria Joana Soares (2018); "Estimating the Taylor Rule in the Time-Frequency Domain", Journal of Macroeconomics, 57, pp. 122-137.
Articles / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
Who cares about the day after tomorrow? Pension issues when households are myopic or time inconsistent
Börsch-Supan A., K. Härtl and D. N. Leite (2018); "Who cares about the day after tomorrow? Pension issues when households are myopic or time inconsistent", Review of Development Economics, 22(3), pp. 953-989.
Quantifying the coordinated effects of partial horizontal acquisitions
Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2018); "Quantifying the coordinated effects of partial horizontal acquisitions", European Economic Review, 110, pp. 108-149.
Bridging the Gap between Economic Modelling and Simulation: A Simple Dynamic Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model with Matlab
Gaspar, José M. (2018); "Bridging the Gap between Economic Modelling and Simulation: A Simple Dynamic Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model with Matlab", Journal of Applied Mathematics, 3193068.
Articles / International Economics / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Projects
Intra-country wage inequality in the OECD countries
Nogueira, Manuel and Óscar Afonso (2018); "Intra-country wage inequality in the OECD countries", Panoeconomicus, Special Issue, 65(3), pp. 339-362.
Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics Environmental and Ecological Economics / Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Capacity Expansion under Uncertainty in an Oligopoly using Indirect Reinforcement Learning
Oliveira, Fernando and Manuel L. Costa (2018); "Capacity Expansion under Uncertainty in an Oligopoly using Indirect Reinforcement Learning", European Journal of Operational Research, 267(3), pp. 1039-1050.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
An attempt to explain differences in economic growth: a stochastic frontier approach
Aguiar, Diana, Leonardo Costa and Elvira Silva (2017); "An attempt to explain differences in economic growth: a stochastic frontier approach", Bulletin of Economic Research, 69(4), pp. 42-65.
Analysis of consumer preferences for mobile telecom plans using a discrete choice experiment
Confraria, João, Tiago Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2017); "Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Mobile Communication Plans Using a Discrete Choice Experiment", Telecommunications Policy, 41(3), pp. 157-169.
Articles / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
An empirical analysis of the demographic trends in Least Developed Countries
Nagarajan, R., A.A.C. Teixeira and S. T. Silva (2017); An empirical analysis of the demographic trends in Least Developed Countries, Ageing International, 42(3), pp. 251-273.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Could immigration explain wage inequality in a skill-biased technological model?
Afonso, Óscar, Susana Gabriel and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2016); "Could immigration explain wage inequality in a skill-biased technological model?", Empirica, 43, pp. 559-577.
The ECBs OMTs: A tale of governments, investors, and the central bank
Cassola, Nuno and José Jorge (2016); "The ECBs OMTs: A tale of governments, investors, and the central bank", Journal of International Money and Finance, 65, pp. 94-116.
Articles / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
Is stochastic Volatility Relevant for Dynamic Portfolio Choice Under Ambiguity?
Faria, Gonçalo and João Correia-da-Silva (2016); Is stochastic Volatility Relevant for Dynamic Portfolio Choice Under Ambiguity?, European Journal of Finance, 22(7), pp. 601-626.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Health, Education, and Welfare / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Going beyond life expectancy in assessments of health systems performance: life expectancy adjusted by perceived health status
Laranjeira, Erika and Helena Szrek (2016); "Going beyond life expectancy in assessments of health systems performance: life expectancy adjusted by perceived health status", International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16(2), pp. 133-161.
Articles / Industrial Organization / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey
Pato, Maria Lúcia, and Aurora A. C Teixeira (2016); "Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey", Sociologia Ruralis, 56(1), pp. 3-23.
Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics Environmental and Ecological Economics / Articles / History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Effect of Sample Size on European Union´s Renewable Energy Investment Drivers
Sisodia, Gyanendra Singh, Isabel Soares and Paula Ferreira (2016); "The Effect of Sample Size on European Union´s Renewable Energy Investment Drivers", Applied Economics, 48(53), pp. 5129-5137.
Time-frequency characterization of the U.S. financial cycle
Verona, Fabio (2016); "Time-frequency characterization of the U.S. financial cycle", Economics Letters, 144, pp. 75-79.
Articles / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
Assessing Welfare Impacts of Some Debt-Consolidation Episodes in the European Union
Viegas, Miguel and Ana Paula Ribeiro (2016); "Assessing Welfare Impacts of Some Debt-Consolidation Episodes in the European Union", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20(5), pp. 1146-1173.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
The neglected heterogeneity of spatial agglomeration and co-location patterns of creative employment: evidence from Portugal
Cruz, S. and Aurora A.C. Teixeira (2015); "The neglected heterogeneity of spatial agglomeration and co-location patterns of creative employment: evidence from Portugal", Annals of Regional Science, 54(1), pp. 143-177.
Two-period Economies with Price-contingent Deliveries
Correia-da-Silva, João (2015); "Two-period Economies with Price-contingent Deliveries; Economic Theory", Economic Theory, 59(3), pp. 509-525.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Economic Growth Effects of an International Crisis
Afonso, Óscar, Rui Henrique Alves (2015); "Economic Growth Effects of an International Crisis", Singapore Economic Review, 60(2), 1550012.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective
Silva, Sandra. T., Isabel Mota and Filipe Grilo (2015); "The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective", Papers in Regional Science, 94, pp. 421–441.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers: Following the patent paper trail
Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas P. Woodward (2015); "Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers: Following the patent paper trail", Journal of Urban Economics, 89, pp. 21-31.
Articles / Industrial Organization / International Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Does FDI Increases Market Concentration? An Evaluation of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industries
Forte, Rosa and Paula Sarmento (2014); "Does FDI Increases Market Concentration? An Evaluation of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industries", Acta Oeconomica, 64(4), pp. 463-480.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / International Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Effects of Autocatalytic Trade Cycles on Economic Growth
Bakker, Jurriën, Óscar Afonso and Sandra Silva (2014); "The Effects of Autocatalytic Trade Cycles on Economic Growth", Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(3), pp. 486-508.
A Closed-form Solution for Options with Ambiguity About Stochastic Volatility
Faria, Gonçalo and João Correia-da-Silva (2014); "A Closed-form Solution for Options with Ambiguity About Stochastic Volatility", Review of Derivatives Research, 17(2), pp. 125-159.
Investment Decisions in Finite-Lived Monopolies
Pereira, Paulo J. and Artur Rodrigues (2014); "Investment Decisions in Finite-Lived Monopolies", Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 46, pp. 219-236.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Evolution, Roots and Influence of the Literature on National Systems of Innovation: A Bibliometric Account
Teixeira, Aurora (2014); "Evolution, Roots and Influence of the Literature on National Systems of Innovation: A Bibliometric Account", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38(1), pp. 181-214.
Irrelevance of Private Information in Two-period Economies with More Goods than States of Nature
Correia-da-Silva, João and Carlos Hervés-Beloso (2014); "Irrelevance of Private Information in Two-period Economies with More Goods than States of Nature", Economic Theory, 55(2), pp. 439-455.
Technical Efficiency with State-contingent Production Frontiers Using Maximum Entropy Estimators
Macedo, Pedro, Elvira Silva and Manuel Scotto (2014); "Technical Efficiency with State-contingent Production Frontiers Using Maximum Entropy Estimators", Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41(1), pp. 131-140.
Can Markov Switching Model Generate Long Memory?
Baek, Changryong, Natércia Fortuna and Vladas Pipiras (2014); "Can Markov Switching Model Generate Long Memory?", Economics Letters, 124(1), pp. 117-121.
Measuring Unilateral Effects in Partial Horizontal Acquisitions
Brito, Duarte, Ricardo Ribeiro and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); "Measuring Unilateral Effects in Partial Horizontal Acquisitions", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 33, pp. 22-36.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / International Economics / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Wage Inequality Determinants in European Union Countries
Afonso, Óscar, Ana Lurdes Albuquerque and Alexandre Almeida (2013); "Wage Inequality Determinants in European Union Countries", Applied Economics Letters, 20(12), pp. 1170-1173.
Articles / Industrial Organization / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants
Mota, Isabel and António Brandão (2013);"The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants", Papers in Regional Science, 92(1), pp. 31-49.
A Score Test for Group Comparisons in Single-index Models
Guimarães, Paulo (2013); "A Score Test for Group Comparisons in Single-index Models", Stata Journal, 13(4), pp. 876-883.
Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study
Campos, Pedro, Pavel Brazdil and Isabel Mota (2013); "Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study", Computational Economics, 42(1), pp. 1-22.
Economic Performance and International Trade Engagement: The Case of Portuguese Manufacturing Firms
Silva, Armando, Óscar Afonso and Ana Paula Africano (2013); "Economic Performance and International Trade Engagement: The Case of Portuguese Manufacturing Firms", International Economics and Economic Policy, 10(4), pp. 521-547.
Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics Environmental and Ecological Economics / Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Dirty versus Ecological Technology in an Endogenous Growth Model
Meireles, Mónica, Isabel Soares and Óscar Afonso (2012); "Dirty versus Ecological Technology in an Endogenous Growth Model", Applied Economics Letters, 19(8), pp. 729-733.
General Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery
Correia-da-Silva, João and Carlos Hervés-Beloso (2012); "General Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery", Economic Theory, 51(3), pp. 729-755.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
The Impact of Public Goods and Services and Public R&D on the Non-observed Economy Size, Wages Inequality and Growth
Afonso, Óscar (2012); "The Impact of Public Goods and Services and Public R&D on the Non-observed Economy Size, Wages Inequality and Growth", Economic Modelling, 29(5), pp. 1996-2004.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Health, Education, and Welfare / Industrial Organization / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises
Chao, Li-Wei, Helena Szrek, Karl Peltzer, Shandir Ramlagan, Peter Fleming, Rui Leite, Jesswill Magerman, Godfrey B. Ngwenya, Nuno Sousa Pereira and Jere Behrman (2012); "A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises", Journal of Development Economics, 98(1), pp. 94-107.
Articles / History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches / International Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
A Bibliometric Account of Chinese Economics Research Through the Lens of the China Economic Review
Du, Y. and Aurora A. C. Teixeira (2012); "A Bibliometric Account of Chinese Economics Research Through the Lens of the China Economic Review", China Economic Review, 23(4), pp. 743-762.
The Yield Curve and the Macro-economy across Time and Frequencies
Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Manuel M. F. Martins and Maria Joana Soares (2012); "The Yield Curve and the Macro-economy across Time and Frequencies", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(12), pp. 1950-1970.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / International Economics / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
Non-scale Endogenous Growth Effects of Subsidies for Exporters
Afonso, Óscar and Armando Silva (2012); "Non-scale Endogenous Growth Effects of Subsidies for Exporters", Economic Modelling, 29(4), pp. 1248-1257.
The Price of Risk and Ambiguity in an Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices
Faria, Gonçalo and João Correia-da-Silva (2012); "The Price of Risk and Ambiguity in an Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices", Annals of Finance, 8(4), pp. 507-531.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
The Portuguese Non-Observed Economy
Afonso, Óscar and Nuno Gonçalves (2011); "The Portuguese Non-Observed Economy", Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 1(2), pp. 23-57.
Articles / Financial Economics / Industrial Organization / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Microeconomics
Optimal Investment Decisions for Two Positioned Firms Competing in a Duopoly Market with Hidden Competitors
Armada, Manuel R., Lawrence Kryzanowski and Paulo J. Pereira (2011); "Optimal Investment Decisions for Two Positioned Firms Competing in a Duopoly Market with Hidden Competitors", European Financial Management, 17(2), pp. 305-330.
Mapping the (In)visible College(s) in the Field of Entrepreneurship
Teixeira, Aurora (2011); "Mapping the (In)visible College(s) in the Field of Entrepreneurship", Scientometrics, 89(1), pp. 1-36.
Agreeing to Disagree in a Countable Space of Equiprobable States
Correia-da-Silva, João (2010); "Agreeing to Disagree in a Countable Space of Equiprobable States", Economic Theory, 45(1-2), pp. 291-302.
Are Finance, Management and Marketing Autonomous Fields of Scientific Research? An Analysis Based on Journal Citations
Vieira, Pedro C. and Aurora Teixeira (2010); "Are Finance, Management and Marketing Autonomous Fields of Scientific Research? An Analysis Based on Journal Citations", Scientometrics, 85 (3), pp. 627-646.
Articles / Business Administration and Business Economics Marketing Accounting Personnel Economics / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Financial Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Value of Intangibles Arising From R&D Activities
Bandeira, Ana Maria and Óscar Afonso (2010); "Value of Intangibles Arising From R&D Activities", The Open Business Journal, 3, pp. 30-43.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Learning-by-doing, Technology-adoption Costs and Wage Inequality
Afonso, Óscar and Rui Leite (2010); "Learning-by-doing, Technology-adoption Costs and Wage Inequality", Economic Modelling, 27 (5), pp. 1069-1078.
Articles / History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
On the Divergence of Evolutionary Research Paths in the Past 50 Years: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Account
Silva, Sandra Tavares and Aurora Teixeira (2009); "On the Divergence of Evolutionary Research Paths in the Past 50 Years: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Account", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19(5), pp. 605-642.
Prudent Expectations Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery
Correia-da-Silva, João and Carlos Hervés-Beloso (2009); "Prudent Expectations Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery", Economic Theory, 39(1), pp. 67-92.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Dartboard Tests for the Location Quotient
Guimarães, Paulo, Octávio Figueiredo and Douglas Woodward (2009); "Dartboard Tests for the Location Quotient", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39(3), pp. 360-364.
Articles / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Activity and its Determinants: A Comparison of Three Small European Countries
Barrios, Salvador, Luisito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and António Carlos Teixeira (2009); "Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Activity and its Determinants: A Comparison of Three Small European Countries", Regional Studies: 43(5), pp. 721–738.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Public Economics
Public Deficits and Economic Growth
Afonso, Óscar, Rui Henrique Alves and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2009);"Public Deficits and Economic Growth", Economic Modelling, 26(5), pp. 1101-1109.
Subjective Expectations Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery
Correia-da-Silva, João and Carlos Hervés-Beloso (2008); "Subjective Expectations Equilibrium in Economies with Uncertain Delivery", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (7-8), pp. 641-650.
Local Rank Tests in a Multivariate Nonparametric Relationship
Fortuna, Natércia (2008); "Local Rank Tests in a Multivariate Nonparametric Relationship", Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), pp. 162-182.
The Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Revisited
Guimarães, Paulo (2008); "The Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Revisited", Economics Letters, 99(1), pp. 63-66.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
The Impact of Government on Wage Inequality Without Scale Effects
Afonso, Óscar (2008); "The Impact of Government on Wage Inequality Without Scale Effects", Economic Modelling, 25(2), pp. 351-362.
The Value of Choice in Insurance Purchasing
Szrek, Helena and John Baron (2007); "The Value of Choice in Insurance Purchasing", Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(5), pp. 529-544.
Private Information: Similarity as Compatibility
Correia-da-Silva, João and Carlos Hervés-Beloso (2007); "Private Information: Similarity as Compatibility", Economic Theory, 30(3), pp. 395-407.
State–owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation
Brandão, António and Sofia Castro (2007); "State–owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation", Journal of Economics, 92(3), pp. 263-274.
Articles / Health, Education, and Welfare / Labor and Demographic Economics / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
Worker Sorting, Compensating Differentials and Health Insurance: Evidence from Displaced Workers
Lehrer, Steven F. and Nuno Sousa Pereira (2007); "Worker Sorting, Compensating Differentials and Health Insurance: Evidence from Displaced Workers", Journal of Health Economics, 26(5), pp. 1034-1056.
Articles / Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth / Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics
Beyond the Silicon Valley: University R&D and High-Technology Location
Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas Woodward (2006); "Beyond the Silicon Valley: University R&D and High-Technology Location", Journal of Urban Economics, 60(1), pp. 15-32.
Testing the Significance and the Non-linearity of the Phillips Trade-off in the Euro Area
Aguiar, Álvaro and Manuel M. F. Martins (2005); "Testing the Significance and the Non-linearity of the Phillips Trade-off in the Euro Area", Empirical Economics, 30(3), pp. 665-691.
The Forecasting Ability of a Cointegrated VAR System of the UK Tourism Demand for France, Spain and Portugal
Mello, Maria M. and Kevin S. Nell (2005); "The Forecasting Ability of a Cointegrated VAR System of the UK Tourism Demand for France, Spain and Portugal", Empirical Economics, 30(2), pp. 277-308.