A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector – giving marginalized communities a voice
Angotti, M., Ferreira, A. C. D. S., Eugénio, T., & Branco, M. C. (2024). A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector–giving marginalized communities a voice. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(1), 42-63.
Corporate structure and prevention: the three lines model applied to Latin American companies
Lizarzaburu, E., Farfan, K. B., Camacho, M., and García-Gómez, C. D. 2024. Corporate structure and prevention: the three lines model applied to Latin American companies. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(1), 226-240.
The moderating role of economic uncertainty via corruption on investment: evidence from European firm level
Akron, S., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2024). The moderating role of economic uncertainty via corruption on investment: evidence from European firm level. European Journal of International Management, 22(2), 230-253.
Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence
García-Gómez, C. D., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & Lizarzaburu Bolaños, E. (2024). Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence. The European Journal of Finance, 30(4), 411-429.
Climate vulnerability and capital investments in tourism
Er, S. T., Demir, E., & Garcia-Gomez, C. D. (2024). Climate vulnerability and capital investments in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6.
Owner Guarantees, Observed and Unobserved Risks, and Bank Lending Spreads.
Duarte, F. D., Gama, A. P. M., & Gulamhussen, M. A. (2024). Owner Guarantees, Observed and Unobserved Risks, and Bank Lending Spreads. Journal of Financial Services Research, 1-41.
The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad
Pinto, L. H., Fernandes, E., & Xinyan, L. (2024). The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 18(2), 303-326.
What is in your résumé? The effects of multiple social categories in résumé screening
Pinto, L. H., Portugal, R., & Viana, P. (2023). What is in your résumé? The effects of multiple social categories in résumé screening. Personnel Review.
An exploratory study on career models and mechanisms of career advancement of Emirati women managers
Al Imam, L., & Pinto, L. H. (2023). An exploratory study on career models and mechanisms of career advancement of Emirati women managers. Career Development International, 28(6/7), 739-755.
Guest editorial: only replications
Selmer, J., Shaffer, M., Guttormsen, D. S., Stoermer, S., Pinto, L. H., Chen, Y. P., & Lauring, J. (2023). Guest editorial: only replications. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 11(3), 297-299.