Price effects of unconventional monetary policy announcements on European securities markets
Ferreira, E. and A. P. Serra (2022); “Price effects of unconventional monetary policy announcements on European securities markets“, Journal of International Money and Finance, 122, 102558.
Growth and wage effects of the monetary policy
Óscar Afonso (2022); “Growth and wage effects of the monetary policy”, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 27(4), special issue, pp. 4058-4084.
Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions
Guimarães, Luís and Pedro Mazeda Gil (2022); “Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions“, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 144, 104538.
The Oscar goes to … robots or humans? Competition in a directed technical change model with monetary policy
Oscar Afonso (2023) The Oscar goes to … robots or humans? Competition in a directed technical change model with monetary policy, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32:3, 323-342.
The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on euro area equities
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Inflation, Complexity and Endogenous Growth
Sequeira, Tiago, Pedro Mazeda Gil and Óscar Afonso (2021); “Inflation, Complexity and Endogenous Growth”, Applied Economics, 53 (23), pp. 2631-2646.
Antibody Tests: They Are More Important Than We Thought
Luís Guimarães (2021); “Antibody Tests: They Are More Important Than We Thought“, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 93, 102485.
The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis
Cardoso, M., P. C. Neves, Óscar Afonso and E. Sochirca (2021); “The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis”, Review of World Economics, 157, pp. 149–179.
The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels
Farinha, Jorge Bento and José Vidrago (2021); “The impact of the ECB’s asset purchase programme on core and peripheral sovereign yields and its transmission channels“, The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 24, e00213.
The Sources of the Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: The Role of the Reallocation of Workers into Firms, Matches, and Job Titles
Raposo, P., Portugal, P. and Anabela Carneiro (2021); “The Sources of the Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: The Role of the Reallocation of Workers into Firms, Matches, and Job Titles“, Journal of Human Resources, 56(3), pp. 786-820.