The Labour-Share Decrease and the Technological-Knowledge Increase
Afonso, Óscar, Catarina Almeida and Paulo Vasconcelos (2020); The Labour-Share Decrease and the Technological-Knowledge Increase, Applied Economics Letters, 27, pp. 982-986.
Engineering and economics perspectives for a sustainable energy transition
Ferreira, Paula, Isabel Soares and Henrik Lund (2020);”Engineering and economics perspectives for a sustainable energy transition“, Energy, 207, 118288.
Impact of dynamic pricing on investment in renewables
Correia-da-Silva, João, Isabel Soares and Raquel Fernández (2020); “Impact of dynamic pricing on investment in renewables“, Energy, 202, 117695.
Sleeping Beauties and their Princes in International Business
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Determinants shaping the international currency system: Where do currencies stand relative to their equilibria?
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Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model
Belhadj, Nada, Didier Laussel and Joana Resende (2020); “Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model“, Information Economics and Policy, 50, 100834.
Demand response, market design and risk: A literature review
Soares, Isabel and Joana Sousa (2020); “Demand response, market design and risk: A literature review“, Utilities Policy, 66, 101083.
Tourism and regional development: a spatial econometric model for Portugal at municipal level
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Probabilistic multicriteria environmental assessment of power plants: A global approach
Cartelle Barros, Juan José, Manuel Lara Coira, Maria Pilar de la Cruz López, Alfredo del Caño Gochi and Isabel Soares (2020); “Probabilistic multicriteria environmental assessment of power plants: A global approach“, Applied Energy, 260, 114344.
Paul Krugman: contributions to Geography and Trade
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