Directed technical change and environmental quality
Afonso, Óscar, Liliana Fonseca, Manuela Magalhães and Paulo B. Vasconcelos (2021); “Directed technical change and environmental quality“, Portuguese Economic Journal, 20, pp. 71-97.
A non-scale-directed technical change model with endogenous labor share
Afonso, Óscar and Pedro Lima (2020); “A non-scale-directed technical change model with endogenous labor share”, Applied Economics, 52(59), pp. 6416-6431.
Tradable and nontradable directed technical change
Afonso, Óscar and Tiago Sequeira (2020); “Tradable and nontradable directed technical change”, Applied Economics, 52(36), pp. 3874-3897.
The Labour-Share Decrease and the Technological-Knowledge Increase
Afonso, Óscar, Catarina Almeida and Paulo Vasconcelos (2020); The Labour-Share Decrease and the Technological-Knowledge Increase, Applied Economics Letters, 27, pp. 982-986.
Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship and economic growth: The moderating effect of human capital?
Rodrigues, D. and Aurora Teixeira (2020); “Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship and economic growth: The moderating effect of human capital?”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(4), 2050025.
How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological change approach
Afonso, Óscar and Manuela Magalhães (2020); “How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological change approach“, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(4), pp. 882-919.
Measuring the stock of human capital in Cape Verde, 1950-2012
Moreira, S., Pedro Cosme Vieira and Aurora Teixeira (2019); “Measuring the stock of human capital in Cape Verde, 1950-2012 “, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 18(2), pp. 229-251.
The role of IPRs on prices, wages and growth in a two country directed technical change model
Afonso, O. (2019); “The role of IPRs on prices, wages and growth in a two country directed technical change model“, B E Journal of Macroeconomics, 19(1).
A Tale of Two Countries: Directed Technical Change, Trade and Migratory Movements
Leite, Duarte N., Óscar Afonso and Sandra Tavares Silva (2019); “A Tale of Two Countries: Directed Technical Change, Trade and Migratory Movements“, Economic Modelling, 83, pp. 173-194.
Engines of the Skill Premium in the Portuguese Economy
Nogueira, M. C. and Óscar Afonso (2019); “Engines of the Skill Premium in the Portuguese Economy“, Cesifo Economic Studies, 65(3), pp. 318-341.