Market Power, Dismissal Threat and Rent Sharing: The Role of Insider and Outsider Forces in Wage Bargaining
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The Economic Advantage of Being the Voice of the Majority
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Can Low Cost Carriers Deter or Accommodate Entry?
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Do the Malthusian Fears Ever Die? A Note on the Recent Increase in Food Prices
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Public-private Partnerships in Developing Countries: Are Infrastructures Responding to the New ODA Strategy?
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Déficit Excesivos e Investigación y Desarrollo
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International R&D Cooperation Between Low-tech SMEs: The Role of Cultural and Geographical Proximity
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Testing for Asymmetries in the Preferences of the Euro-Area Monetary Policymaker
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The value of information in electricity investment games
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Airlines Performance in the New Market Context: A Comparative Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
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