Control Mechanisms in the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): a Comparison Between Brazil and Portugal
Fontes-Filho, J. and Carlos Alves (2018); “Control Mechanisms in the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): a Comparison Between Brazil and Portugal“, Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 6(1), pp. 1-13.
Rural Entrepreneurship: The Tale of a Rare Event
Pato, L. and A.A.C. Teixeira (2018); “Rural Entrepreneurship: The Tale of a Rare Event“, Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(1), pp. 46-49.
The sources of wage variation and the direction of assortative matching: Evidence from a three-way high-dimensional fixed effects regression model
Torres, Sónia, Pedro Portugal, John T. Addison and Paulo Guimarães (2018); “The sources of wage variation and the direction of assortative matching: Evidence from a three-way high-dimensional fixed effects regression model“, Labour Economics, 54, pp. 47-60.