Event Type Events
03dec13:0014:00WiP Seminar - José Gaspar
Event Details
CEF.UP – WiP Seminar Tuesday – December 3rd, 2024 at 13:00h (1 pm) | Room 305 Agglomeration in an urban corridor José Gaspar – FEP - School of Economics and Management,
Event Details
CEF.UP – WiP Seminar
Tuesday – December 3rd, 2024 at 13:00h (1 pm) | Room 305
Agglomeration in an urban corridor
José Gaspar – FEP – School of Economics and Management, University of Porto and Cef.Up
We study agglomeration within a corridor characterized by a continuous path connecting a finite number of places where cities may locate. As economic integration changes, a corridor may undergo successive bifurcations whereby the number of cities increases (decreases) two by two in a way that preserves the bilateral symmetry of places around the central place. We focus on the bifurcation from the state of full agglomeration in the central place occurring at a critical level of economic integration, called the sustain point. For a particular model, full agglomeration becomes unstable below the sustain point and two identical cities may emerge stably with the same distance to the central city. The existence and uniqueness of both the sustain point and the optimal distance to the central city are determined analytically. We find that cities can only emerge optimally at places that are sufficiently far away from the central place, thereby generating a polycentric structure. As integration increases, a preexisting state of twin cities may engender a central city, which grows in size and may eventually develop further into a core city. Finally, we draw a comparison of our model with its discrete–space analogue and discuss the impact of local dispersion forces (e.g. congestion costs) on agglomeration.
(Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:00
06dec13:0014:00ECO Seminar - Sebastian Merkel
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar Friday – December 6th 2024, at 13:00h | Room 305 Flight to Safety and New Keynesian Demand Recessions Sebastian Merkel – School of Economics, University of Bristol (England, United
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar
Friday – December 6th 2024, at 13:00h | Room 305
Flight to Safety and New Keynesian Demand Recessions
Sebastian Merkel – School of Economics, University of Bristol (England, United Kingdom)
“This paper builds a tractable New Keynesian model with idiosyncratic risk, incomplete markets, and nominal safe assets to study the transmission of uncertainty shocks through investors’ portfolio decisions and how monetary-fiscal policy can stabilize fluctuations in the demand for safe assets. A sudden increase in uncertainty triggers a flight to safety: investors reallocate portfolios from productive assets to safe assets. When prices are sticky, the real value of nominal safe assets cannot flexibly adjust. Instead, the flight to safety gives rise to aggregate demand recessions and overshooting in capital price adjustments. Conventional monetary policy that operates through interest rate changes alone has limited power in influencing household portfolios. Instead, fiscal policy plays a crucial role in price stabilization and optimal policy.”
(Friday) 13:00 - 14:00
12dec13:0014:00FIN Seminar - Andreas Haufler
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar Thursday – December 12th, 2024 at 13:00h (1:00 p.m.) | Room 305 Matching for Risk-Taking: Overconfident Bankers and Government-Protected Banks Andreas Haufler – Ludwig-Maximilians University - Munich
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar
Thursday – December 12th, 2024 at 13:00h (1:00 p.m.) | Room 305
Matching for Risk-Taking: Overconfident Bankers and Government-Protected Banks
Andreas Haufler – Ludwig-Maximilians University – Munich (Germany)
“We set up a simple theoretical model in which banks with varying degrees of government support are matched with CEOs that have different degrees of over-
confidence. The channel through which the matching occurs is the share of bonus payments offered by the bank in its profit-maximizing contract. This yields a sequence of hypotheses: banks with more government support incentivize their CEOs more and this disproportionately attracts overconfident CEOs. In equilibrium this in turn leads to an assortative matching between overconfident managers and banks with a larger bailout probability. We then test the hypotheses derived from this model empirically. Our regression results confirm the hypotheses from our theoretical model for normal years, but not during crises and periods of enhanced regulation. In these times, overconfident CEOs do not behave differently from non-overconfident CEOs.”
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
17dec13:0014:00WiP Seminar - Cristina Fernandes
Event Details
CEF.UP – WiP Seminar Tuesday – December 17th, 2024 at 13:00h (1 pm) | Room 305 Nurturing the sustainable and circular economy: An integrated ecosystems model Cristina Fernandes – FEP - School
Event Details
CEF.UP – WiP Seminar
Tuesday – December 17th, 2024 at 13:00h (1 pm) | Room 305
Nurturing the sustainable and circular economy: An integrated ecosystems model
Cristina Fernandes – FEP – School of Economics and Management – University of Porto, CEF.UP and NECE
“Environmental sustainability and the circular economy are receiving regular mention in literature as paradigms capable of addressing major social challenges. However, understanding how best to assist ecosystem transition toward a sustainable and circular economy ecosystem and which strategic variables are effective levers in nurturing its adoption, remaining elusive. This research investigates factors contributing to a successful transition towards green innovations. The study employed a four-study research designto achieve a holistic understanding across the multiple levels of the ecosystem. Firstly, a systematic literature review was conducted to develop a conceptual model for identifying variables to nurture the transition (study 1) across the interrelated layers of the ecosystem. Secondly, a micro-level analysis was undertaken using ANCOVA to examine the strategic orientations (market and product) that impacts green innovations of companies (study 2). Thirdly, a meso-level analysis was conducted, applying logistics regression to identify the moderating effect of industry type on the relationship between strategic orientations and green innovations (study 3). Finally, the study evaluated the impact of environmental assets on economic growth and the mediating role of Industry 4.0 on this relationship, using multiple regression panel data models. The development and empirical testing of the multi-level model contributes to this emerging field, to better reflect the integrated nature of ecosystems and identify advantageous strategies for nurturing ecosystem transition towards increased sustainable and the circular economy.”
(Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:00
20dec13:0014:00ECO Seminar - Giovanni Ricco
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar Friday – December 20th 2024, at 13:00h | Room 305 Monetary Policy, Information and Country Risk Shocks in the Euro Area Giovanni Ricco – University of Warwick (England, United
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar
Friday – December 20th 2024, at 13:00h | Room 305
Monetary Policy, Information and Country Risk Shocks in the Euro Area
Giovanni Ricco – University of Warwick (England, United Kingdom) and CREST – École Polytechnique (France)
“This study examines high-frequency market responses to ECB policy announcements, providing instrumental variables to identify four types of monetary policy shocks — conventional policy, forward guidance, quantitative easing/tightening, and asymmetric country risk — along with information shocks. Our findings show that non-linear information effects, especially prominent during episodes of acute market stress in euro area crises, are key to resolving puzzles in macroeconomic and financial variable responses reported in studies using high-frequency European data. The IVs obtained by controlling for these effects yield, in a VAR model, dynamic responses to monetary tightenings with contractionary impacts on output and prices.”
(Friday) 13:00 - 14:00
13jan18:3019:30MaR Seminar - Antonio Revilla Torrejón & Alicia Rodríguez Márquez
Event Details
CEF.UP – MaR Seminar Monday – January 13th, 2025 | 18:30h | Room 305 "Disruptive Technologies and Innovation as Drivers of Sustainable Business Practices in SMEs: The Role of Business Model Compatibility" Antonio
Event Details
CEF.UP – MaR Seminar
Monday – January 13th, 2025 | 18:30h | Room 305
“Disruptive Technologies and Innovation as Drivers of Sustainable Business Practices in SMEs: The Role of Business Model Compatibility”
Antonio Revilla Torrejón – University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)
Alicia Rodríguez Márquez – University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)
“The rapid adoption of advanced digital technologies, along with the pressing need for the transition to a greener economy, are disrupting most industries and posing significant challenges to SMEs. In this study, we analyze how disruptive digital technologies and innovation may contribute to developing sustainable business practices in SMEs in two ways. First, the utilization of these technologies may directly reduce negative environmental impacts, enabling greater resource efficiency, waste reduction, and optimization of processes and operations. Second, as an indirect effect, these technologies may facilitate innovations that in turn may result in more sustainable business practices. Additionally, we introduce the concept of business model compatibility and analyze its role in moderating both relationships. The arguments above are captured in a moderated mediation model tested on a sample of 11,309 European Firms. The results provide empirical support for direct and indirect hypothesized relationships. Our findings also show that business model compatibility strengthens the direct relationships between disruptive technologies and sustainability. We conclude that digitalization brings significant opportunities for more environmentally-friendly businesses. We also conclude that the ability of SMEs to seize such opportunities and contribute to the transition to a greener economy partially depends on their innovation activities and the design of their business models.”
(Monday) 18:30 - 19:30
21jan13:0014:00ECO Seminar - Claudio Daminato
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar Tuesday – January 21st, 2025, at 13:00h | Room 305 "Title: TBA" Claudio Daminato – Lund University (Sweden)
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar
Tuesday – January 21st, 2025, at 13:00h | Room 305
“Title: TBA“
Claudio Daminato – Lund University (Sweden)
(Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:00
23jan13:0014:00FIN Seminar - Benoît Chevalier-Roignant
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar Thursday – January 23rd, 2025 at 13:00 h | Room 305 "Co-investment Games Under Uncertainty" Benoît Chevalier-Roignant – Emlyon Business School (France) Abstract: "There are many business situations in which
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar
Thursday – January 23rd, 2025 at 13:00 h | Room 305
“Co-investment Games Under Uncertainty“
Benoît Chevalier-Roignant – Emlyon Business School (France)
“There are many business situations in which investments by a supplier and a producer (“coinvestments”) are both necessary for either of them to grasp a business opportunity (e.g., emergence of hydrogen-powered vehicles). One of these two firms, typically the one facing a lower cost (“low-cost firm”), may be more willing to invest, but the cautionary attitude of the firm with a larger cost (“large-cost firm”) delays the coinvestment. We model supply-chain interactions in a tractable way to derive the firms’ net present values upon coinvestment and determine their Nash equilibrium investment (timing) strategies. These situations are likely to be affected by evolving market circumstances, in particular due to changes in the demand dynamics and endogenous decision (say, by the supplier) to conduct research and development (R\&D) to reduce production costs. We investigate these model extensions, which confirm the robustness of our key result.”
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
18feb13:0014:00ECO Seminar/Webinar - Almuth Scholl
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar/Webinar Tuesday – February 18th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online Title: "TBA" Almuth Scholl – University of Konstanz (Germany)
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar/Webinar
Tuesday – February 18th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Title: “TBA“
Almuth Scholl – University of Konstanz (Germany)
(Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:00
20feb13:0014:00FIN Seminar/ Webinar - Benjamin Hammer
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar Thursday – February 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online Title: TBA Benjamin Hammer – Lancaster University (England, United Kingdom)
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar
Thursday – February 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Title: TBA
Benjamin Hammer – Lancaster University (England, United Kingdom)
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
06mar13:0014:00FIN Seminar/ Webinar - Grigory Vilkov
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar Thursday – March 06th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online Title: TBA Grigory Vilkov – Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany)
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar
Thursday – March 06th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Title: TBA
Grigory Vilkov – Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany)
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
18mar13:0014:00ECO Seminar/Webinar - Lukasz Rachel
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar/Webinar Tuesday – March 18th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online Title: "TBA" Lukasz Rachel – University College London (England, United Kingdom)
Event Details
CEF.UP – ECO Seminar/Webinar
Tuesday – March 18th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Title: “TBA“
Lukasz Rachel – University College London (England, United Kingdom)
(Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:00
20mar13:0014:00FIN Seminar/ Webinar - Michael Ewens
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar Thursday – March 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online "Title: TBA" Michael Ewens – Columbia University (U.S.A.)
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar
Thursday – March 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
“Title: TBA”
Michael Ewens – Columbia University (U.S.A.)
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
03apr13:0014:00FIN Seminar/ Webinar - João Santos
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar Thursday – April 3rd, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online Title: TBA João Santos – Federal Reserve Bank of New York (U.S.A.), NOVA School of Business and
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar
Thursday – April 3rd, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Title: TBA
João Santos – Federal Reserve Bank of New York (U.S.A.), NOVA School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00
24apr13:0014:00FIN Seminar/ Webinar - Silvina Rubio
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar Thursday – April 24th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online "Voting Rationales" Silvina Rubio – University of Bristol (England, United Kingdom) Abstract: "Why do institutional investors vote the
Event Details
CEF.UP – FIN Seminar/Webinar
Thursday – April 24th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. | Room 305| Online
Silvina Rubio – University of Bristol (England, United Kingdom)
“Why do institutional investors vote the way they vote? Using a novel dataset on institutional investors’ voting rationales, we provide direct evidence on the motivation for institutions’ votes in director elections. The main reasons for opposition are lack of independence and diversity. Concerns raised in rationales reflect firms’ governance weaknesses: companies with low board gender diversity receive more rationales on diversity, with similar results for independence, tenure, busyness, and CEO duality. Companies listen and change board composition in the direction stated in voting rationales. Results suggest many institutions make independent voting decisions with merits, and firms address investors’ concerns.”
(Thursday) 13:00 - 14:00