Two-period Economies with Price-contingent Deliveries
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A Compensation Scheme for Optimal Investment Decisions
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Inter-firm Bundling and Vertical Product Differentiation
Brito, Duarte and Hélder Vasconcelos (2015); “Inter-firm Bundling and Vertical Product Differentiation“, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(1), pp. 1-27.
Asymmetric information and Exchange of information about product differentiation
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A Cournot Model for Analysing the Effects of an Open Skies Agreement
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Demand Uncertainty and Hospital Costs: An Application to Portuguese Public Hospitals
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Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers
Esteves, Rosa Branca and Hélder Vasconcelos (2015); “Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers“, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 24(3), pp. 523-549.
Is Exclusionary Pricing Anticompetitive in Two-Sided Markets?
Vasconcelos, Hélder (2015); “Is Exclusionary Pricing Anticompetitive in Two-Sided Markets?“, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 40, pp. 1-10.
The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective
Silva, Sandra. T., Isabel Mota and Filipe Grilo (2015); “The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective“, Papers in Regional Science, 94, pp. 421–441.
Serial entrepreneurship, learning by doing and self-selection
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