Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics

The spatial location choices of newly created firms in the creative industries

Cruz, Sara S. and  Aurora A.C. Teixeira; "The spatial location choices of newly created firms in the creative industries", Creative Industries Journal, forthcoming.  
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Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis

Cruz, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries Before and During the World Economic Crisis”, The Annals of Regional Science, 67, pp. 385-413.  
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Location of housing and industry around city centre amenities

Garrido-da-Silva, Liliana, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2022);"Location of housing and industry around city centre amenities", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 95, 103739.
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Regional smart specialisation strategies and Universities’ engagement: An exploratory study

Pereira, S. and Aurora Teixeira (2022); "Regional smart specialisation strategies and Universities’ engagement: An exploratory study", Public Policy Portuguese Journal,  7(1), pp. 27-51.  
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Global bifurcation mechanism and local stability of identical and equidistant regions: Application to three regions and more

Gaspar, J. M., K. Ikeda and M. Onda (2021); "Global bifurcation mechanism and local stability of identical and equidistant regions: Application to three regions and more", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86, 103597.
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Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional

Preto, M., G. Brás, A. Daniel and Aurora Teixeira (2021); "Dimensões da universidade empreendedora e o seu papel na perceção de competitividade regional", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 58, pp. 29-47.  
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Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality

Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality”, Review of Regional Research, 41, pp. 55-93.  
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New economic geography: history and debate

José M. Gaspar (2021); "New economic geography: history and debate", The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(1), pp. 46-82.
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The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs

Forte, R. and Ana Rita Sá (2021); "The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs", EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), pp. 195-217.
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Tourism and regional development: a spatial econometric model for Portugal at municipal level

Santos, L. D. and A. C. Vieira (2020); “Tourism and regional development: a spatial econometric model for Portugal at municipal level”, Portuguese Economic Journal, 19, pp. 285-299.  
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Paul Krugman: contributions to Geography and Trade

Gaspar, J.M. (2020); "Paul Krugman: contributions to Geography and Trade", Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 13, pp. 99-115.
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The footloose entrepreneur model with a finite number of equidistant regions

Gaspar, José, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2020); "The footloose entrepreneur model with a finite number of equidistant regions", International Journal of Economic Theory, 16(4), pp. 420-446.
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Are New Rural Ventures Different from Urban Ones? An Exploratory Analysis of Businesses Located in Portuguese Incubators and Science Parks

Pato, L. and Aurora Teixeira (2019); "Are New Rural Ventures Different from Urban Ones? An Exploratory Analysis of Businesses Located in Portuguese Incubators and Science Parks", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 8(4), pp.470-482.
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A prospective review on New Economic Geography

Gaspar, José M. (2018);"A prospective review on New Economic Geography", The Annals of Regional Science, 61(2), pp. 237-272.
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Agglomeration patterns in a multi-regional economy without income effects

Gaspar, José M., Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2018); "Agglomeration patterns in a multi-regional economy without income effects", Economic Theory, 66(4), pp. 863-899.
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Electricity residential demand elasticities: urban versus rural areas in Portugal

Silva, Sandra, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2018); "Electricity residential demand elasticities: urban versus rural areas in Portugal", Energy, 144, pp. 627-632.
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Business cycle synchronization across U.S. states

Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Pedro Brinca, Haukur Viðar Guðjónsson and Maria Joana Soares (2017); "Business cycle synchronization across U.S. states", B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 17(1), pp. 1-15.
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Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey

Pato, Maria Lúcia, and Aurora A. C Teixeira (2016); "Twenty Years of Rural Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Survey", Sociologia Ruralis, 56(1), pp.  3-23.
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Nesting vertical and horizontal differentiation in two-sided markets

Ribeiro, Vitor Miguel, João Correia-da-Silva and Joana Resende (2016); "Nesting vertical and horizontal differentiation in two-sided markets", Bulletin of Economic Research, 68, pp. 133-145.
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The neglected heterogeneity of spatial agglomeration and co-location patterns of creative employment: evidence from Portugal

Cruz, S. and Aurora A.C. Teixeira (2015); "The neglected heterogeneity of spatial agglomeration and co-location patterns of creative employment: evidence from Portugal", Annals of Regional Science, 54(1), pp. 143-177.
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Creative Clustering: The Location of Independent Inventors

Guimarães, Paulo, Johnattan Munn and Doug Woodward (2015); "Creative Clustering: The Location of Independent Inventors", Papers in Regional Science, 94(1), pp. 45-65.
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A Relação entre o Produto e o Desemprego: Evidência Nacional e Regional em Portugal

Pinho, Maria Manuel and Manuel Correia de Pinho (2015); "A Relação entre o Produto e o Desemprego: Evidência Nacional e Regional em Portugal", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 38, pp. 19-36.
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The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective

Silva, Sandra. T., Isabel Mota and Filipe Grilo (2015); "The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective", Papers in Regional Science, 94, pp. 421–441.
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Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers: Following the patent paper trail

Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas P. Woodward (2015); "Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers: Following the patent paper trail", Journal of Urban Economics, 89, pp. 21-31.
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Agglomeration and Regional Growth Policy: Externalities versus Comparative Advantages

Pessoa, Argentino (2014); "Agglomeration and Regional Growth Policy: Externalities versus Comparative Advantages", The Annals of Regional Science, 53(1), pp. 1-27.
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A Third Sector in the Core-periphery Model: Non-tradable Goods

Leite, Vasco, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2013); "A Third Sector in the Core-periphery Model: Non-tradable Goods", The Annals of Regional Science, 50(1), pp. 71-108.
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Models of Spatial Competition: A Critical Review

Biscaia, Ricardo and Isabel Mota (2013); "Models of Spatial Competition: A Critical Review", Papers in Regional Science, 92(4), pp. 851-871.
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Competitiveness, Clusters and Policy at the Regional Level: Rhetoric Vs. Practice in Designing Policy for Depressed Regions

Pessoa, Argentino (2013); "Competitiveness, Clusters and Policy at the Regional Level: Rhetoric Vs. Practice in Designing Policy for Depressed Regions", Regional Science Inquiry Journal, 1, pp. 101-116.
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The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants

Mota, Isabel and António Brandão (2013);"The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants", Papers in Regional Science, 92(1), pp. 31-49.
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The Core-periphery Model with Three Regions and More

Castro, Sofia, João Correia-da-Silva and Pascal Mossay (2012); "The Core-periphery Model with Three Regions and More", Papers in Regional Science, 91(2), pp. 401-418.
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Costly Horizontal Differentiation

Correia-da-Silva, João and Joana Pinho (2011); "Costly Horizontal Differentiation", Portuguese Economic Journal, 10(3), pp. 165-188.
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Academic Misconduct in Portugal: Results from a Large Scale Survey to University Economics/Business Students

Teixeira, Aurora and Maria de Fátima Rocha (2010); "Academic Misconduct in Portugal: Results from a Large Scale Survey to University Economics/Business Students", Journal of Academic Ethics, 8(1), pp. 21-41.
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The Core-periphery Model with Asymmetric Inter-regional and Intra-regional Trade Costs

Leite, Vasco, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2009); "The Core-periphery Model with Asymmetric Inter-regional and Intra-regional Trade Costs", Portuguese Economic Journal, 8(1), pp. 37-44.
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Localization Economies and Establishment Size: Was Marshall Right After All?

Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas Woodward (2009); "Localization Economies and Establishment Size: Was Marshall Right After All?,  Journal of Economic Geography, 9(6), pp. 853-868.
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Dartboard Tests for the Location Quotient

Guimarães, Paulo, Octávio Figueiredo and Douglas Woodward (2009); "Dartboard Tests for the Location Quotient", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39(3), pp. 360-364.
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Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Activity and its Determinants: A Comparison of Three Small European Countries

Barrios, Salvador, Luisito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and António Carlos Teixeira (2009); "Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Activity and its Determinants: A Comparison of Three Small European Countries", Regional Studies: 43(5), pp. 721–738.
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Beyond the Silicon Valley: University R&D and High-Technology Location

Figueiredo, Octávio, Paulo Guimarães and Douglas Woodward (2006); "Beyond the Silicon Valley: University R&D and High-Technology Location", Journal of Urban Economics, 60(1), pp. 15-32.
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Transport Policies in Light of the New Economic Geography: The Portuguese Experience

Teixeira, António Carlos (2006); "Transport Policies in Light of the New Economic Geography: The Portuguese Experience", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36(4), pp. 450-466.
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The Dynamics of Agglomeration: Evidence from Ireland and Portugal

Barrios Salvador, Lusito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and António Carlos Teixeira (2005); "The Dynamics of Agglomeration: Evidence from Ireland and Portugal", Journal of Urban Economics, 57(1), pp. 170-188.
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