Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality
Barros, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2021); “Unlocking the black box: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality”, Review of Regional Research, 41, pp. 55-93.
The role of firm location and agglomeration economies on export propensity: the case of Portuguese SMEs
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Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids
Governo, F., Aurora Teixeira and Ana Margarida Brochado (2020); “Merging social computing with content: A proposal of a new film platform, Avids“, Behaviour & Information Technology, 39(10), pp. 1039-1061.
The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits
Laussel, Didier, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende (2020); “The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits”, RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), pp. 650-675.
Self-rejecting mechanisms
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Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information
Laussel, D. and Joana Resende (2020); “Complementary Monopolies with asymmetric information“, Economic Theory, 70, pp. 943-981.
Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch
Jorge, José and Joana Rocha (2020); “Agglomeration and industry spillover effects in the aftermath of a credit crunch“, International Journal of Central Banking.
Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model
Belhadj, Nada, Didier Laussel and Joana Resende (2020); “Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model“, Information Economics and Policy, 50, 100834.
Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study
Martins, L., J. Cerdeira and Aurora Teixeira (2020); “Does corruption boost or harm firms’ performance in developing and emerging economies? A firm-level study“, The World Economy, 43(8), pp. 2119-2152.
Coordinated Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility
Cunha, Mariana and Filipa Mota (2020); “Coordinated Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility“, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 20, pp. 617-641.