Joana Resende

University of Porto, School of Economics and Management and Cef.Up

  • +351 225 571 100


Joana Resende is a business economist. She holds a PhD in Economics and Management Science from Université Catholique de Louvain (double degree with Universidade do Porto) and a 5-year Bachelor degree in Economics from Universidade of Porto.
At the present moment, she is the Pro-Rector at the Universidade do Porto in the area of Strategic Planning. She is also an Assistant Professor (with Habilitation) at Faculdade de Economia do Porto and a Research Director of the Center for Economics and Finance at Universidade do Porto for the area “Theory and Methods”.
Her research interests cover several topics related to firms’ strategies and market outcomes in imperfectly competitive industries. In particular, she has recently been more actively involved in two major research lines:
(i) the development of game theory models to enlighten firms’ and policy-makers about business model innovation and the new competitive dynamics arising in digital markets (covering topics such as network externalities, multi-sided platforms, the analysis of modern forms of price discrimination and the study of product personalization strategies);
(ii) the study of new regulatory challenges arising in energy markets (market design, innovation and distribution generation systems, consumers’ empowerment and economic regulation).
She has also been involved in several academic consultancy teams, which worked on the production of technical reports in the field of Energy Economics for entities such as ERSE (the Portuguese Energy Regulator), Conselho Tarifário da ERSE (ERSE’s Tariff Council) or lawyers’ firms.



Industrial organization, Digital Economics and Energy Economics.





