Economic Effects of Re-allocating Airports Slots: A Vertical Differentiation Approach
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Multilateral Rules on FDI: Do We Need Them? Will We Get Them? A Developing Country Perspective
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Centralization and Autonomy – Back to the Future
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Corporate Governance Policy and Company Performance: The Case of Portugal
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Neo-Smithian Political Economy in Portugal 1803-1848
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Dividend Policy, Corporate Governance and the Managerial Entrenchment Hypothesis: An Empirical Analysis
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Dictionaries and Encyclopedias on Political Economy in the Iberian Peninsula (18th, 19th and 20th Centuries)
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The Cross-Sectional Determinants of Returns: Evidence from Emerging Markets’ Stocks
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Nonparametric Dynamic Production Analysis and the Theory of Cost
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A Tractable Approach to the Firm Location Decision Problem
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