Regularization with Maximum Entropy and Quantum Electrodynamics: The Merg(E) Es-timators
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Labour market regulation and collective bargaining in Portugal during the crisis: Continuity and change
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Could immigration explain wage inequality in a skill-biased technological model?
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Competitive Targeted Advertising with Price Discrimination
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Real estate market risk in bank stock returns: evidence for 15 European countries
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The Impact of Class Absenteeism on Undergraduates’ Academic Performance: Evidence from an Elite Economics School in Portugal
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Location Determinants of Portuguese FDI in Poland
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Is stochastic Volatility Relevant for Dynamic Portfolio Choice Under Ambiguity?
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The Role of Bank and Corporate Balance Sheets on Early Warning Systems of Currency Crises-An Empirical Study
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Innovation performance in service companies and KIBS vis-à-vis Manufacturing: the relevance of absorptive capacity and openness
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