february, 2015 Fin Seminar - Dean Paxson 16feb13:0014:00Fin Seminar - Dean Paxson Event DetailsFebruary 16, 2015 Generation Investments under Uncertainty Dean Paxson, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (joint work with Roger Adkins, Bradford University more Event Details February 16, 2015 Generation Investments under Uncertainty Dean Paxson, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (joint work with Roger Adkins, Bradford University School of Management) Time and venue: 1-2pm, Room 613 Time(Monday) 13:00 - 14:00 Learn More CalendarGoogleCal Deixe um comentário Cancelar resposta Campos obrigatórios estão marcados com* Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time comment.