Optimal Investment with Two-Factor Uncertainty
Armada, Manuel R., Paulo J. Pereira and Artur Rodrigues (2013); “Optimal Investment with Two-Factor Uncertainty“, Mathematics and Financial Economics, 7(5), 509-530.
The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants
Mota, Isabel and António Brandão (2013);”The Determinants of Location Choice: Single Plants versus Multi-plants“, Papers in Regional Science, 92(1), pp. 31-49.
Animal Spirits and the Composition of Innovation in a Lab-Equipment R&D Model with Transition
Gil, Pedro (2013); “Animal Spirits and the Composition of Innovation in a Lab-Equipment R&D Model with Transition“, Journal of Economics, 108(1), pp. 1-33.
Are USOs More Supported to Compete than Spin-offs Not Linked to Universities? A Dynamic Overview and Proposal of Model of USOs Support
Calvo, Nuria, David Rodeiro and Isabel Soares (2013); “Are USOs More Supported to Compete than Spin-offs Not Linked to Universities? A Dynamic Overview and Proposal of Model of USOs Support“, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 14(3-4), pp. 271-288.
Do the Most Productive Firms Become Exporters?
Silva, Armando, Óscar Afonso and Ana Paula Africano (2013); “Do the Most Productive Firms Become Exporters?“, Investigacion Económica, 72(283).
Assessing Child Well-being Through a New Multidimensional Child-based Weighting Scheme Index: An Empirical Estimation for Portugal
Fernandes, Liliana, Américo Mendes and Aurora Teixeira (2013); “Assessing Child Well-being Through a New Multidimensional Child-based Weighting Scheme Index: An Empirical Estimation for Portugal“, Journal of Socio-Economics, 45, pp. 155-174.
A Score Test for Group Comparisons in Single-index Models
Guimarães, Paulo (2013); “A Score Test for Group Comparisons in Single-index Models“, Stata Journal, 13(4), pp. 876-883.
Firm Size Distribution under Horizontal and Vertical Innovation
Gil, Pedro and Fernanda Figueiredo (2013); “Firm Size Distribution under Horizontal and Vertical Innovation“, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(1), pp. 129-161.
Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study
Campos, Pedro, Pavel Brazdil and Isabel Mota (2013); “Comparing Strategies of Collaborative Networks for R&D: An Agent-based Study“, Computational Economics, 42(1), pp. 1-22.
Vertical Collusion Between Airports And Airlines: An Empirical Test For The European Case
Barbot, Cristina, Tiziana D’Alfonso, Paolo Malighetti and Renato Redondi (2013); “Vertical Collusion Between Airports And Airlines: An Empirical Test For The European Case“, Transportation Research, 57, pp. 3-15.