Pedro Neves holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Porto. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of Porto. Previously, he has also worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI). He has taught several courses in undergraduate, Masters and PhD programs in Economics.
His research interests are related to economic growth, directed technical change, inequality, and international economics. He has also specialized in applying meta-analytic tools to study specific topics of empirical economic research. Pedro has published in various peer-reviewed journals, including Research Policy, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, Economic Modelling, and Review of World Economics.
He is currently a member of the Meta-Analysis in Economics Research (MAER) Network and of the Observatory of Fraud in Economics and Management (OBEGEF).
Impact of inequality on economic growth; Interaction between wage inequality, international trade and demographic dynamics in the framework of skill-biased technological change endogenous growth models; Empirical assessment of knowledge production function in the context of endogenous growth theories; Interplay between institutional quality and economic performance; Application of meta-analytic tools to specific areas of empirical economic research.