Efficiency Wages, Financial Market Integration, and the Fiscal Multiplier
Çenesiz, M. Alper and Christian Pierdzioch (2009); “Efficiency Wages, Financial Market Integration, and the Fiscal Multiplier“, Journal of International Money and Finance, 28 (5), pp. 853-867.
The Core-periphery Model with Asymmetric Inter-regional and Intra-regional Trade Costs
Leite, Vasco, Sofia B.S.D. Castro and João Correia-da-Silva (2009); “The Core-periphery Model with Asymmetric Inter-regional and Intra-regional Trade Costs“, Portuguese Economic Journal, 8(1), pp. 37-44.
Sequential Cross-Border Mergers
Fumagalli, Eilleen and Hélder Vasconcelos (2009); “Sequential Cross-Border Mergers“, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27(2), pp. 175-187.
Can North-South Trade Regime Explain Intra and Inter-country Productivity Differences?
Afonso, Óscar and Rui H. Alves (2008); “Can North-South Trade Regime Explain Intra and Inter-country Productivity Differences?“, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 17(4), pp. 561-595.
Effects of Adverse Selection on a Multinational Firm’s Decision on Where to Subcontract
Forte, Rosa and António Brandão (2008); “Effects of Adverse Selection on a Multinational Firm’s Decision on Where to Subcontract“, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 8(2), pp. 133-146.
The Feldstein-Horioka Hypoyhesis Versus the Long-Run Solvency Constraint Model: A Critical Assessment
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Financial market integration, labor markets, and macroeconomic policies
Çenesiz, M. Alper and Christian Pierdzioch (2008); “Financial market integration, labor markets, and macroeconomic policies“, International Review of Economics and Finance, 17(3), pp. 467-476.
A Signaling Model of Firms’ Foreign Direct Investment Relocation Decision
Forte, Rosa and António Brandão (2008); “A Signaling Model of Firms’ Foreign Direct Investment Relocation Decision“, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 15(3), pp. 339-357.