Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Cancer Health Literacy Test for Portuguese Cancer Patients: A Pre-Test
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Women PhDs in Economics in Portugal (1980-1999). A Late Emergence and a Distinctive Profile
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Does board composition and ownership structure affect banks’ systemic risk? European evidence
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Does peer-to-peer crowdfunding boost refugee entrepreneurs?
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Disclosure of Information and Transparency in Public-private Partnerships: a Comparative Study Between Portugal and the UK
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The effect of borrower country financial system and corporate governance system types on the spread of syndicated loans
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Do corporate volunteering programs and perceptions of corporate morality impact perceived employer attractiveness?
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Sustainability and the role of HRM
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Motivational drivers to choose worker cooperatives as an entrepreneurial alternative: evidence from Spain
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The political influence of ecological economics in the European Union applied to the cap-and-trade policy
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