Mergers in Stackelberg Markets with Efficiency Gains
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A Closed-form Solution for Options with Ambiguity About Stochastic Volatility
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Investment Decisions in Finite-Lived Monopolies
Pereira, Paulo J. and Artur Rodrigues (2014); “Investment Decisions in Finite-Lived Monopolies“, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 46, pp. 219-236.
Marketing and Technology Sophistication as Key Determinants of the Demand for ‘Art House’ Cinema Films: A Cross Country Analysis
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Renewable Energies Impacting the Optimal Generation Mix: The Case of the Iberian Electricity Market
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Irrelevance of Private Information in Two-period Economies with More Goods than States of Nature
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Bundled Discounts: Strategic Substitutes or Complements?
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Economic Slowdowns, Hazard Rates and Foreign Ownership
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Investment dynamics with information costs
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Anti-Competitive Impact of Pseudo-Generics
Rodrigues, Vasco, Ricardo Gonçalves and Hélder Vasconcelos (2014); “Anti-Competitive Impact of Pseudo-Generics“, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(1), pp. 83-98.