Deoclécio Castro



Deoclécio Paiva de Castro is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Porto, where he was admitted first in his selection for the 2023/2024 academic year, reflecting his dedication and potential in the field. His academic journey began with a bachelor’s degree in Production Engineering from the University of Fortaleza, followed by a significant leap into economic sciences, leading to a master’s degree in Modeling and Quantitative Methods from the Federal University of Ceará. His master’s thesis, “Efeito de Enquadramento no Modelo de Grafos para Resolução de Conflitos com uma Aplicação ao Conflito das Obras de Construção dos Viadutos do Cocó,” highlights his research interests in conflict resolution, behavioral economics, and the application of graph models to economic problems. Deoclécio has an extensive background in both academia and professional experience, having worked on impactful projects such as the evaluation study of small producers in Fortaleza and as the Vice-coordinator of a research project assessing the impact of the Ceará Credi program. His contributions to the field are recognized through presentations at international conferences and a published work on behavioral biases in conflict resolution. Deoclécio is also noted for his involvement in innovative city policy seminars and has received honors for his analytical thought office project.



Mathematical modelling; Urban and spatial economics; Game theory.


