Disclosure of Information and Transparency in Public-private Partnerships: a Comparative Study Between Portugal and the UK
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Does Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Influence Luxury Services Purchase Intention?
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A Dynamic Model for Venture Capitalists’ Entry-Exit Investment Decisions
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Buying Perfume in the Digital Age: A Study on E-Shoppers’ Perceptions and Typologies
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Artist jewelry designer entrepreneurship: does it only glitter or is it also gold?
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Age-inclusive HR practices and the thriving of older workers: the mediating role of occupational future time perspective
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On the precision of information
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Is the relation between non-controlling interests and parent companies misleading?
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Coordinated Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility
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Determinants of performance of new ventures located in Portuguese incubators and science parks with a focus on institutional factors: do rural and urban new ventures differ?
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