Catarina J. M. Delgado is an Assistant Professor of the Management Group (Operations and Logistics section) at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP.UPorto), an integrated researcher at CEF.UP and an external research collaborator at INESC TEC. She is the director of the Master in Sales Management at FEP.UPorto, and a senior lecturer/ chair of courses on Supply Chain Management, Continuous Improvement in Management, Operations Management and Social Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting. She holds a BSc and a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Porto (1996 and 2004) and an MBA from the University of Coimbra (2007).
Author of the book “Supply Chain Social Sustainability for Manufacturing” (Springer, 2020), she has published in leading management journals, such as the Journal of Cleaner Production, the International Journal of Production Economics, Sustainability, JASIST, Informetrics and Scientometrics.
Her main research areas are: responsible consumption, sustainable and responsible supply chains, ecotourism, ESG/ CSR disclosure, quality management/ kaizen/ lean six sigma, and scientometrics.
responsible consumption, sustainable and responsible supply chains, ecotourism, ESG/ CSR disclosure, quality management/ kaizen/ lean six sigma, scientometrics.