Renewable Energies Impacting the Optimal Generation Mix: The Case of the Iberian Electricity Market
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Dynamic Price Competition in Aftermarkets with Network Effects
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Firm-worker Matching in Industrial Clusters
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Irrelevance of Private Information in Two-period Economies with More Goods than States of Nature
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The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion
Afonso, Óscar, Pedro Neves and Maria Thompson (2014);”The Skill Premium and Economic Growth with Costly Investment, Complementarities and International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion“, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 23(6), pp. 878-905.
Sticky information models in Dynare
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Endogenous Growth and Intellectual Property Rights: A North–South Modeling Proposal
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Gender issues of the recent crisis in portugal
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Divesting Ownership in a Rival
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Assessing the Importance of Local Supporting Organisations in the Automotive Industry: A Hybrid Dynamic Framework of Innovation Networks
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