Sports and (Real) Business Cycles
Çenesiz, M. Alper and Christian Pierdzioch (2015); “Sports and (Real) Business Cycles“, Applied Economics Letters, 22(3), pp. 233-238.
A Compensation Scheme for Optimal Investment Decisions
Cardoso, D. and P. J. Pereira (2015); “A Compensation Scheme for Optimal Investment Decisions“, Finance Research Letters, 14, pp. 150-159.
Economic Growth Effects of an International Crisis
Afonso, Óscar, Rui Henrique Alves (2015); “Economic Growth Effects of an International Crisis“, Singapore Economic Review, 60(2), 1550012.
Entry and Exit Dynamics of Nascent Business Owners
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Amorim Varum (2015); “Entry and Exit Dynamics of Nascent Business Owners“, Small Business Economics, 45(1), pp. 63-84.
What Explains the Survival Gap of Pushed and Pulled Corporate Spin-offs?
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Varum (2015); “What Explains the Survival Gap of Pushed and Pulled Corporate Spin-offs?“, Economics Letters, 126, pp. 127-130.
A hysteresis model-based indicator for employment adjustment rigidity
Mota, Paulo Ricardo, José Varejão and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2015); “A hysteresis model-based indicator for employment adjustment rigidity“, Empirica, 42(3), pp. 547-569.
Creative Clustering: The Location of Independent Inventors
Guimarães, Paulo, Johnattan Munn and Doug Woodward (2015); “Creative Clustering: The Location of Independent Inventors“, Papers in Regional Science, 94(1), pp. 45-65.
Serial entrepreneurship, learning by doing and self-selection
Rocha, Vera, Anabela Carneiro and Celeste Varum (2015); “Serial entrepreneurship, learning by doing and self-selection“, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 40, pp. 91-106.
The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion
Afonso, Óscar, Pedro Neves and Maria Thompson (2014);”The Skill Premium and Economic Growth with Costly Investment, Complementarities and International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion“, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 23(6), pp. 878-905.
Economic Slowdowns, Hazard Rates and Foreign Ownership
Varum, Celeste, Vera Rocha and Hélder Valente (2014); “Economic Slowdowns, Hazard Rates and Foreign Ownership“, International Business Review, 23(4), pp. 761-773.