Capacity Expansion under Uncertainty in an Oligopoly using Indirect Reinforcement Learning
Oliveira, Fernando and Manuel L. Costa (2018); “Capacity Expansion under Uncertainty in an Oligopoly using Indirect Reinforcement Learning“, European Journal of Operational Research, 267(3), pp. 1039-1050.
Capacity investment in electricity markets under supply and demand uncertainty
Pinho, Joana, Joana Resende and Isabel Soares (2018); “Capacity investment in electricity markets under supply and demand uncertainty“, Energy, 150, pp. 1006-1017.
Electricity residential demand elasticities: urban versus rural areas in Portugal
Silva, Sandra, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2018); “Electricity residential demand elasticities: urban versus rural areas in Portugal“, Energy, 144, pp. 627-632.
Renewable Energy Subsidies versus Carbon Capture and Sequestration Support
Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2018); “Renewable Energy Subsidies versus Carbon Capture and Sequestration Support“, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20(3), pp. 1213-1227.
Support to renewable energy sources and carbon capture and sequestration: comparison of alternative Green Tax Reforms
Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho (2018); “Support to renewable energy sources and carbon capture and sequestration: comparison of alternative Green Tax Reforms“, Applied Economics Letters, 25(6), pp. 425-428.
A Meta-Analytic Reassessment of the Effects of Inequality on Growth
Neves, Pedro C., Óscar Afonso and Sandra Tavares Silva (2016); “A Meta-Analytic Reassessment of the Effects of Inequality on Growth“, World Development, 78, pp. 386-400.
The Effect of Sample Size on European Union´s Renewable Energy Investment Drivers
Sisodia, Gyanendra Singh, Isabel Soares and Paula Ferreira (2016); “The Effect of Sample Size on European Union´s Renewable Energy Investment Drivers“, Applied Economics, 48(53), pp. 5129-5137.
Tax on emissions or subsidy to renewables? Evaluating the effects on the economy and the environment
Silva, Susana, Isabel Soares and Óscar Afonso (2016); “Tax on emissions or subsidy to renewables? Evaluating the effects on the economy and the environment“, Applied Economics Letters, 23(10), pp. 690-694.
Panel Data Analysis for Renewable Energy Investment Determinants in Europe
Sisodia, Gyanendra and Isabel Soares (2015); “Panel Data Analysis for Renewable Energy Investment Determinants in Europe“, Applied Economics Letters, 22(5), pp. 397-401.
The Technological and Environmental Efficiency of the EU-27 Power Mix: An Evaluation Based on MPT
de Llano Paz, Fernando, Susana Iglesias Antelo, Anxo R. Calvo Silvosa and Isabel Soares (2014); “The Technological and Environmental Efficiency of the EU-27 Power Mix: An Evaluation Based on MPT“, Energy, 69, pp. 67-81.