Non-Compete Covenants, Litigation and Garden Leaves
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The economic problem of a community: ontological reflections inspired by the Socialist Calculation Debate
Lourenço, Diogo and Mário Graça Moura (2018); “The economic problem of a community: ontological reflections inspired by the Socialist Calculation Debate“, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 42(1), pp. 1-17.
Endogenous growth and entropy
Sequeira, T.N., Pedro Mazeda Gil and Óscar Afonso (2018); “Endogenous growth and entropy“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 154, pp. 100-120.
Welfare Decreasing Endogenous Mergers between Producers of Complementary Goods
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Timely reporting and family ownership: the Portuguese case
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Electricity residential demand elasticities: urban versus rural areas in Portugal
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Who cares about the day after tomorrow? Pension issues when households are myopic or time inconsistent
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Corruption and earnings management in developed and emerging countries
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Renewable Energy Subsidies versus Carbon Capture and Sequestration Support
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Earnings test, non-actuarial adjustments and flexible retirement
Börsch-Supan A., K. Härtl and D.N. Leite (2018); “Earnings test, non-actuarial adjustments and flexible retirement“, Economics Letters, 173, pp. 78-83.