Should vertically integrated platforms be mandated to share information with their rivals
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The determinants of real estate prices in a European context: a four-level analysis
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Economic Growth and Innovation Complexity: An Empirical Estimation of a Hidden Markov Model
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The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels
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Health Benefits from Renewable Electricity Sources: A Review
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The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels
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Age-inclusive HR practices and the thriving of older workers: the mediating role of occupational future time perspective
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Corporate Communication and Media Coverage of Abnormal Returns – Evidence from the Portuguese Capital Market
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The impact of board characteristics and CEO power on banks’ risk‑taking: stable versus crisis periods
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Effectiveness of Floating-Point Precision on the Numerical Approximation by Spectral Methods
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