may, 2016 Eco Seminar - Luca Opromolla 27may13:0014:00Eco Seminar - Luca Opromolla Event DetailsMaio 27, 2016 Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms Luca Opromolla, Banco de Portugal (joint work with Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University, Giordano Mion, University of Event Details Maio 27, 2016 Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms Luca Opromolla, Banco de Portugal (joint work with Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University, Giordano Mion, University of Sussex and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University) Time and venue: 1-2pm, Room 504 Time(Friday) 13:00 - 14:00 Learn More CalendarGoogleCal Deixe um comentário Cancelar resposta Campos obrigatórios estão marcados com* Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time comment.