Does user-generated content influence value co-creation in the context of luxury fashion brand communities? Matching inclusivity and exclusivity
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Consumers’ perceptions of proximity to plastic pollution and support for environmentally friendly retail brands: An emerging market perspective
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Profit effects of consumers’ identity management: A dynamic model
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Exploring ageing consumers’ usage of content marketing, content typology and online brand advocacy
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Insights into employee perspectives on corporate social responsibility policies and practices: Embeddedness, participation, and meaningfulness through work
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Evaluating the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress as a CSR Benchmarking Tool
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A decade of international diversity in collaborative research published in highly ranked accounting journals
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A sustainability assessment modeling-based external account of the impacts of mining activities in Brazil
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CSR research in corporate finance: a comment on Gillan et al.,“firms and social responsibility: a review of ESG and CSR research in corporate finance”
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A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector – giving marginalized communities a voice
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