ECO Seminar – Sebastian Merkel

december, 2024

06dec13:0014:00ECO Seminar - Sebastian Merkel


Event Details

CEF.UP – ECO Seminar

Friday – December 6th 2024, at 13:00h | Room 305


Flight to Safety and New Keynesian Demand Recessions

Sebastian Merkel –  School of Economics, University of Bristol (England, United Kingdom)


“This paper builds a tractable New Keynesian model with idiosyncratic risk, incomplete markets, and nominal safe assets to study the transmission of uncertainty shocks through investors’ portfolio decisions and how monetary-fiscal policy can stabilize fluctuations in the demand for safe assets. A sudden increase in uncertainty triggers a flight to safety: investors reallocate portfolios from productive assets to safe assets. When prices are sticky, the real value of nominal safe assets cannot flexibly adjust. Instead, the flight to safety gives rise to aggregate demand recessions and overshooting in capital price adjustments. Conventional monetary policy that operates through interest rate changes alone has limited power in influencing household portfolios. Instead, fiscal policy plays a crucial role in price stabilization and optimal policy.”



(Friday) 13:00 - 14:00

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