Measuring the stock of human capital in Cape Verde, 1950-2012
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Does the deposits channel work under a low interest rate environment?
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Investment, Tobin’s Q, and Cash Flow Across Time and Frequencies
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Estimating the Taylor Rule in the Time-Frequency Domain
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Who cares about the day after tomorrow? Pension issues when households are myopic or time inconsistent
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Earnings test, non-actuarial adjustments and flexible retirement
Börsch-Supan A., K. Härtl and D.N. Leite (2018); “Earnings test, non-actuarial adjustments and flexible retirement“, Economics Letters, 173, pp. 78-83.
Bridging the Gap between Economic Modelling and Simulation: A Simple Dynamic Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model with Matlab
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Should the ECB coordinate EMU fiscal policies?
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Endogenous growth and entropy
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Optimal discretionary monetary and fiscal policies in a country-size heterogeneous monetary union
Vieira, Paulo, C. Machado and A.P. Ribeiro (2018); “Optimal discretionary monetary and fiscal policies in a country-size heterogeneous monetary union“, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 93, pp. 154-174.